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Everything posted by withoutaname

  1. black seal, sailor jerry's, or patrone silver. sometimes with mixer, sometimes without.
  2. resurrecting this topic! we will be traveling by plane and with the limited baggage situation, we are curious to know if we can build a tent from canvas and rope that there will be someone down at PiP to help us construct it? In addition, how is everyone else getting their garb and such down?
  3. PLease add Agnes and John Storey (withoutaname) to the Mercury Crew
  4. These guys? They are do for a comeback! or at least the hair style is.
  5. What, no messenger seagulls? No worries. I should look into that, it may be a business opportunity! I can give up the volunteer Crew thing and start trying to manage a group of seagulls.
  6. I sent Pew's to callenish gunner today and it should be there friday or sat. i have been having a reoccurring challenge of being out of town for work the last week of every month and then working as crew on a boat the first weekend of every month- either way i have no post office access during those times. sorry for the delays.
  7. FLL is actually easier to get in and out of than Miami- so you will end up with the same amount of travel time either way. The drive is nice! I do 3 times a year (if not more) and I never regret it, unless it is raining and I am tired. Cars seem pricey this year, so shop around but budget has a week long rental deal right now so that may help.
  8. wow they told me 2 days and it took a week!
  9. i am trying to learn to play the fife (I played flute for 8 years but stopped about 15 years ago) Does anyone have any good resources for learning online, or know of a fife instructor in the NYC metro area?
  10. got Matusalem's book today. It looks great and the box is super awesome. I won't be bringing the actual book but all work in it will probably be done while I am between Salem and NYC this week sailing. So there's a chance it's meant to visit Block Island again.
  11. Do to current work and life demand, my book will go out on Monday 8/4- I am just swamped this week- but I wanted to keep Callenish Gunner in the know- I will send 2 day and PM as soon as it goes out. Behold:
  12. Congrats on such a fabulous goal. My significant other and I are both on the way to making this happen , we're a bit older and plan to buy something bigger but like Mission said, the best thing you can do is set smaller goals working up to the bigger goal to make it happen. Just doing it is really challenging and setting yourself up for success is for the best. My advice, get on a Crew- either private or volunteer- and SAIL SAIL SAIL! Learn from the bottom up as part of a Crew, get down the basics, volunteer or sign up to do a short cruise with a boat (moving it or on a work aboard) and get a handle on live aboard. Or find a sailing school with a college semester on a ship (I know Long Island University in NY has one but so do other places) take out a student loan and take a sailing class that lasts 4 months cruise around, and learn skills and such which can help both with the goal and also with a trade. Financial advice: Buy the boat outright, don't take a loan. (meaning don't screw up the credit card issues) save twice as much as the boat you will need to buy it, you'll need to make sure the boat is sea worthy and well equipped if you are going out into the Pacific. Always always always get boat insurance (its super cheap compared to cars but someone will come save your butt if something breaks). Other than that, SAIL! ASA classes are great and will provide you good knowledge but nothing will prepare you with the confidence and experience you will need like sailing with a unpaid or paid Crew somewhere. This may be a good place to start for Crew opening and reading about other people who have done this: http://sailnet.com/forums/cmps_index.php Gain a skill that you can do anywhere in a marina/travel environment- be it on the water or at a bar. It'll help you with income when you need some! Last bit of advice, do it! But do it smartly and be prepared. Living conditions are easy to deal with but being ready for the weather and safety for boat/yourself/crew is most important! So I wish you luck, because I know how much work it is to be on your way to do this.
  13. well then count us in! I will have to figure out a tent situation by then and sending it ahead of time but I think I have some time to get the wheels turning.
