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Everything posted by withoutaname

  1. the stays look great!! I am so impressed (and inspired)
  2. thank you for starting this thread. As I like being myself with a flair of fantasy , this is part of what I am working on myself so when I need to be more historically accurate historically accurate, I can be. So feedback is valued, and I thought this was a good place to talk about this since Michael's lady is also working through some of the same aspects. I am going for a common lady who ran away with the likes of a scoundrel (ahh love and how true to life...) but came from a merchant class family (father business man, trade of wine, and musical instruments) and a mother who was a mid-wife and healer as her mother before her. I have convinced myself aside from having a tendency to dress a little above my class from my upbringing and a base knowledge of medicinals from that time period I am able to adapt myself into this role, rather then a role I am not interested in as myself. Plus I can busy myself whenever with herbal lore and educating others about their ailments. Thea character background I am building gives me ability to have a few nice things that came with me such as my comb, small mirror, a few fine needles, some jewelry, plus an explaination of how I met someone outside of my class, managed to run away etc. The hardest part I am having is finding a suitable name. certain aspects we have figured out like last name, that is easy :) But first name is giving me challenges still... I am not lettin the men have all the fun on this one :)
  3. that would be way more fun! Anyone who is playing interested?
  4. I just ordered my first Bodhran after about 12 years of going I want one but hey are so expensive. It turns out when you look something up at 16 vs. 28- expensive changes- so as soon as I realized, oh I can buy this without skipping car insurance this month- it was ordered. I just haven't gotten it yet so I have no idea how to play or if I will be any good. So maybe you'll see me at your class What time is it on Sat?
  5. I followed along dev for a bit. I have a group of work friends who play WoW- and one of their guilds was going to leave WoW for PotBS- so i went ok sure i'll play. I liked Sid Meyers it kept me and my other half arguing over who gets the computer at the desk for a couple of weeks-so why not? it's pirates, I get a ship and can blow things up. But guess what, they didn't leave WoW because the rest of my dorky work guys started playing- so here I am with this thing that isn't getting such good reviews. BTW- if it does gain popularity, someone is likely to host it on their own personal server which means free game play.
  6. that's why I have stayed away from WoW. I am not social when it comes to gaming. The beta was enjoyable for me because it was fun, but what I hear you saying is that there isn't a lot of independent gaming as it sounded like in beta?
  7. it be men who be playin those characters! I think its 15/ month. I'll give it a go for 3 months.
  8. so I played the beta for the MMO Piartes of the Burning Sea and the game releases soon. The game wasn't bad, my biggest complaint was well the half nekkid woman characters and the lack of accurate clothing- but the game play was fun and basically ate up 2 weeks of my life so I decided to purchase it. Is anyone else playing? My friends are disappointed I won't play WoW. I have been, against the whole MMO thing since well, I stopped MUDDING in the 90s. But let me know if anyone is playing on the pre-boarding servers, it'd be nice to have a crew around :) someone to attack the english with. if you aren't playing and don't know this- you can be english, spanish, french and dutch, along with pirate. And also different character types such as military, treasure hunter, pirate hunter etc.
  9. the website for the movie is an awesome example of how flash websites should be built (note to self- stop talking like your at work!) anyway the Talk Like a Pirate activity is super cute fer the little ones in all of us. My other half wont go see this with me, but me coworkers probably will
  10. so I have been sitting here for a few weeks knowing it is that time where I need to make a decision about buying vs making stays is nearing. The last time I had them made and that was a few years and about 30 pounds ago and for the life of me, I can't remember who made them for me..anyway getting to the point I have a changing midsection of size, extremely curvy and am hoping to lose about 20 pounds before summer. Which brings me the challenge of do I tempt the fates and make my own and if I do how do I deal with the fact of possibly losing weight and the fact I am hourglass shape, under 5' with no midsection and stays are cylindrical and long in patterns- how do I deal with this challenge, find a pattern that will look flattering on me while still being accurate to GAoP I have never sewn any corsets and I have always sewn by hand! I have sewn over dresses and fitted a lot of clothing to myself, but never anything as elaborate as stays- what am I getting into!? Or do I order from someone, how long do they usually take to make, and does anyone have a recommendation of a reliable seamstress who isn't going to break the bank? If it helps, my persona for reenactment purposes is still in development but I am basing myself as of now a healer (alchemy/herbal medicines as I have a base knowledge already from personal research) I would also be involved with my sailor of a partner who ran away with and i left my respectable mother (midwife) and father (merchant). So I also need to be considerate of my current social status with a tendency to lean toward the finer things when indulged-which leads toward the next question of sewing a mantua or wearing an jacket? Your input is most valued.
