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Everything posted by Longarm

  1. T'is hard to believe that any seadog, that has a care fer anything nautical, has not read Patrick O'Brian! I've heard tell that afore he died he went aboard The Lady Washington and said she very close to his vision of Audbry's ship. To much grog has made me forget if she be the Sophie or the Suprise that he was refering to. If ye've not started reading Master and Commander start now! You know how hollywood can tear up a good story all in the name of box office receipts.
  2. If you like Bernard Corwell you can go to his web site at . He has a few pictures of some of battle sites in India. Amazon.com has the books and the dvds of the British miniseries straring Sean Bean. The UK Amazon.com has the books the dvds and a cd of the music from the series, some of which are sung by the guy who plays Hagman, the old poacher. If anyone gets their hands on this let me know, I'ld like to hear for myself.
  3. How is the ship? It was never said where she be located. The ship I've been volunteering to get built be dead afor she could get in the water. ( Bloody Board of Directors). I'ld give someonelse's right arm to be part of a good pirate ship.
  4. Ahoy Thar, T'is true that Hornblower be a British Navy Officer and not a good and true Brethern of the Coast, tho he would be a fine edition to any crew that sails. In december of this year not one but two brand new Hornblower movies from A&E will be coming to your local A&E station. I don't have the web address handy but if you punch in Hornblower into any search engine you should easily get to the official web site. In it you'll find trailers and other useful information on what I think are very well made and exiting tales of a most renownd sailor. Next thar be a new book by Morgan Llywelyn simply titled "GRANIA". This be the tell of the real life Grace O Malley. I've just plundered my copy yesterday and have as yet read it but, if it be anything like the other of Llywelyns books it will be a fine tail to be sure. :) Bernard Cornwell also has two new books in his Richard Sharpe series out. He may not be a pirate either but, he's as close as you can get to one without leaving the shore. And for my money he can swashbuckle with the best of them. Me own book peddler was fresh out of these new tails but you can bet by hell and high water I'll have them in me hands soon. Last but not least thar be another Pirate movie on the horizon. It be named "The Night of the Maelstrom". She be an independant picture that was filmed on the Lady Washinton and may not get much publicity or theater time. Type in Maelstrom into your search engine to find their website.
  5. In the merchant and smugglers section of NQG you can or could (havn't checked in awhile)find a listing for " Pirates! The CD-ROM " . It is great it has acouple of themes a screensaver or two ,artwork, songs ,stories , reciepes, ect.. Just about anything to do with Pirates is on there. So check it out. :)
  6. Me favorite song is one that was sung to me by me granddad when I was just a lad. T'is about Andy Bardine. Tho I've found several versions of this song I have yet to find the version he sang. Few of me family even rember the song, much less the tune and the words. Me Aunty Barb sent me a tape recording of him singing it and other songs. Twas made not to long afore he died so it be a rare and valuble treasure to me. The sad or maybe ironic part is that the recording is so old and not of the greates quality that the parts of the song that I have the most trouble remembering are also the parts on the tape that are the hardest to make out. Just me luck. If thar be a kind sole out thar who knows of this song, please let me know, for I be collecting all the versions of it that I can find. Thank ye Kindly, Longarm
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