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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. No, not if I was actually playin' the game with another pirate. For solitaire pirate games, ya can't beat Avalon Hill's Blackbeard!
  2. LOL I have several packs but have never played. No one to play with. You want the sterling vision of pathetic? A melancholy grown man sitting alone drinking rum staring at his POTSM cards.
  3. Argh ya beat me to it Petee...I was gonna refer to the same Mythbusters ep....I LOVE that show. That cannon they made was damn tough too!
  4. I have yet to see an accurate Gaop hanger online, but places like armourclass.com in Scotland make some amazing period hangers for the 17th century. Old Dominion Forge also makes one helluva fine looking sword. In the end I chose to go with a simple boarding axe instead of carrying around a totally inaccurate cutlass. Just something ya might want to think about....there are other great weapons besides cutlasses.
  5. Christine! Now and then Turner Classic Movies shows their "One Reel Wonders" between features, and one of them (I have it taped) is about the Pirate Weekend on Catalina. It's one of those great old 40's newsreels, showing all the celebs living it up with chicks in pirate costumes everywhere. Mickey Rooney is there, Errol Flynn, and many more that I forget. But it's a riot.
  6. Cool, Winslow - you're not far from me at all! I'm in east Orlando. I'm no biker (not yet anyway) but I'd love to check out Biketober...I've heard things. And I'm jonesin' for the day that Paul Jr. decides to tackle a pirate-themed chopper.
  7. I'll be there on the 23rd...haven't decided yet if I'm going in garb or not....I think if anywhere is a potential nightmare for straight-lasted shoes it would be MK. Owww!
  8. Yeah but the big difference (and reason why I don't think pirates were "terrorists" in the modern sense) is that terrorism today has more to do with slaying innocent civlians in the name of religion, whereas pirates practiced a FAR more localized form of commercial terrorism, and not typically against the general public. (Except when the buccaneers sacked ports). Pirates terrorized, but they weren't terrorists as we know the word today. Make sense?
  9. Well it's for the Hallmark Channel, not exactly known for gritty dark realism. Still though, I'm excited and optimistic that they'll pull something good off!
  10. Yeah based on the clothing desc. he sounds more like Lafitte's grandfather. Ah well. I do give him respect for refusing to do the school gigs without his authentic weapons.
  11. Sounds like they're rehashing the "undercover" theme of Robert Newton's old Blackbeard movie, except concerning Kidd's treasure ( ) instead of bringing down Henry Morgan. *sigh* the real story is so much more interesting....maybe someday.... Still, I'll be setting the tivo for this one and enjoying it for sure - you may lay to that!
  12. Now THAT looks like a #@#$% GOOD TIME! Wish I was there.
  13. LOL don't thank me, thank that nutty genius Mark Mothersbaugh!
  14. Boy oh boy this sure isn't the same thread it began as!
  15. Or buoyant & bodiced. Sorry, someone just HAD to go there at some point in this thread, so I thought I'd get it out of the way!
  16. Or maybe they're just stationed at whatever island the sailors are trading at, and have been ordered to assist in collecting the payment for the long ride back to town. Either way, they are definitely soldiers, not sailors.
  17. Lol perhaps it's the proverbial crashed UFO, buried under 3 centuries of jungle. I don't know what would better! UFO find or Legendary Pirate Treasure find!
  18. It's settled then! This will be my next sewing project. Thanks again Kass!
  19. Thanks again for the link, Kass. What do you folks think of this particular linen? Methinks it could do the job nicely: "Blew Chequed Linen"
  20. Wow it's our lass Kass!! Great to see ya! Almost our day, isn't it? Thanks for the link, I'll definitely be gettin some this fall!
  21. Snap! Crackle! Pop!
  22. Why no heel? Has it fallen off, or were they heel-less, soft soled boots? I can see how that would make climbing shrouds easier than typical heeled boots, though the heel would provide some measure of grip.
  23. IF this is true...I'm stunned beyond words. Incredible. Just incredible. 200 Freakin' barrels!!! Here's hoping it's not a hoax of some kind. And if this robot works so well, they should get it up to Oak Island, post haste!
  24. Wow! Cool to see marlinespike.com mentioned here...my dad is friends with that guy. Had some custom work done from him awhile back...he does beautiful work. Small world and getting smaller!
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