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Everything posted by withoutaname

  1. Actually, Capitan Crankypants is much more "tolerant" since it went from cardboard to fabric :) Now that I think about it so am I. I have a habit of starting big productions and then, never finishing them! I think he was worried that 4 yards of linen would remain on the coffee table next to the mock up until I put them in the "storage bedroom" never to be worked on again. I am trying to be less messy, such as picking up my project at the end of the night, rather than being a bad first mate of leaving everything out all over the floor for days at a time. I also started using a new tactic- no threats bu extreme immobility of stays, but rather motivation by finishing a project and promising a linen shirt for him :) Seems to help, in fact he bought me all sorts of sewing do-dads last week. And I have a Happy Captian Crankypants and a Cleaner first mate to boot! P lus we will be buying a new thread picker-up-er (vacuum) to help deal damage control
  2. I have started a blog of my adventure in making stays: http://almostescaped.blogspot.com/ Getting close to the half way point :) Thanks for all your help getting me started!
  3. thanks for bumping this back up. Helpful insight- as I am about take my cardboard version of stays to fabric this weekend - intimidated but with all the positive stay making experiences- I feel less stressed about the whole thing!
  4. we are looking forward to it (especially since we can take the train! YAY! No long drive! Yay no airplane rides! YAY NO TSA!!!) hopefully we can make it is runs the same weekend as the Sea Music Festival in Mystic- but your festival will probably win since it is closer
  5. No you could, you would just be me driving around the middle of the night dealing with alternate side parking and finding a spot and when your really desperate you figure that the cost of paying 15 bucks to park in your work building is cheaper than the parking ticket you would get. Speaking of which, I need to go move my car now, thanks for the reminder.
  6. if you fly into FLL or MIA you can take the bus : http://keysshuttle.50megs.com/ if you watch hotwire you can sometimes pick up a car rental for 130 bucks for the week (we got a convertible for 156 for the week last year) rather than the 100 bucks the shuttle will cost you back and forth. If you are flying into Ft Meyers or MIA you can also take the ferry : http://www.seakeywestexpress.com/contact.htm which will run you about the same cost as the bus or car rental. I have never taken the bus of ferry- but my family takes the bus all the time from Key Largo to the airport- and they love it! they always try and make me take it- but I would rather drive. This year we are thinking about a direct flight in - not in budget but worth the deminishing stress :)
  7. this comes at a good time, since well, the shoe fixer we took my otherhalf's shoes to basically rendered them useless unless we find a way to fix them! Please keep us posted on this. Can you pm me his info so I can contact him to be placed on the interested party list?
  8. I am upset, I probably wont be able to go- I ended up calling a drs office that usually has a few months wait and they could get me that Sat morning- and it isn't worth the stress of putting that appointment off. Maybe next time
  9. That (other than my crappy computer) is the real reason I've never gotten into computer rpgs. They just don't match the sheer fun of tabletop, face to face rpgs. Imho. i agree, I enjoyed playing way back when you typed in your actions but the whole online PvP MMO thing just never captured me. I am still playing the pirates game, I am on Rackham if anyone else if playing- I am still playing solo as I am not really talkative with most people online. I am willing to start a character on Bonny if anyone is playing and wants to start harassing, attacking and generally tormenting other players. :)
  10. too cold for me to leave the house today, a warm and sunny 11 degrees. Last week it hit 70. What is going on in NY?
  11. I did some installation work for a museum awhile back and if you are looking to age the bones use watered down acrylic paint , wipe on, let dry for a a few seconds and wipe off repeat. I used a layers of different browns and some yellows and the occasional red browns and black (very sparingly) I used rags and sponges to vary the decay effect. and because of this post, I went in search for photos: http://www.dnalc.org/ddnalc/exhibitionandm...nesweshare.html although the image is poor, i never saw the installation finished but you can sorta get the point- the human furthest back was the one I worked on with another artist and just for sake of excitement, I helped build the cave room that is housed in, although I left the internship before it was complete.
  12. Good suggestion! I found these to be very helpful over the phone. I've booked a single condo by the Fort for myself. (Subject to change, I suspect - my flight schedule may be curiously complex - possibly even moreso than flying from Mexico.) i hope your flying from Mexico becasue you'll be enjoying mexico before key west (damn that sounds so awesome) I am only being nosey about flying since I spend a lot of time flying myself and we are debating between flying to Fort Lauderdale and doing the drive or coming into Key West directly. Which unit are you in at the Truman Annex, we'll be in Oyster's Pearl. We are also talking about setting up a tent so we can sleep where we feel like falling down at the end of the day, but me not being one for bugs will probably opt to sleep indoors most of the time.
  13. my review "ehhhh" it is ok, a lot of bugs still, although I have not played since full release. It is a big time killer, and mindless but slightly interesting enough to stay awake into late hours of the night.
