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Everything posted by Perkeo

  1. So I started following George Takei on Twitter and he sent me this message: "Thx for being a "tweep"--I hope you RT me hard & often! Don't forget to #FF me if you like my stream. Oh Myyyy, that sounds naughty."I'm not sure if I should be flattered or scared.

  2. Star Ship crew!Take the first 8 people:Skirt chasing Captain: Quag Myr RummLogical First Officer: Christopher BakerIrascible Ship's Doctor: Daniel A DoughertyInebriated Engineer: Chris GraburnUnderused Communications Officer: Matt HofmannBoastful Navigation Officer: Stephanie HartkopfSword-wielding Helm Officer: Rhea CutlerSexy green alien: Gail Elizabeth Peterson

  3. Now THAT is what I call a football game!!!! Way To Go Packers!!!!

  4. Waited a month for Penn Foster to send a replacement for the broken key duplicating machine....Got the new one today and yep, it's broken too...sigh!

  5. Just because you feel small sometimes, like your life is just a series of little things that don't mean anything, remember that they all do. They all add up to something that is bigger than you can possibly imagine.And it's all because of you.Every puzzle piece counts.

  6. DRUNKEN BAR FIGHT: Go to your profile, the first 8 friends at the left of your profile screen in order-Who starts the fight: Christopher FarnsleyHit someone 1st with a bar stool: Chris GraburnFalls off bar stool: Dallas McKinneyHit someone with empty bottle: Patricia VanArsdaleGets hit for no reason: Charlie CarlsonThrows somebody out the window: Afira RatliffThrown out the window: Josh WellsThe sissy who calls the cops: George Starkey

  7. is ready for warmer weather.

    1. Capn Bob

      Capn Bob

      I be *bloody* ready for warmer weather!

  8. Peanut Buster Parfait.....mmmmmm Hot fudge, peanuts, ice cream and whipped topping. Irish band playing at my Hurling match (father, son and daughter group that just showed up during the match and played for us) Patricia my good friend and Hurling/Camogie buddy Betsy another friend and Hurling/Camogie buddy that didn't make it to the match today.
  9. is somewhere between lost and found.

  10. What do I do? AAA Motor club contractor Locksmith in training Ordained Minister Star Wars costumer in the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion
  11. Grizz, Afira and I made it home just fine. We had a grand time as always!
  12. Here are some my sister took...I haven't uploaded mine yet. Santa Maria
  13. Eye, Eye Captain!!!!
  14. Just making sure we're still on the list! Perkeo, Grizz and Afira will be attending again this year!
  15. I can't wait to meet all the pirates coming to this event. Looks like I'm gonna have to stock up on some more rum.
  16. Perkeo

    Sword Canes!

    Rumba I have one just like those. It was given to me by my Great Grandfather.
  17. Grizz, Afira and I are still planning on coming. I haven't heard back from any of my other friends as of yet. We are also still planning on bringing some rum with us.
  18. I'm having an Awesomesauce kind of day!
  19. I found this a while back. I don't remember where or when. ______________________________________________________________________________ Ah, Rum, also known as Rumbustion, Rumbullion, Rhum, Ruma and Kill Devil; it was the drink of choice (although pirates generally were not all that picky). The fact was that rum was plentiful and cheap in the Caribbean. It, also, had the benefit of not going 'off ' as fast onboard ship as beer or wine would. Anguilla Rums, Planters Gold Pyrat XO Reserve (Anguilla, British West Indies) - dark amber coloring, smells of berries with a sweet butterscotch like flavor, good for sipping or mixing, distinctive bottle if you are into bottles Appleton Estate (Jamaica) - medium amber coloring, not quite the smoothness or complexity I enjoy in a sipping rum, it still offers good flavors when mixed in a Mai Tai Bacardi, Superior (Puerto Rico) - clear coloring, slight sweetness to the taste, not at its best sipped straight, this rum is best for mixing, I recommend using it in a 1:1 ratio with a dark full flavored rum when putting together a rum drink of your choosing Captain Morgan, Private Stock (Puerto Rico) - I know Captain Morgan, mass produced swill right? Not so the Private Stock, it is very smooth, perfect for sipping neat, I would not waste this in a mixed drink, dark amber coloring Cruzan Black Strap Rum (St.Croix, U.S.V.I.) - nice dark rich coloring, very sweet flavor with strong molasses scent and flavor, I could see sipping this one neat or mixing it Cruzan Estate Dark Rum (St.Croix, U.S.V.I.) - caramel coloring, sweet brandy like smell, suitable for sipping neat, but I prefer it as a mix Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum (St.Croix, U.S.V.I.) - amber coloring, somewhat more refined than the above Estate Dark, as such it is more of a choice for sipping neat, I still consider this one suitable for mixing on occasions when I want a little more refined flavor in my mixes Gosling's Black Seal Bermuda Black Rum (Bermuda) - rich dark color and flavor, a little harsher than the Morgan Private Stock above, but still good sipping neat, would mix well in drinks calling for dark rum Havana Club, 7 Añejo (Cuba) - where to start, of the rums I have tasted, this puts all of the others to shame, smooth only begins to describe it; this rum is for sipping, it would be a waste to dilute it in a mixed drink; rich amber in color, the sugar of the cane drifts in as you savor each sip [for now, I can only dream of what the 15 Añejo must taste like] Myers's Rum, Original Dark (Jamaica) - rich dark color and flavor, strong molasses flavor, but good sipping neat, mixes well in drinks calling for dark rum Mount Gay Eclipse Rum (Barbados) - touted as the oldest of all rum brandings, light amber color, good sipping neat although a tad harsh, but better mixed as a light rum Pampero, Ron Añejo, Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva (Venezuela) - dark color and strong flavor, very, very woody, fairly good sipping neat, mixes very well in drinks calling for dark rum [the woodiness gives a nice extra dimension to a Mai Tai] Pusser's Rum (British Virgin Islands) - purported to be the recipe the British navy used for some 300 years until 1970 (Black Tot Day) when the practice of a daily rum ration was discontinued. Strong stuff, 95.5 proof (most rum is only 80 proof), burns on the way down if drunk neat, nice amber color, mixes well Ron Zacapa Centenario, 23 years (Guatemala) - medium coloring, a smooth rum with a rich sugary scent, an excellent choice for sipping Rum Barbancort (Haiti) - medium coloring, like a fine cognac, smooth, not quite as sugary as the Zacapa above Sea Wynde (Jamaica & Guyana) - light amber color, over proofed at 92, this rum is a bit harsh if drunk straight, it fairs better as a mixer
  20. Sweet Tea from McDonalds
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