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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Posts posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. I don't think you're a lousy shoe hunter. It is tough finding good period shoes. There is always the alternative of making your own. Not from scratch, but modifying pairs yourself. I have heard many a tale of going to secondhand stores like goodwill and picking up cowboy boots and other kinds of boots. With a heel, it will look good later. Take a knife to it and cute the stitches along the ankle, and once the top is off, the rest of the shoe will look like a good male's period shoe.

    Wish I could help ye further, mate.

  2. I heard that Rita lost a bit of momentum this morning (Thursday), and they say it might lose even more throughout the day before hitting the coast. Let us all hope that is true.

    Evacuation routes in Houston are clogged bumper-to-bumper, with all hotels up to Oklahoma and Arkansas booked. The mayor may even open all eight lanes of the freeway to northbound traffic... that's so insane... if this happened in LA, I shudder to think.

  3. I ope I can go to the faire this Sunday, there is something else I have to do Saturday, but Sunday has got t' be Ojai pirate faire! I have gone fer two years and I don' want to start missin' out now! Although I think I might be drivin' up alone this year. ;_;

  4. My 501st profile:


    A still-in-progress Browncoat (Space Pyrate) from Whedon's Firefly/Serenity:


    Oh yes, awesomeawesomeawesome!!! You're in 501st, eh? Nice stuff, we love the 501st. Heh. If I was an Imperial, I mean.

    And Firefly!! Great costume, looks a lot like Mal's.

    I can post me anime cosplay pictures later...

  5. Awesome oppertunity! Ye are lucky! I wish I could see the costumes again, and able to take full pictures of them! (We weren't allowed to when they're on display at the Fashion Institute gallery in downtown Los Angeles.)

  6. Sorry about that, I didn't know if it was realy frowned down upon so by you know... fellow pirates. XDDD

    Just kidding, but really, sorry to the mods!

    By now, tons of people have this link on their sites and saved on their computers. I'd've thought Disney would want them to take the pictures off the site, but the hosting site is quite large and often posts these sort of candid shots of unreleased films.

    (They look more blurry than my camera phone pictures, really...)

    But this is why I only work for Disney as an animator! Nothin' but a desk fer me.

    Yo ho.

  7. Hope this is al'right, Iron Bess, I saw a link to these off of a JD site. O_o They're not mine!

    Beware ye all of spoilers ahead! Cover yer deadlights if'n ye like to be spoil'r-free for the new films.

    {URL was deleted to protect in the name of the pyracy pub. If'n yer dying for this information, ye must go treasure huntin on yer own, off this site.

    ~Blackheartedly, Pearl}

  8. I mean... I saw them at Hot Topic once. ONCE. Next time I went there, they didn't have any. I have seen pictures online for them too. They're like ghosts. O_o

    Let's all rest assured that I have seen it in person and can say the Jack Sparrow likeness is spot-on. Not so much with the Will Turner, however. Though the figure does come with two heads! :lol: (Seriously, it does)

  9. OOooh, thenecklacethenecklace!! That's what I'm talking about!! I was waiting for this. Their stupid showcase at Comicon had a lot of people fooled that they were going to be out at least that year. Lies. >.<

    Best thing is that... they're BEAUTIFULLY CHEAP.

    'Ey, does anyone have one and can tell me if they are good quality?

  10. Oh man, Dead Man's Chest, are you serious?

    Couldn't they be a LITTLE less Disney-like, stealing everything from good books? Wow. That's rather sad. Yeah, they can CALL it an allusion to RL Stevenson, but it's really just uncreative.


    I heard at the casting call that the actual casting agents say it was "PoTC: Treasures of the Lost Abyss." Were they misinformed? Or corrupted by rumours?


  11. Holy manholes, it moves, Batman! *fears for her life*

    Yep, the pirate popularity is gone a bit crazy, but I can't say I'm not angry about it! More pirate stuff to plunder, and yes, there are those "pirate impersonators" who think they're hot stuff!

    Also just got into pirates with release of PotC last year, but I've gone quite fare with this "obsession." It's turned into a way of life.

    Cheers to piracy! :rolleyes:

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