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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Posts posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. Captain Wolf ordered herself a tricorn Jack Sparrow replica hat from a guy on eBay. Actually, I lost his auction, but emailed him, pleadin' and beggin' fer other Jack hats, and he responded. A bit on the pricey side, 'round $160, but honestly, the best Jack replica hats I've seen so far. This' why I be needin' a real job. :ph34r: 'e also helped me out with gettin' me a sash and agin' it fer me, too!

    When I get it, I'll take some pics and post 'em fer ya.

    If anyone wants a hat, I'm sure he'd've love to get more commissions. Jus' let me email 'im first 'n see.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  2. ARRRRR! The sight o' a pair o' bucket boots on a pirate an' it'll all be over for this Lass!

    Agreed, Rosalinda! Bucket boots, or rather, any tall pair o' boots on a pirate be enough fer me! :ph34r:

    Fer the lasses, I ordered a pair of tall suede bootsfrom Chadwick's. They be cheap, and have a variety of boot styles. And now that it be nearin' winter, they'd be havin' more tall boots fer sale.

    They're not 'zactly accurate, I know, but I am too poor after me hat to pay fer anythin' else! :ph34r: Also, I needed somethin' that matched Captain Jack's boot color and style, although now I believe 'is boots be normal brown bucket boots that've been worn enough so's they look like suede. Alls I need to do now is find some matching leather from me dad's work and stitch it on the bucket tops. Bah, I have ordered and returned around 3 pairs o' boots already tryin' to find perfect fits.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  3. Aye, the score be amazin'! :ph34r: I have it mem'rized quite well, like the movie itself, so when I play the score, I can basically see what's happenin' wehnt the music plays in the movie, and I can identify any part of the music. I wanted it so bad when Pirates came out, I dashed on over to Best Buy the day it came out, and plundered me own copy.

    It has a combination of great themes (like Jack's theme, the adventure-y theme, Barbossa's theme), and it be so much fun to listen to. The good themes will play out their enjoyability factor when the sequel comes out. We will be watchin' the new film and suddenly, a familiar tune plays in the background... and brings a smile to a pyrate's face. ^^ One of the best things about sequels.

    Ev'ryone should get it! If you like or love the movie, you'll love the score. I give it two enthusiatic Captain Wolfy paws up!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  4. Pre-ordering doesn't get ye the goods any earlier; the release date be carved in stone and them legal pirates be a bloodthirsty mob who'll keelhaul any retailer what delivers the goods a day early. :angry:

    It just be guaranteein' ye gets a copy in case the store runs dry.

    I doubt ev'ry store'd run low on copies. And release dates? Pah! This is why it be good to have your neighbor own a DVD store, 'n then ye can jus' plunder his stock when the DVDs come in, which is a few weeks in advance. :ph34r:

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  5. Don't be surprised, Lass. Vampires be a lot like Pirates.

    They are dark, on the outside of society, have a very distinct dialect, and are snappy dressers. :)

    Hmm, what it is about vampires, then? I can sort of see why they're be like pirates, but... they've FANGS... and they BITE PEOPLE and they're UNDEAD and the like. Very shexy. Faaangs... *draws a hybrid pirate/vampire*

    Musn't forget Interview with the Vampire! Great movie. I liked Underworld, too. Cheezy, but there's sexy vampires... and werewolves, yeah!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  6. Ah, a good question to ask, Saucy Kate. 'Bout to ask these pyrates tha' same question meself. O'Brien's language is a wee bit intimidatin' fer those not accustomed to nautical language. Good books, though, well, tha's what I hears, anyway. NQG's list of pirate-related literature is quite long, and I wouldn't know where to start!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  7. Great pics, mates! I wish I'd've stayed longer, but me companions were not as happy to be among such fine pyrates as I. ^^ I had a blast anyhow.

    The pics jus' make me want to be totally prepared fer next year, cam'ra 'n all! Me costume's about done; all I need is to finish me shirt and wait fer me boots 'n cutlass to come in the mail!

    Ah, seein' as this lass be a bit underage fer most things (but not by next Ojai Faire!), feels like I can't be a proper pyrate. Hope to see all of ye there next year!

    EDIT: Anyone know the legal age to purchase firearms? Capt'n Wolf be wantin' to fire a nice flintlock... :)

    Captain Wolfy Wench :angry:

  8. Favorite movies? I have a lot o' those. No real order, just kinda...

    Pirates of the Caribbean (drr! We all love this, don't we? :angry: )

    Star Wars (all of them, but make no mistake, originals are best)

    Indiana Jones trilogy

    Moulin Rouge

    The Matrix (Reloaded and Revolutions included)

    Lord of the Rings (RotK is gonna make it on here)

    Princess Mononoke


    Sleepy Hollow

    Minority Report


    Psycho (original)

    The Lion King (I'm an animator, can't help it)

    Captain Blood

    The Nightmare Before Christmas

    The X-Files: Fight the Future

    Desperado/Once Upon a Time in Mexico (nice to have a kick-ass Latino-based movies to pride meself on!)

