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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. For some reason today, I was thinkin' about this....how about the "Fiery Gut"?....don't ask...just...don't ask.
  2. *blushes ever so slightly, the color risin' in her cheeks.....appears a little speachless at first, studying the speciman* I'm somewhere between "this is cruel and unusual punishment"...and "THANK YOU SWEET JESUS and of course CLAIRE!!!"
  3. *looks over her shoulder at her closet.....floppy bunny-eared slippers slightly peekin' out* Arrrrrrrgh...no...thar be no slippers in thar. Really...no slippers at all. *uses the ancient technique of distraction by rolling out another barrel of rum*
  4. Could be worse Black Jack.....ye could be sittin' h're in PST, and it's still a couple of hours til 5. *BIG SIGH*
  5. *buys BJS a tall round of his favorite poison to help take the edge off* Cheers mate.....dare I say it only gets worse?!? Just remember.....pillage first, burn last.
  6. I don't think that's going to be a problem. Even Depp and the Director alluded to a sequel on the "commentary" version. I'm still surprised that Keira (Elizabeth) was only 17 when they filmed. And rather enjoyed what they were saying about the rest of the pirate crew. After work, they didn't clean up when they went to the bars, and all the locals would be saying "Pirate!".....LOL
  7. Steelhead?!? :angry: ..... Here's to the pride of the 5th Street Public Market Area!
  8. Nothin' at all....as long as it comes with a side of horseradish.....Hmmm...there ye be BJS.....make it a wee bit "spicy and hot", don't ya think? :angry:
  9. Woohoo!!!! Can't wait to see it Claire! Cheers to a successful upload :angry:
  10. ..or that funky "avacado" either........
  11. Twister with Pirates.....LOL....guess it be rather sportin' if they be wearin' thar "personal effects" as well.
  12. Congrats!!!!! Wow....sure you really want to keep that bean bag? Sounds very swanky. *sets a nice bottle of red wine on the counter....oh..maybe that should have been white....looks down at the floors*
  13. Where the H'LL have I been?....Stynky...my deepest apologies.... the best of wishes for the next year for ye. Now, if you'll excuse me....I'll just go keelhaul meself for this dire oversight, and ponder on this Crispy Dick, and how such a gent acquired the unique name. *stomps off, removing her hat, and coat, preparing for her swim*
  14. They were merely "distractions to be found in port"....but ye see how he chased after the Pearl,...and always returned to her. Cheers to "as it should be"
  15. You know, it hit me....and this was more than likely, all done without lawyers. Wonder where they got the idea in the first place to have such "Articles"? And would ye dare argue a point with the Capt?
  16. Great pics! Thanks Coastie!.....can't help but wonder if that knife in his bill might explain his slight speach impediment.
  17. Check the deleted scenes....It's when Elizabeth and Jack are first marooned on the "Isla de Ron" (Island of Rum). As to Capt. Jack Sparrow's love interest........well, undoubtly, in my mind it's the Black Pearl. And for a pirate, can there be anyone else?
  18. Long live Babelfish!! Thankfully, I still know how to say screw you in french. Spanish came later...and only recently. Except, this time...I'm paying attention, and actually using it without having to go to Quebec!
  19. Wait an hour....worked for me on the second attempt.
  20. I caught that also.... Out of the deleted scenes, I think my favorite was when Cortez's Box for the Cursed Gold, shut itself. The look that Will and Jack exchange was great! Close 2nd would be the scars of Jack. They added a real dimension to the movie...ah yes...these be real sabers and cutlasses, lass. No illusions h're.
  21. Well, let's see....hmmm..notta one listed I drink...... McMenamin's - Terminator Stout Pelican Brewery and Pub - Doryman Ale, or Tsunami Stout Rogue - Dead Guy Ale (great with pizza) or Black Butte Porter
  22. OH GOD! I'm having flashbacks to french class in high school!!!!! Mai non, Madame Aversano. Le chat sur la tableau......LOL *breaks into a cold sweat*
  23. Ohhh..there's an idea. Someone else proposed that it might be a whale bone made into a sail needle (on another board).
  24. I relate to toooo many of those. But I'm not telling which ones.... *picks up the chalk kindly left behind and scribbles* Save the whales..........collect the whole set!
  25. Speakin' of deleted scenes........ I'm afraid if the DVD were to play it with them included...I might end up slightly likin' the character of Commodore Norrington...and that simply can not happen. Ok...don't know if this has already been addressed elsewhere (a search did not yield an answer), but what exactly is hangin' in Capt. Jack Sparrow's hair? Is it a bone? (if so, any seaman lore to it? albatross for luck, or bad luck?) Or possibly even a clay pipe? More interesting....does it have a functional purpose? Been pondering on this for some time, and was hoping the DVD extras would give a clue, but no such luck (yet).
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