  14. I am not having any issues with Firefox (either the full install, or the portable ap version) - you have some great pictures from PiP :)
  15. I can help with that too, since joining the "Y" I have seen more nekkid woman in the ladies locker room than at strip clubs- so those looking for woman, that might be an option.
  16. from my research the ones with the 2" heal where you use a ribbon to tie would work the best. I bought the Anna, from Fugawee. Buy 1/2 a size up and wide width- they are VERY narrow. Here are some links to places with pictures where fancy ladies have shoes showing http://www.marquise.de/en/1700/pics/1715_1.shtml http://www.headoverheelshistory.com/1600.html http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/index...f=&g=&a=161&w=2 http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/index...f=&g=&a=103&w=2
  17. sounds good, just as a warning, it is REALLY full of bugs
  18. I got mine here: http://www.fugawee.com/Women's%20Colonial.htm
  19. Holy cow, the shuttle was fun! The ride to the parade is actually what is making us come back to PiP next year. In fact, if you didn't ride it last year, ride it and make sure there are a lot of pirates on it so there is a sing along! We should make the bus driver participate in a hat or something since he is really captaining the bus
  20. so I am way too excited to wait for the fall to do this, I booked out rental in the Truman Annex for PiP. I will share with you my experience in case you want to save some time on to locate an affordable place (many different types of rentals pending on budget listed below)- I do not camp (let me stress DO NOT CAMP, I willingly admit, I won't even try camping anymore). This is also a bit of insight into my brain of advanced planning obsession- so if anyone needs help with any planning related activities, I will nominate myself as the resident project manager after this. Much of my research is to avoid the additional walking and cabs we spent the last 2 trips to key west. (because walking back to the historic district after a lot of booze consumption seems reasonable however is not smart. It increases blisters and bleeding feet which still have not recovered and you don't notice because your drunk) 1. www.vrbo.com you will may get a better rate going through the owners than through Compass realty, not that much better but our quote was a little less for the week through owner directly although we still paid compass for the rental 2. http://www.compass-realty.com/ has great apts for rent, not all are listed on rentals by owners, so if your looking for something particular use them 3. Right outside of Fort Zach guest Houses/hotels if you are looking but don't know where to start: http://www.thebanyanresort.com/ (way too expensive but so, so pretty) http://www.marreros.com/rooms.htm (off season rates start at 100/night) http://www.historickeywestinns.com/propert...house_court.htm (across from Hemingway House- I think rates start at 159) http://www.lhabitation.com/rates.cfm rates start at 109/night http://www.angelinaguesthouse.com/rooms.htm (share a bath room starting at 69/night) http://www.vrbo.com/140317 (850/week, but I do not know the location) http://oldtownsuites.com (a little bit of a walk, but we usually stay at one of their rentals in the historic district and have always been happy- they have a few places close to duval also I know I've book a room under 100/night in the off season in the past) About cottage rentals: Book as advanced as possible, last year I started looking 3 months before PiP and I wasn't able to find anything open the ups of booking in the Truman Annex/Shipyard: You can book in advance, you have a place close enough to walk back and forth and no cab rides needed and a pool! the not so good part (the financial forewarning) along with the 11.5% hotel tax A. You need to pay 50% to hold the rental now B. You will have to pay reminder of the balance 60 days before your stay C. When you get there you need to put down a 500 $ deposit- which will be charge to your card not not reimbursed for up to 10 days D. Some places charge an extra cleaning fee, so make sure you know about this in advance E. Some places consider Dec 1 in season, so look around for people who cut off at Dec 15.
  21. I hope I can make it out, I'll keep you posted Bess, I will be traveling alone probably and not know anyone else attending. Is it a must I wear garb or can I come in my civvies ?
  22. I'll look forwrd to it.... What size of drum did you order? Tunable? Just curious.... Not tunable, 18" which feels a little large for me but it is pretty and rosewood :) should I get size smaller that is tunable? I probably should have asked these types of questions before getting one.
  23. damn right! i swore my other half was gonna send me down to the apartment below to watch the overtime after that missed field goal :) I am surprised, the hood is so quiet when the Italian's won the world cup there were fireworks in the street and a giant party- same street me and the apartment below was the only people I hear yelling in glee. I am a very happy person this evening!
  24. actually we wear ours to work all the time. When we got new ones my other half broke his in by wearing and walking in them about 2 miles a day and while at work and on more than one occassion I have gotten compliments from fashionable coworkers about my lace up 2" heeled shoes :) In fact I think they are the only dress shoes my boy has.
  25. I am playing a pirate on Rackham and a Freetrader (I only played a few times, I think on Bonny). The pirate is currently stuck at level 10 because I don't have time to play due to a new obsession of facebook- however I am March Harbour and her name is Brianna Townshend. That goes for anyone else playing, let me know where you are playing that way we can maybe establish a slightly more period group of economy.
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