  14. I looked at that pic and went, wow that looks familiar. It could be because I walk down there a few times a week. Too bad I didn't know about the gent before, I ended up customizing one already. I'll have to check him out next weekend just in case I need a 2nd journal to play with! BTW, everything on the street costs way too much. And if you're ever back in that hood there is a great Irsih pub called Pucks Faire that carries Goslings, bangers and mash and pretty good beef stew. It's on Houston 1/2 blk south, and I think Crosby or Lafayette (Off the corner of Houston f/v and 6). Yummy!
  15. Aye, we'll be attending again this year. I thought I posted that in here, but I gather I am losing what's left of my mind these days. Contrary to the above statement, I will not be going as the town crazy person (nor the town provider of male comfort) hopefully by December I will be able to provide demos to miniature painting. Both J and I may be AB Crew of at least well on our way to that, if a ship be lookin' for assistance and we both row wooden boats for fun if anyone needs help with an attack. As of now, we are not camping but may be persuaded to rough it a night for the right type of rum...I mean price.
  16. I just want THAT box, I don't need the stuff in it, JUST THE BOX. If anyone has seen this box, with the same set of dividers, please, please, please let me know. I happen to own this set....love it....love it. Shana....if and when Michael finishes my cherry writing desk, I would be happy to turn the box over to you. It does have a kind of plaque on the top of the box that says "The Art of Writing", however. I won't need it anymore because all of my things will be tucked safely in the desk. :) you are so awesome :)
  17. I just want THAT box, I don't need the stuff in it, JUST THE BOX. If anyone has seen this box, with the same set of dividers, please, please, please let me know.
  18. I would love to get involved. I've been a lazy artist these past few years and this may be a good swift kick to my booty! brooklyn, ny
  19. Congratulations to the both of you! I knew it was soon, I just couldn't remember which weekend.
  20. we were out for a bit on Sat afternoon caught half of your 2(ish) show (The Brigands sounded great as always) and watched a few other bands- walked back to the car and I twisted my ankle badly, crawled out of Montauk Hightway in a mantua and hat and decided it was time to go home. so my comments are from the short time we were there less cops, they terrify me in large numbers agreed on stages further apart from one another, seating for stages and additional beverage only stands for water and soda more period vendors more pirates!
  21. I am having a tough decision upon going GAoP correct or having a fun time in my more wench pirate gear? Aside from the male point of view of enjoying the pirate-slut look any thoughts such as would be more appropriate to the the festival or what is needed?
  22. withoutaname was afraid of a missing camera when returning to port so she went withoutacamera. All I know is I have been seeing a tricorn floating around in the office area, I hear if there be pirates about, my camera may go missing. it was great meeting you. And if we make it back to Hampton next year you'll have 2 experienced (at that point, really experienced) rowers around.
  23. don't think they actually sell them, as far as I can see they actually use all of the ones they have.
  24. Last night my mate and I took advantage of the Village Community Boathouse. This non-profit is based on pier 40 off of Clarkson and W Side Highway in the Village. On T and Th evenings they provide a free after work adult program of novice to experienced rowers on 25-foot Whitehall gigs (also have masts for sailing). You can also go out on Sat late mornings to afternoons. Tomorrow is National Learn to Row Day so if you are in the NYC area- they are running a special program during the day! In addition, all the wood boats they use are built in their learn to build a boat class ( i think it is the New School). -- As for my experience last night. Rowing, or all athletic activities, do not come natural for me. The coxswain was extremely patient and helpful- but being under 5' foot (or about 3 apples high) these things are not meant for my height. On a normal person, the block for feet is reachable and the oar handle does not go over their head when at the correct angle. As for my smurfy height, everything is just a bit too tall for me- creating an extra challenge for my naturally spastic self. As for my mate, he loved it and will probably go every week, it's also about 4 blocks from his job not a 1 hour and 45 min subway ride and walk. as it is for me. I envy his job location and his natural ability for things nautical. But I can out perform him in the kitchen any day :) So I guess we are even.
  25. IS there a schedule published for the music? We are only able to make Sat and want to make sure we're there for the bands and activities since we have a bit of a drive or train ride out!!
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