    Newsies (leave me alone)

    Lawrence of Arabia

    Bridget Jones' Diary

    Emma and Pride & Prejudice (A&E)

    Edward Scissorhands (Okay, okay, I'm a Burton fan! And a Johnny Depp fan, too...)

    The Harry Potter films are probably on here, too

    Those are me most favorite, probably. I have more I like, but if they were ter be typed...

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  9. Arrrgh. I be not trustin' that there Academy; they be a political lot and manys a good performance that be ignored.

    Jack Sparrow be a cake walk fer Johnny Depp, he be so talanted and versitile; there be a shipload o' films where his performance be deep and honest (Edward Scissorhands, Benny and Joon, and - aye - even Ed Wood). He be long deservin' recognition fer his work among his peers, says I.

    That be the best news I've recieved in a long, long time! Cheers for Johnny Depp, one of (if not THE) the greates' actors o' our time! B)

    I totally agree, mate. I be convinced the Academy is rigged somewhat, for lots of hard work - and not jus' acting - like set design, costumes, art directing, editing, sound effects in other, less critically acclaimed films is overlooked. What a shame, it is. Notice how most or all of the nominations are for films tha' have somewhat been praised by film critics. Tha' may also be becuase I be still bitter abou' Baz Luhrman not being nominated for Best Director for Moulin Rouge (one of my favorite movies), but you know. Movies seem to be makin' themselves these days without directors. :angry: Anyway, there always seem to be something goin' on with the Academy, the real deserving actors never seem to win. There's always be some twist, every year.

    Johnny has definetly done many o' films, and Jack Sparrow was just so much fun fer him ta' play. ^^ Aye, 't wasn' his most difficult role, but one of his most enjoyable. I'd be the happiest lass and fan if he were ta' win at the Oscars. Cutthroat, thievin' scoundrels, the lot of them!

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  10. The Princess Bride has readily enjoyable fencin' scenes, but really cannot compare t' the ones in Captain Blood. C'mon, Peter Blood fighting for his name as ruler o' the Caribbean? Classic. So much fun ter watch.

    Speakin' o' Caribbean, I cannot help but love Jack and Will's fighting scene near the beginning of PotC. Two fine men... crossin' swords, intent on victory for differen' reasons. *is slash addict* Clearly, they be wantin' to cross other swords, too, eh. *obsesses*

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  11. I've seen it 9 times already, and I beat me record with it! An' pretty much everyone else's I know, too. :) I needa go again, see it with me one mate who hasn't taken the time to yet! I be too obsessed with tha movie, methinks. Me family thinks me mad.

    The Capt'n shall see to it PotC goes back up the list where it belongs! Although I also own a pirated (I mean, what else would I get ^^) copy o' PotC, but I still make an effort n' reward those talented lads and lasses over at Disney for their hard work... something I know little of, meself.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  12. Buttons try me patience. An' for some o' the things I be plannin' to make *cough*NorringtonCoat*cough*, I'll be needin' far too bloody many!!

    The one I 'ave already has about 15 or so . An' it actually needs more.

    Oh, 'ave we got a Norrington cosplayer 'ere? I daresay we have many Jacks, an' one more once tha vest and shirt're done. Those be needin' many buttons as well. Around 35 fer the coat, 18 fer the vest, 2 fer the shirt and 12 fer 'is trousers. *sighs* I spen' more o' me loot on buttons than on anythin' else.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  13. Somewhere in here I've said once before Jack makes an excellent Slytherin....

    Jack as a Slytherin? I dunno abou' that one. Ambitious? Maybe. Mean? Sometimes. Malicious? Absolutely not. Jack'd have 'is own House, methinks. ^^

    I'd've dug out my Gryffindor student costume this year, but I was already wearin' it LAS' year on Hall'ween. I don' think Lucius'd be too happy with a Gryffindor walking 'round. ^^

    Captain Wolfy Wench

  14. Capt'n Wolf here supportin' the cause! Piracy during Hall'ween all the way! Me house'll be decked out in the latest of the Captain's creative pirate decorations, n' the neighborhood'll have a new reason ter fear!

    Actually, the Captain be dressin' as that fine spec'mn of a pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow. She should keep her real pistols and sword away from those pesky mini swabs, at any rate. They be tricksy.

    Captain Wolfy Wench

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