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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Aye!! and the best of the holidays to ye and ye crew as well!!! Though...I just be wonderin' to meself, just where might Ole Saint Nick land with ye situation?....Would that be the crow's nest? Hmmmmm.
  2. Heehee...sort of like those little ones they use for the fruit?!?...Oh come on....I know you've had a sword fight or two with those.
  3. Aye...I be one for games...and pong is just fine...but h'll....let's say 3 shillin's and the clothes are off anyway?
  4. H'ppy Birthday Redbeard.... Cheers to another good year for ye!
  5. H'ppy Birthday Saucy Nell. Cheers to another good year for ye! Now let's not be skimpy with the sauce around h're. Only the best stuff for birthdays!
  6. H'ppy Birthday Viperpirate. Cheers to another good year for ye!
  7. Mister Cole...now ye tease us.....
  8. Oh great...a hot tub...what next...little paper umbrellas in our drinks?!? Yes?!?..great...make mine a double and throw in two cherries....thanks barkeep! Now just when are we plunderin'.....err....takin delivery of this aforementioned hot tub?
  9. OH! I would be most happy to volunteer myself for such.....tasting experiments.
  10. *winks at MD*...I'm not tellin'.....
  11. Luv..ye do have selective hearin', don't ye?!?
  12. Nah..just a shower. Well...considering the topic of the thread.......
  13. No worries mate! *hands Bloody Jack a pint of cherry garcia and a spoon* I know its not the same..but let me put the POTC DVD in so you can sit close to the screen and think you are actually on the ride.
  14. Hmmmm..rum raisin or Cherry Garcia?
  15. I've only been to one...hmmm...it's be a biased vote if I did....guess this just means only one thing........ROAD TRIP!
  16. Mmmmmmmm...but it just doesn't beat the real maple syrup...of course...Mrs. Butterworth's is an excellent substitute.
  17. *mutters under her breathe as Lucius leaves* always was a stick in the mud....took forever to finish his addition at the Hall, from what I heard
  18. Cow print?!? Perfect!!!!!!!!!
  19. Bet it looks great with them slippers!
  20. Maybe we could braid those little incense cones into his beard and light them....would that be more like it? LOL I do love the visual of him sitting there watching South Park though.....LOL. Cheers to those who choose to serve!
  21. Charlotte...you are going to love it. Get all your movie goodies together, because you are not going to want to pause it. When Johnny and Gore talk about the "character developement" for Capt. Jack....I nearly fell off the couch with laughter. Oh....you have to hear it to believe what they almost did our dashing Capt. Jack. And personally....I think it would have worked, and the lasses liked him all the more! LOLOL
  22. Interesting, isn't it?....Hmmmmm...maybe we need to bribe them with rum.
  23. What an incredible find...and so well preserved. Thank you Coastie....that link made my weekend. I'd love to see more photos from the footage.
  24. There's a series of commentaries on the DVD with those two....it's amusing to watch and listen. You can still hear how much fun they had doing it. I was rather surprised to hear how long he took to learn the moves for twirling the sword at his promotion, but really, how many noticed that....Elizabeth was in frame, and panting...he's in the background. From the sounds of his comments...he was a bit turned out about it, but laughed knowing he just couldn't compete with the lady in frame. It's also humorous to listen to her talk about Depp and Bloom....ahhh...and here I thought she was too grown up to be 17. Was I ever so wrong..... Lucky Gal!!! But, if you can only have the time to watch one commentary....make it the Depp/Gore commentary. This is truly one of those movies that you thank the high powers that be, that someone developed DVD's to stash all the "good stuff" on.
  25. Hmmmmm...probably not the same one you are thinking of...but the Python remark reminded me of the opener to "The Meaning of Life" with the Corporate Raiders....their offices sailing into Downtown, shooting file cabinet drawers at corporations and then boarding them. LOL... Look forward to seeing if someone remembers what you are looking for...would love to see it!
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