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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Best of birthday wishes to ye Longarm....try not to get yeself in too much trouble if ye's finds yeself down in the French Quarter of Charleston.....then again...it is the French Quarter....Cheers!!!!
  2. Happy Birthday good sir Hawkyns!!! Have a grand one!!!
  3. I'm in LOVE!!!!! The Pelican looks sooooo great...I can just see a bunch of pirates in their Pub.....ooooooooh.....
  4. Nicely done good Capt. Flint!
  5. *raises her tankard*...tis a beaut thar Claire!!! Maybe thar should be a debute event just for the dress.....
  6. I do believe that is an oxymoron! Already been checking the schedule...woohooo!!! I'm rather excited...and so near me birthday too!!!
  7. H're, H're!!! May the next year be full with good times, and good friends!!
  8. Aye, yes?....Did I hear me name? Oh...well....I'm a couple h'rs south of ye...but do make it north on occasion...shure we could do a gatherin'.....Mad Maudlin prowls them waters up there, as does a few others. But if ye be in the Eugene area...do PM me prior....I'll let Redhand know, and perhaps all meet at the local "Pub"...(aka Steelhead Brewery).
  9. Lass....don't be to surprised by the results.
  10. I sort of wonder if maybe it's just one of us that was paying attention....hmmm...Willenium....sound like anyone we might be knowing on this forum?!?
  11. I have to admit, Mr. Black Deacon, Sir....when I first saw your post...I was picturing a four-year old like adult running around the house, yelling that at the top of his lungs....and then to click on your profile to boot!! But now that I see the beaut of an axe she be!!!...Well...I'd be doing just the same thing! Cheers mate....to a beautiful axe!
  12. Looks like someone found another easteregg on the DVD....the Japanese Trailer. Go to "Bellow Deck menu" , to the second page of the scene index,(the one with the skeleton hand. highlight "pirate ships" and press left once, the ring in the skeleton hand will be highlighted, its the JAPANESE TRAILER!! Thank you Lucas! *tips her tricorn in his direction*
  13. Tis a fine thought for the comin' year!!!! Best of luck...and do keep the rest of us posted.
  14. Hmmm...think ye might make it to Cabo for the Red Rocker's Birthday in September?
  15. You're avatar really seems to fit right now, Lady Barbossa. Cheers Lass....we'll have barrel in ye honor.
  16. Well done Nigel....considerin' how ye were bein' ummmmm.....distracted at the time. Hmmm...how come the list for naughty looks a wee bit short?..... Here, I expected to at least see ye name on it. Love the card!!!
  17. Well spoken Claire....it is quite sad to see such pitiness that will ruin such a fine event. Unforunately, it does sound like this attitude of theirs as been around for some time (refering to the part in the article abouth "Ye Mystic Krewe canceled the festivities rather than integrate."....and that was in 1991!). Good grief! Considering there are many other krewes, perhaps they will rebel, and have plenty to form another parade or event on thier own. And more power to them.
  18. Well until I can get the picture loaded to where I CAN reference it (grumble, grumble) you can see it in the Pub Photo Album. (See link above) The gents info is Bob Haley, Applegate Pottery, bhaley18@attbi.com The tankards ranged in price....$13-$14 Really like them
  19. Oooohhhhhhhhh!!!!! I love it!!!!! Santa just get there? 'Cept, how come they didn't have that plate when I lived in VA?!?
  20. Thank you Black Deacon...I love to start the morning off with a laugh and smile, and the visual you just painted, sure did that. Day Glo Pirates In regards to fabric, I've found some of my best finds at upholstery stores....there are plenty of choices, and I'd like the think the courser threaded ones would reflect well on what was available in that time period. Plus, muslin is always well stocked there. Just my two shillin's.
  21. Oh...what timing...I just bought meself a few tankards from a gentleman who makes his pottery in Corvallis, Oregon. The gents name is Bob Haley...and if I can figure it out...I'll post a picture of them.
  22. OOOohhhhh...another movie with swords......and it's THE SWORD too!!!! I do love the quote "a full-blooded, damsel-doing-just-fine-thank-you" description. Thanks Red Maria for clueing in the rest of us non-Newsweek readers.
  23. I didn't just read that did I?!?.... Happy Belated One Captain Emerald.....hope it twas a fine day for ye lass!! Cheers to the next one for ye!!
  24. Oh no. My prayers are with everyone down there.
  25. .....And I suppose you be askin' to see "her colors" as well.
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