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Everything posted by Longarm

  1. Chareston, SC is having it's 2nd Annual Maritime Festival on June 17th-20th. The festival is to help Chrleston and all of South Carolinia to remember it's rich maritime history which has long been neglected. The festival will also be used to help build "The Spirit Of South Carolinia" a two masted schooner based on a pilot schooner built here in 1879. Belive me we need all the help we can get. I should know because I vollunteer at the shipyard from time to time until construction stopped due to a lack of funding. The Spirit is to be used as a teaching ship to give kids from SC a chance to sail and work on a real wooden sailing ship. It will also be used as a goodwill ambasador ship to other ports and countries, not to mention representing SC in the biannual Chareslston to Bermuba sail race May 2005. More info later as I get it. For more info go toCharleston Maritime Festival. OR call Jeff Irvine Festival Manager at 843-722-1030. I hope to see some of you there if my work schedual will permit me to volunteer at least one or two of the days.
  2. Where did you find your copy Hawkyns, if I might ask? I haven't seen it around my way as yet.
  3. I've just started reading " Patrick O'Brian's Navy..The Illustrated Compaion to Jack Aubrey's World" by Richard O'Neal, published by Courage Books. So far so good. I've also picked up " British Nepoleonic Ship-Of-Line" by Angus Konstam and published by Osprey Publishing. Haven't read it yet but I've yet to be dissappointed yet by anything from Osprey. This is from the same series as hitmans book on the Spanish Galleon. Best to know the weaknesses and strengths of those who might come after you as well Wartooth, don't you agree?
  4. I have to admit that I,ve got just about every Playmobil pirate set out there. I don't have the ship Endkaos shows but I do have two of the others that came before it. One of them my good wife found on the internet after the Playmobil site said they had discontinued making it. My biggest problem now is finding a place big enough to set it all up in.
  5. Red Bess me lass if you'ld have not looked away you might have seen that the doctoring scene didn't really show anything at all. Everything was done just out of site of the camera. It was the reaction of the actors, the sounds and the whole mood of the scene that gave one the illusion that you were seeing more than you actually were. Yes there was blood but they never really showed the actual wound. It's not like alot of movies where they have to stick the camera into wound with all the gore and guts showing to prove that something sickening or awful was going on. Whoever set up the scene let your imagination do the work off the special effects for them, and as you know your imagination can be alot better than any special effect or prop. Watching Captain Audbrey's reaction to Maturin's talking about and preforming surgery on himself implied alot more than actually seeing it. But your not the only one to start looking away during the doctoring scene's, my youngest did the same as well as the lady sitted next to me. Both were convinced that something gross was being shown on the screen. In fact alot of people started moaning during that scene it was really quite funny when you think about it. The camera never showed anything below Maturin's chest even with the mirror that was used so that he could see what he was doing. It was all just great acting on the actors part and great camera angles on the directors part that gave you the feeling that you were actaully seeing the surgery it's self. So when you get your copy keep your eyes open and you'll see what I'm typing so much about.
  6. I'm sorry to tell you Capn. , but I'ved live just outside Charleston for a little over 7years now and they have very little to no pirate activities here. I,ve done a little research on Charlestons history and they do have a colorful history when it comes to piracy, but they just don't use it. The old customs house and provost dungeon has a small display about pirates because of Stede Bonnet. The Queen Anne's Revenge resteraunt in Mt.Pleasent has more stuff than the customs house. The resteraunt has been mentioned on another thread and even gives their web address so you can take a virtual tour. There is suppose to be a pirate walking tour downtown, but I've never taken it. I just haven't seen or heard enough about pirates here to think that it would be worth it. As for pirates in the area there may be a few, but whenever I start talking about piracy most people just roll their eyes and look bored. If you find any tell ol'Longarm cause I'm getting a little tired of feeling like I'm the only one. There is just to much history that this town has forgotten about or is loseing you just wouldn't believe it. They don't even have a maritime museum despite the fact that this used to be a major port since it's founding. And piracy was a major industry here. They used to have open air markets to sell their cargos. Officals were routinely bribed to look the other way. Hell it was almost part of their job description. I'll keep an eye out for you in case anything comes up but no promises that something will
  7. I know exactly what they'll find at the bottom of the pit. Once they get to the bottom and everything is taken out. They will find..... wait for it.... they will find. Rocks and Dirt! Remember the key word here is everything. What the everything consists of I have no idea. But after alot of personal experience digging holes, trenches and footings, I can pesonally say that at the bottom of everyone of them I have found rocks and dirt. Because the money pit goes below the water table they will in fact find wet rocks and dirt but, it is still rocks and dirt.
  8. Happy Birthday Lass, I know it be early but, I be so bad with dates I best tell ye now. Yer post are always cheerful and ye be smart as paint to quote Ol' Long John Silver. I'ld drink rootbeer with ye anyday. Good on ye lass.
  9. That's not just a site, That's a pirate lover's wet-dream!!! You'ld have to find an entire sunken treasure fleet just own part of that collection. I can't imagine how many life times it would take to read them all. Damn!
