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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Aye...a booby-trapped pineapple.....now thar be a fruit wif some punch.
  2. Ye hear what ye want to hear, lass. Then again, so do we.
  3. ohhhh....ye got me at a weak moment, with life being less than calm right now. Arrrrrrr...I'll not forget this, EP.
  4. And 'ere I thought it would be out Dec. 2. I'm behind.
  5. After searching to see if there might be somewhere else to find this, I'm left with this thought..........Is it just me...or does anyone else get the impression, it might be on the DVD? Which, thankfully, is out in a week.
  6. Oh dear...they be droppin' like flies in 'ere. Be all that hard work on the Land Shark. Get better, soon Saber.
  7. 20th Century example.....Howard Hughes.
  8. Just make sure he's not smoking when served.
  9. I like this idea I read about........ "The Tudors did it differently. The king’s representative would drink to the ship’s good luck. He would then pour wine on the four cardinal points of the compass"....actually...learned a wee bit about them vikings to boot. I don't think ye be wanting to tie someone to the front as a sacrafice though. And now me curiousity and taste buds be peaked about that Flor de Caña. Muchos Gracias, El Pirata.
  10. Hmmmmmm.....just what would be a fittin' drink for the christening? Champagne just doesn't seem right for a pirate ship.
  11. Welcome to the crew Black Jack. Speedy recovery.
  12. Just one of the speculations in this thread.
  13. I had some yellow paint do the same thing. There's just something dementedly sad about a bunch of bugs adorin' themselves to a freshly painted door. And what a scary thought to be cloned out of it. I'm praying the paint fumes contaminated the sample.
  14. Just sayin'...by introducing the element of voodoo to a storyline, doesn't necessarily mean good return at the boxoffice.
  15. Hmmmm....my point thus made....you don't remember them, do you? Weekend at Bernie's 2 ......This sequel to the hit comedy "Weekend at Bernie's" opens the day after the original film ended. Insurance executives Larry and Richard return to the office after their madcap weekend to find that their employers suspect them of having helped the dead Bernie embezzle $2 million from the company. Larry and Richard's attempt to prove themselves innocent sets off a series of increasingly ludicrous events, which involve stealing Bernie's body from the morgue and spiriting it off to the Virgin Islands. There Larry and Rich utilize the services of the local voodoo priestess to raise Bernie from the dead -- with unexpected and hilarious results. (from rottentomatoes.com) The Serpent and the Rainbow......... Dennis Alan heads to Haiti in hopes of obtaining a mysterious potion that represses the nervous and respiratory systems without causing death; this draught would also scientifically explain the myth of the zombie. Once on Caribbean soil, however, Alan encounters powerful cults, government corruption and a poverty-stricken populace ready to revolt -- and he finds himself deeply seduced by voodoo, though his sense of logic cannot comprehend its mystical nature. But more earthly dangers lurk in the form of an evil magistrate and the local police, who do not hesitate to torture Alan when he defies their leader. In the end, Alan emerges from the experience radically changed, with the realization that Western notions of science cannot explain the many things he's witnessed in this world. (from rottentomatoes.com)
  16. With the popularity and success of "magical" themed movies, like Harry Potter, I can see Disney wanting to cash in, so to speak, on it. However, voodoo enriched storylines have been hit and miss in the boxoffice. Anyone remember "Weekend at Bernie's 2" and "The Serpent and The Rainbow"? I suspect Capt. Jack Sparrow's character will carry the story (thus the mounting media coverage of Depp.....aka popularity cash-in). I think one of the reasons the first movie did so well, was how much you could relate the "ride" to it. The crew of bawdy pirates, the drunken pirate "fountain", all the way down to the one in the bishops hat. Without that "backbone" to the story, do you think it will still work? Bootstrap Bill.....a character I can coming into it. Especially if they work it into a "Son finds Long Lost Father, Has to deal with the morality of his father's line of work, Eventually Father and Son bond, Son then losses Father (to end some curse, perhaps)" storyline. *deposits her two doubloons, as well.....then considers making off with the collection box*
  17. Ooooh....Don't know 'bout the rest of ye...but I can't wait to see this!
  18. Aye Quill. *sniffle* Anyone else would take Cold Tylenol, But I much rather drown in alcohol. P.S. When the toes 'r cold 'n numb, warm em with hot butter'd rum.
  19. Laid in her berth, in the deepest of sleep, Feelin’ as miserable, as the sea is deep. Sniffly and sneezin’, coughin and wheezin’. Curled under the quilts, in a big ole heap. Not til this mornin’, did she raise, A little deep voiced, to face the sun rays, For the celebration, full of liquid libation, Not to miss one of Scupper’s birthdays. *sniffle*
  20. Happy Birthday Scupper!! Me thinks the good stuff for the celebration tonight. (dusts off a couple of kegs of well barrel aged rum)
  21. Blawdy Hell....gonna have to wait til I get back to the office. It's taken forever with me home connection. Pros of living in a small town....it's quiet and everyone knows each other. Cons of living in a small town.....it's quiet and everyone knows each other, and it's only dial up internet.
  22. Wow!! The Land Shark is looking great!! Thanks for the latest pictures. Really liked the one of Capt. Gary and Lady Liberte. That be the love of boats.
  23. Glad ye travels were safe. Welcome back, El Pirata. Yeah, and what Black Jack Shalaq said.
  24. 'Ere, 'Ere....*raises her tankard*......Have a merry one lass.....tis a fine day for a celebration.
  25. If 'er plannin' on a full scale attack, I've got two more of 'm felines that could help.
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