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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Posts posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. Your name: ***

    Occupation: Quartermaster

    Ship Name: The Lusty Mule

    # of ships you sacked: 168

    How you died: Got your throat slit

    Arr, what a way to go! I love me ship's name, really... ;)

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  2. I hear so much about the 1990 Heston version of Treasure Island, also with Christian Bale. I love Bale; he's one of my favourite actors. Since I just finished the book, I intend to see the movies, starting first with the original Disney fare. I bought the 1990 version on videotape just yesterday on eBay... I look forward to seeing it!

    As for Cutthroat... the dialogue, and cheesy acting is really what marred the film. What really soured the movie was the overacting... it made the already cheesy dialogue much cheesier. The action was nice, as well the story, but the heart is really in the characters of William Shaw and Morgan the pirate. They were an awesome duo, and would make a great sequel. Great action though, and I really did enjoy it.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  3. I don't necessarily want to jump on the "Pirates of the Carribbean" bandwagon, but I would say it's the best pirate movie. It's well-made. Exciting. Good acting. Plus, the "cheez" factor is minimum, considering it's a Disney movie and based on a theme-park ride.

    Well... then why do you think PotC has to be a "bandwagon"? PotC is popular among the general public and especially around we pyrates for a reason. Becuase just that... it is one of the best pirate movies out there. It's exciting, original, funny, and well acted, to be sure. But what we see in Pirates of the Caribbean is something we haven't before - a new kind of pirate. Johnny Depp has created a new personage, a new character that is instantly recognizable and well-loved. Like it or not, he's what made all pirates popular again. And he's not really like any kind of pirate before him. Sure, the cheesy factor is down a bit, but what also makes PotC so good is that it's tongue-in-cheek just enough for you to buy the story of undead/cursed pirate crew and not laugh your arse off.

    I dislike how so many here are shamelessly obsessed with PotC, but also hate to say they love it, or that it's the best pirate movie. The movie wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't at least redeemable. I think this nonconformist-like attitude of not admitting when something's good just becuase it's popular is rather silly.

    Along with PotC, I'd love to add Captain Blood to the list of the best pirate movies. It's Errol Flynn's first starring role in the adaptation of one of the most famous pirate novels. It's also very exciting, especially for the time it was made in, and it's got the handsome and dashing young Flynn to carry the film.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  4. On another board, theres an individual that stated she saw Orlando just down the road from her doing a filming. "He was in an itty bitty town called Beaver, pop. 95, near Eureka Springs." Not sure what state it was though.

    That might be Orlando Bloom still filming his movie "Elizabethtown" with Kirsten Dunst, directed by Cameron Crowe. He is filming this movie in the less populated midwestern states, I think Kansas and stuff. If you're TERRIBLY interested, check out theorlandobloomfiles.com.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  5. Arr, I'll be there, sure as the sea'll! I want this year t' stay in an encampment... as I've applied to PRP but am not yet a member! Hopefully I'll be invited to stay wif them by then... if not, maybe I c'n jus' camp there with friends in me own tent.

    I am so excited this year! Last year I was but a lubber, very interested in pirates bu' no' yet initiated! No garb, no nothin', jus' a love for the seas and a love for pirates. Also, hopefully, me new wench's garb will be done by then!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  6. Iron Bess, I be down here in Southern California... yer area, really! Close ter all the studios!

    I'd love to come visit ye in the offices one day... :lol: I'm jus' dyin' to work fer Disney, seriously!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  7. It would be cool if we all got together, in our garb and stormed the theater-lol! What a sight that would be! We'd go to the El Captain theater in Hollywood. The famous movie theater that shows Disney movies only. Maybe I could persuade me friend Rob to get us in free-lol! :(

    Now THA'S an idea, lass! I intend to go to the El Capitan at midnight on opening day. We should all ge' together for i'!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  8. I subscribe to a monthy gaming magazine, and this month it gave me the head-up about a new pirate-themed game coming out called Galleon: Islands of Mystery. It focuses on a young pirate named Rhama Sabrier, and his quest to recover a magical herb. The writers promise that the game has interesting combat play to give the game a new kind of edge, especially for a pirate-themed game.

    Reviews say that the game's best aspect are the story and characters. The story isn't anything new, but the character interactions are entertaining and well written with good voice acting (something not found often in games, I'll tell you that!). they also say a bit about the tricky gameplay.

    The game is apparently already out and featured on Xbox and PC.

    I've played a lot of games and to me, it sounds like a good game (it has a 7 out of 10) that when it fixes its problems, can produce a much better sequel. If anyone with an Xbox cares to rent it, tell us how it turns out!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  9. I'm not so PC-game savvy, but there is a new MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) that's coming out for computers, and it's called Pirates of the Burning Seas. It's being released by an independant company, and there may be a post on this forum about it a page back. In this game, you create your own character in a world of many players like you, and you create your character's destiny as a pirate, privateer, merchant, etc by the things you do in the game.

    Since I'm usually up to date about games, I'll keep you posted if anything pirate-related comes our way.

    The official Pirates of the Caribbean game is released on PC, so you may want to check it out. It has nothing to do with the movie, but I hear Kiera Knightley did a voice for it. After all, the game was really Sea Dogs 2, and Disney "comandeered" it for its own enterprising purposes.

    Also, the old game Sea Dogs 1 in on PC, as well as games like Escape from Monkey Island, and the fairly good game Pirate Hunter.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  10. I love you, Bess. I wish, by all means and powers on earth, to be there with you, looking at that art and those plans for PotC 2 and 3. I just wish... I could work there for them!

    Yeah... don't forget us unemployed actor or ARTIST-types in Los Angeles! *coughwheezemecough* B)

    Kidding, but keep us posted anyway! We pyrates love news!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  11. Though it's not extremely piratical, lots of us here are fans of the Master & Commander series, Aubrey/Mautrin. There is a lot of heacy nautical stuff which is good to learn, but the characters and writing is great! Great accounts of living on the seas.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  12. This is a favorite source for several of the Port Royal Privateers (who probably now hate me for giving away one of their favorite "secret" sources).

    Thanks for the tip, PirateQueen! I'm actually a pending member of PRP, so maybe it's not SO bad you gave it away. :D

    Captain Wolfy Wench

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