  10. I've read Barry Clifford's " The Lost Fleet" it was really good. In it he talks about some of the oldtime Buccaneers that you never seem to hear of who had some vary interesting lives and careers. Kidd and Blackbeard are boring compaired to some of these guys. Unfortunately I had checked it out of the library and my memory for names is to say the least embarassing, so I can't give names. But trust me on this one it is a very good book with alot of history of buccaneers in it that is not really written about. I don't know about everyone else but I'm getting a lttle tired of picking up books about pirates and all they talk about are Blackbeard and Kidd ,Bonney and Read as though they were the only ones to sail under the black flag. Keep up the good work Maria this is becoming one of my favorite threads. Good on ya Lass.
  11. Interesting I've never heard that story before, I always believed it refered to the devil and never gave much thought. Where did this saying come from? You've got my curiosity up.
  12. Thanks for the replies. As usual whenever a question comes up you can be sure one of you mates will have an answer or at least a direction in which to search for one. A round for me mates. I've heard of " Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea" and as of yet have not picked it up. As usual the Good Lady Red Maria comes up with another book for me to get my hands on, Thank ye Lass. Corsair the flag you describe sounds like an interesting path to follow. If I find out more about it in my studies I'll let you know, or if you beat me to it I'ld sure like to hear about it. And Deacon you're right about the spelling of his name. In both Cordingly and Johnson's books there is several different spellings of his name even on official documents, like his pardon. People just seemed to spell something just by the way it sounded or how they thought it should be spelt, Or they could be like me and just be a bad speller. Hell I have to keep a dictionary by my computer so my posts don't look like they're written by some first grader just learning his letters. Well the search goes on. Thanks mates. Now let's bring on the rum, learning be thirsty work.
  13. I've just finished reading Barry Clifford's "Expedition Whydah" ( very good reading) in it he talks about how Black Sam Bellamy sailed for awhile with Benjamin Horingold and Blackbeard. He also goes on to say that because Horningold refused to attack English ships that the crew voted Horningold out as captain and Bellamy in. Even though Blackbeard was all for attacking anyone he sailed off with Horningold. It wasn't till after Horningold took the kings pardon that Blackbeard left. Horningold went on to become a pirate hunter for Govenor Woodes Rodgers. He suppossedly died in a shipwreck later in his new career. But what I'ld like to know is who was he? Where did he come from? Who else did he teach? I know he was a privateer during the Queen Anne's War or sometimes called The War of Spanish Succession. (another topic I need to find out more about) Are there any books about him, because in everything I have he is more of a side note as Blackbeards teacher. It seems from what little I can gather he was alot more than that. Any ideas, hints or clues?
  14. Thanks! I'm told it's about recent shipwrecks and sinkings, like The Pride Of Baltimore and the ship that was the bases of the movie The White Squal. The girl who recomended it to me is just a test and some paperwork away from getting her captians license for sailing tail ships, so she knows a thing or to about them. It's supposed to be very good reading. We'll see.
  15. I've got the book right here and there dosen't seem to be an e-mail address for anyone in the entire book. There are two mailing addresses for A Harvest Book on the back cover. 1st: Harcourt Brace & Company 525 B Street, San Diego, CA 92101 2nd: Harcourt Brace & Company 15 East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010 Wish I could be of more help. Sorry
  16. Just what I need, more books! It's not like I don't spend enough money already now you go and list more. Oh well, there are worse things to spend money on and reading keeps me off the streets. Keep the list coming, one day I may just catch up with all the reading I wish to do. By the way have you heard of a book called "Tall Ship Down" (I think thats right) I can't remember the authors name though. It was highly recommended to me but , I just can't seem to find it. Any ideas?
  17. Jennifer nice birthday present congrates. Who gave it to you if I might ask? And if they give those kinds of presents do they need another friend and or relative perhaps?
  18. Sounds like a great idea. This poor pirate is married with stepchildren and could and would go for a little(or alot) of debauchery san kids. So count me in. To make-up for the whole distance problem maybe said event could move to different locations from year to year or thru out the year if it takes off. This could give more people the chance to participate at least once in a while if it comes to a town near them. Just make sure said town has the right facilities and attitude to handle a bunch of pirates, nothing can ruin a good debauching than haveing a bunch of blue lights showing up.
  19. My wife bought me some awhile back just because they have a pirate on the lable. I only had the one kind but they are good. Damn now I'm hungry.
  20. It is amazing how a nation such as ours which is made up of people from so many different cultures, many of whom nudity is not such a big deal, that we can get so upset over a little exposure. Granted a Super Bowl halftime show may not be the most appropreate place for it, and a line should be draw somewhere when it comes to such events that are viewed by the whole family but the media has done this to death. What is funny is I havn't seen anything about the guy who interupted the second half kick-off. My brother told me he was some British guy who has streaked at alot of other sporting events around the world, but the media doesn't say a word about him. They are more focased on the name Jackson than anything else. By the way I heard the streaker was caught when one of the players clotheslined him. Now that's entertainment!
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