  11. We have been talking about going, but I haven't seen the schedule posted anywhere for the lectures. What time on Sat does the event open? Thank you!
  12. I know we are planning on going, but the discussion in our house for the last 3 weeks is camping vs. staying in the Truman annex - vacation time is slim as is money next year (yay student loans!) so we don't know where we will be staying yet, or how long we will be in KW- but last year we were way too far away from the fort because the price was right... but we are looking to be more involved so staying closer is a must!
  13. thank you! after the last 48 hours of work I certainly need multiple drinks...
  14. Although we be lackin' proper names- those that met us I am on the left (Shana) and my partner Justin is my companion, both feeling no pain. Thanks Capitan Jim for the picture, it was one of 2 from the whole trip we have together
  15. this morning i am a bit more withoutanyrumleft. its a bad sign when on Monday night you and your other half finish off a bottle that barely had a dent in it. I live in NY with my significant other, in Brooklyn, NY. He is he less social type than me- which is why I am the poster for us and he's the lurker. I have been involved with various forms of historical study for about 15 years- mostly through an art history or performance perspective or as a patron of renaissance festivals. After 5 years of dragging the other half to various activities we found a place where we both enjoy the period and historical aspects through his love of sailing, my love of playing dress up and a shared love of research and history and the amount of time we have been spending in tropical islands steeped in the GAoP. In my real life I am somewhere between a instructional designer and project manager with an interactive designer background- which means I love to share the knowledge I learn-specifically through creative means, and I have basically forced the department I work in to celebrate all things pirate during the last 3 years. (Although we also have a ninja contingency, which has recently been running interference around here). I am working on my persona pending a few things- but leaning toward a healer (as I can somehow justify why as a woman I would get involved with the likes of pirates) but that takes time to develop my kit and all- any suggestions on getting started? We are hoping to get involved a little more with PiP next year and finding events we enjoy which are not overly commercial but still maintain some of the fantasy and are not extremely strict on rules. We may attend RF in Chicago in 08 as more of a personal quest for being around other OCD history people, but that's up in the air pending on my work schedule. And maybe we'll find some others in the NYC area who are like minded but are willing to get involved with a group where we have to travel a bit- as escaping the bloody cold winter up here is my idea of a good time! I can be overly chatty pending on caffeine intake- so that's me a nutshell before I ramble on about a million other things.
  16. actually, long story short i have been using withoutaname on the internet for about 6 years or so, its the default i use when signing up for things so all online stuff goes to the same email address and I dont have to remember much else when signing in, but thanks for the tip
  17. We had such a great time at PiP we are now deciding which events to go to in 2008 and PiP is high on that list! (plus we love key west.. always have a good time and never remember what actually happened until the pictures get downloaded) any suggestions on events that are similar in audience and not exploited that we should lookout for?
  18. I am so glad registration opened up, we have been reading the boards for months before PiP (which was our first pyrate festival) but we're not able to post until now. I figured I would start with a quick hello before running off and posting elsewhere because I have been reading many of the posts here for months, but no one knows me yet! And a quick thank you for all of the links we used from here to get our garb together this year!
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