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Commodore Swab

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Everything posted by Commodore Swab

  1. I have attended theFt Meyers fest and PiP in 2007 (you can see me in some of the videos) and joined based on my current internet name of vintage sailor. I would like everyone to know that that was a mistake as I have been upgraded to the rank of Commodore, my friends can call me swab
  2. Obviously the leads in most movies are not PC but if one looks deeper into the other actors on the sidelines that don't typically have the spotlight on them how bad are they? I am thinking of POTC III (yes I know its very far fetched but where else do you find asian pirates resembling PC?). I am also thinking of things such as the chrimson pirate (not the big buckle) and many men wearing RN jackets with little or nothing under. Personally I think hollywood is trying to be much more PC than they were in decades past Bear in mind please before assaulting me that I am NOT a hollywood pirate, not a polyster pirate, and don't even own bucket boots. In fact I just bought countless yards of linen to start making PC gear (at $2.50 a yard how could I refuse). I have canvas (cotton) to make PC tent etc etc.
  3. One of my personal favorites: In Science one knows nothing unless (until) one experiments
  4. I supose I am just trying to get a jump start on things. Since I am basically starting from scratch (I showed up in 2007 and missed 2008) as I never was part of any camp, crew, and never even made it into the camps. I am trying to get things done right the first time and it takes alot of effort. I could throw together a pair of slops but then I wouldnt match my wife (sort of like a blond german playing the part of a chinese) and I want to be able to do things and match with her
  5. I just picked up some wood for my chest at least the top and bottom. I have some plans that may be very intriguing when one sees it. The base size will be roughly 30X12X11 so relativly small but still heavy since the chest will be built out of hard wood (brazilian cherry/Jatoba) comparable to teak in wear and weight.
  6. I can't afford to build a boat for PiP but I could afford small mortars in exchange for raw materials for a skiff. I can also provide a place and tools for it to be built before PiP here at my house and I could manage to get it down to PiP which would at least give 1 skiff for PiP. I am suggesting help from a few people and materials in exchange for a weekend in the keys and mortars. So if there is anybody interested in helping build a skiff, can supply some materials, and is interested in a good time down here and a mortar let me know CS
  7. Well there is the cash flow problem . . . And the grain, if I were to order all 1F well. . .
  8. Any powder plans in the works for 2009? If it works well I should be bringing at least 2 cannon, several small mortars, a large buss, small buss, and a few pistols. Most of these will be available to share but I can see needing a fair bit of powder but not enough to warrant ordering my own (25 pounds). I can carry powder to the even but I can't afford to buy 25 pounds
  9. Any idea what changes we can expect on the registration form for 2009?
  10. Ive read what they say about it being a civil war tent (imported french design), since I first found it on a site that Foxe had linked to and it was shown in their photos for 1670-1700 I assumed that it would be PC. Asking though it seems it may not be, I would like to try to do things right the first time yet not go with the same thing everybody else has. I liked this particular tent because of the side flap and space it would offer inside along with security. I know I will need more material, however if this is unacceptable then I had best find something else. Panther seems to have it listed with their medieval tents, Rand (patterns and help making tents) claims it as a civil war tent going back at least 400 years prior, http://www.past-tents.demon.co.uk/civil.htm although they dont give that much information. All in all what I have found online tends to indicate that it was a style of tent that has been around for centuries. But then you know the reliability of online information which is why I was asking for opinions.
  11. I found it here http://www.bonaventure.org.uk/ go to gallery and check the Stuart 1670-1700 Cutting it in half and sewing it together would give 3.3 yards by 5 yards
  12. I have seen many other tents, I was particular fond of this and was wondering if this tent is PC so that I might be able to reproduce it or something very similar. As for yardage If I need some more and end up piecing together some pieces that aren't exactly the same that would be fine and might look good as well.
  13. Slightly off white 10 Cotton Canvas
  14. Opinions? I just got 10 yards of material to make a tent and am thinking about what to do.
  15. I came across this picture and really liked the shoes that the man in white and the one in light blue are wearing. For something like PiP I think these could be easy to fabricate and if worn without socks more as sandles they could be cool and comfortable. Does anyone have any more information on these?
  16. Has anybody actually ordered from them? Any advice on thier locks, they seem to be more reasonable than most
  17. And why not, a gun is something valuable even more so then then it is now. Not something you would want to simply abandone on a deck.
  18. My personal fav (a Panama rum) came in at the top, I think we should have a rum tasting bit at PiP one of the nights, everyone bring a bottle of their favorite rum and we could sompound it by having everyone also bring a bottle of their favorit liquer.
  19. I'll hang onto the parot, if the dog and monkey keep returning I'll eat them. As for food though what about coconuts? Pleanty of liquides there if you can get to it.
  20. Happy birthday, would a brand be better than a tat?
  21. go to http://renegade-cruisers.net these are a great group of guys, I'm a member there as well.
  22. Just as compareable to when people would get together (off fighting at war or hunting) and take pictures of themselves with the biggest gun or largest buck. This is why I disagree with the thought of just droping pistols on a deck after using a single shot. Having said that, we know of certain pirates that wore multiple pistols mostly captains.
  23. Its too soft to be stainless, has the wrong color, and tarnishes totally different.
  24. If you want your axles to be more correct use a piece of squared wood and turn the ends round then turn them down to the axle diameter. The square section mounts on the carriage and the first round keeps the wheels from going all the way into the carriage.
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