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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. FANTASTIC!!! I can't wait!
  2. Ok I MUST be a hardcore pirate fan, because I actually endured Billy Ray Cyrus doing ballroom dancing. And yes, it was as bad as it sounds. Trailer was GREAT...especially sweet in hi-def! Can't wait....
  3. Not in the least surprised that Johnny, being the cool cat he is, is an Apple-ite.
  4. Funny thing that you posted this GOF...I have gone thru the very same thing for much of the past couple years. For me, I think it was a case of going so far down the rabbit hole that I found everything I was looking for, so in a sense, I was done. I spent so many years devouring & researching piratical history that I was finally able to grasp the big picture of how I feel it really must have been. At least grasp it at a level that sated my curiosity. I don't claim to be an expert, and there are PLENTY more here who will know more than I ever will. But compared to the average joe on the street, sure I'm a GAoP scholar. And once that happened, I found my fever for this waned dramatically. Sure I still love the POTC films, and I come here out of habit and loyalty to the friends I have here, but I honestly don't get consumed by this like I used to. It was only last night when unpacking my boxes of pirate/colonial/maritime books (enough to fill two tall bookcases) that I suddenly got the urge to read them again. I hope I can rekindle the fire for this, because I desperately want to delve into it all again. But like love, you can't just make it happen. Though when it does, my books are ready!
  5. Yeah to my knowledge the sail/knife thing began with Doug Fairbanks Sr. in the Black Pirate, and ended with Will Turner in DMC...right? Anyway, Sloth put 'em all to shame since he did it WITH Chunk on his back!
  6. Ironically, for a show about "busting pirate myths" they sure perpetuated more than they busted. What with all the args, earrings, and vague misconceptions. But...as a previous poster said, 'twas all in good fun, and there are few things more enjoyable on tv than the infectious laughter and enthusiasm Jamie and Adam present when blowing things up or firing dangerous projectiles at meat.
  7. Hope I'm not the only one who thinks these are kinda lame topics for Easter Eggs. They're ok, but it would have been cool to see some rare outtakes or Johnny hamming it up as Jack Sparrow off the set, etc.
  8. Tomato, tomaato. Guess that's what happens when I don't crack open Exquemelin for a couple years.
  9. The Lost Fleet is a great read. Amazing how often bad weather changes the course of history.
  10. I believe that was Roc Brasiliano. Same dude that cut the heart out of a prisoner and force-fed it to another prisoner while the sans heart dude watched in horror as he died....
  11. It would be nice if over anyforthcoming hours of screentime they could actually get some PIRATING in...
  12. I'd have very mixed feelings about it. One on hand, it's "Hey, more Jack Sparrow? Sure! Bring it on!" But on the other hand...nothing worse than seeing a once great franchise get run into the ground purely to squeeze more $$$ out of it.
  13. Me too, but frankly the 4" just aren't very good. Poor paint jobs all around.
  14. I leave this pub on its own for a few months to attend to some biz, and come back to THIS? Now I remember why I love it here so much!
  15. Anyone else see these? They had a POTC sneak peek action figure of Elizabeth disguised as a Chinaman. Came with a 3D coin that you hold up to the light to see a secret code. Type in the code at the Zizzle site and apparently you can access new footage of POTC3.
  16. Can't wait! Mythbuster is one of my absolute fave shows. Here's hoping they stuff Kari Byron in a proper wenchin' outfit!
  17. Wearing a skull n' bones around would probaby just peg you as a person in mourning for a recently lost family member or spouse.
  18. Personally I never could buy into the "Defoe was Johnson" theory....General History never really "felt" like Defoe to me. But I'm by no means a literary historian.
  19. Amazing pics! That English Admiral at Sea looks every bit the classic pirate! He's got the sash, the wicked hanger, even the scruffy five o'clock shadow! And I could be mistaken, but is that the glint of an earring under the wig on his right ear? He's even got his sleeve rolled up for action. So friggin' cool..... *Note* - I just snagged my 4 year old son as he raced by and asked him who this looked like. Without hesitation he said "Captain Hook, only with a sword".
  20. LOL I just bought a house...nice little thing built in '47...perfect early-tiki era. The basement was finished at the time was house was built...and it has a bar! Rest assured it will soon become a full blown tiki/pirates den when I've had my way with it!
  21. Been a huge fan of GBS for years and years. LOVE their pure enthusiasm and dedication to breathing new life into traditional music. Their live cd Road Rage is PERFECT for any road trip. My fave track would have to be The Old Black Rum.
  22. This is both horrific and hilarious. Don't miss the video for Blackbeard's Treasure! http://myspace.com/captaindan
  23. When a tar walks in with an itty bitty fid and them big boots in yer face you get SPRUNG....like an animal! Wanna snort some snuff! Cuz ya notice them boots was Ruff! (couldn't freestyle "historically innaccurate, lol"
  24. Good man! You'll find it's cheaper.
  25. I'm in! I may even break out my nice first edition hardback Under The Black Flag! You should see my paperback copy...all dog eared, page marked and full of highlighter, lol.
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