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Everything posted by withoutaname

  1. It was great meeting many of you! Here's a link to some photos. I am sad to say I didn't take as many as I would have liked- but I hope you enjoy what I posted. Pics
  2. we'll pick up a bottle of the molasses reef tonight to try it out, we are both loyal black seal drinkers and haven't had a different rum in months. Better try it out before the weekend so my liver and my taste buds have some adjustment time
  3. what happened to gosling's?? I thought I saw them listed somewhere on the blackbeard site- was that from last year??
  4. haha thanks capt- i'll be sure to avoid any mention of your forward comment when I see you!
  5. We are definitely coming and will be in Hampton on Friday, although we are not planning on attending the ball. We would love to hang out or help out when needed over the weekend. Just let me know. Also, does anyone know if there are any sailing trips-similar to key west, where we can buy passenger space?
  6. Funny you posted this, I am headed there in about 2 hours! It will be my second trip there, and we love it. We became members in January and we had a great time. It was 35 degrees and empty. I was yelled at my the school teacher and the black smith and a museum guide talked our ear off since it was empty when we were last there. We sent about an hour with the museum guide talking about ships and living on them. It was pretty cool. Many of the ships and activities were closed due to that whole winter thing. We have never been there on a warm day- and it look like it is fixing to pour this afternoon- so we'll see how Mystic is in the rain. Upcoming events at Mystic folks from here may enjoy (or may enjoy attending in pyrate wear..) Sea Music Festival June 13-15 (co-insides w/ the Sayville, NY Pirate festival- though choice for us) Wooden Boat Show June 27-29 Antique & Classic Boat Rendezvous July 26-27 Tales of Conquest and Colonization October 2-16 For more events click here So I guess that answers the question on how we feel about it. Additionally, we talked about how amazing it would be to have a festival here aside from the time period being a little later and all- it would still be LOADS of fun.
  7. It's been 5 months since we booked our trip that we finally get to go on this weekend! We are going on an overnight sailing trip on the Schooner Brilliant out of Mystic Seaport in CT. Although we have not yet gone on the trip, some of the blog posts I have read about it seem pretty awesome! I'll post the pictures when we get back- but I already think we will want to do it again! Anyone on the Pub do this trip?
  8. Agreed, I make a choice to live in Brooklyn. It is the city but near enough to my family that I can drive within an hour, and I pay the same amount of rent as I would to be out of the city. I also grew up near here, and like my life style. yes, I could go move somewhere else, make about half the money and have half the cost of living plus the increase of having to get a car for my other half to get to work in, just doesn't make sense. Our income vs expenditure percentage wouldn't change, just the hard numbers. There is a difference between location living costs and job income vs. making the same amount of money and buying 400 dollar sunglasses and 200 dollar spa treatments when you can't afford rent and bounce checks. Many people who I know have done this. We live on a strict budget, so we can be comfortable and afford things that are priority to us. I love getting my nails done and drinking 5$ lattes everyday as much as the next girl, but I have been 15K in debt between credit cards and car payments and I don't plan on ever doing that again. Which is why I feel like shouting to the world "Stop Charging!" As a side note my job isn't that shaky and I keep it to afford our long term relocation and boat buying plans, plus I know I am more stable right now at a large company than a small one in which i would make double the income once the bubble becomes reality here.
  9. if I think about it, the cold reality is strongly there. I work at an airline, in a training department, making/supporting training courses (eLearning) or teaching other developers how to do so. Which means, as much as my happy little airline doesn't want to lay anyone off, i would still be in the first dept to go if a merger happened. Shall I say, us design folks are the first to usually go. Oil is sitting above 110 per barrel, jet fuel is about 3.50 a gallon and it costs me 3.54 in NY (where I have to pump it myself...) to fill my cute little elantra. I put 20 a week in my car in gas, and if it hits empty before the week is out, I don't have to drive- I take the subway anyway. I am worried, but not on the every day kind of worry. More in the back of my head, I can see the elephant, I say hi every now and again, but I am not chatting with it or about it regularly. Lliving in the NYC metro area where the cost of real estate keeps going up, keeps the elephant a more subtle maroon, rather than hot pink. But it is still there. Studio apt, new construction going for about 420,000 in my area of Brooklyn. Talk about a bubble. There are so many new buildings in my area, people are worried about how your going to ride the subway in the morning, because as of now- you wait 3 trains to squeeze in like a sardine. Trains run every 3 minutes, but the delays are awful because of the amt of people getting on and off at each stop. What is going to happen when the estimated 25 mill plus move into Williamsburg by 2012? The bigger question- whats going to happen when NYCs economy catches up with the rest of the country? I have friends on Long Island who have been laid off "due to cost cut backs" within the last month. Yet here, people are still shopping, living and building condos like the country isn't in a financial situation. Which in fact it is. I want to run around telling people "Don't use credit" yet a drop my AMEX down when I have to for a new pair of pants (or 3 yards of linen). I think the problem is driving itself. People's debt is extremely high, loans (both home/school/etc) have such large 30 year payments that people can't really afford the lifestyle they are living just so they can have a nice roof over their head and a college education. Jobs don't pay enough to meet the after college debt you already have. At 25 I walked out with 3 degrees and about 70K, and the gov't said hey you make enough to pay 640 a month for 10 years! And i replied, yes I do, but I would be living in a cardboard box and not showering, then losing my job to do it! The gov't continues to drop the worth of the dollar which continues to drive inflation even harder. Then they take at least 25% (or in my case 33.5%) off the top of your income just in taxes. Not counting the SS you will never see. Yet, I don't see anything for the amount I pay. Ohh but I do get an extra 600 bucks back this year. WTF? That 600 bucks is really only going to get me 300 bucks worth of crappy goods anyway. Ok, I am going back to my happy little sewing adventure now. It is safer on the couch away from this internet thing.
  10. not something I drink now, but in my younger days... hot cocoa malibu rum and I shall call it a dirty coconut
  11. if you stick them in the microwave you can grow giant peeps and then they are warm and gooey when you eat the mutant peep
  12. well after a bit of research last night I came across the following pages: http://ambergriscaye.com/forum/ubbthreads....t&Number=269963 http://www.spiritofvincennes.org/rendezvou...thing/cinfo.htm http://www.norcrossws.org/norcross/Herb/dyebed.htm The second link as a summary talks about the Spanish trade of longwood, a plant found in/around the Yucatan which yields Grey Lavender to Blue Purple. Maybe it was somewhat possible to get this dye- specifically if you were probably living within Spanish territory within the trade routes. Some of the reading I have done, encourages me to use the longwood as a top dye over a madder (red) or indigo bath. http://pages.sbcglobal.net/gcarnegie/artic...rt1logwood.html I am starting to think that this experiment may be impossible on a stove top with no wash tub available. For anyone in need, here are 2 good places for dyes: http://www.dharmatrading.com/ http://www.aurorasilk.com/natural_dyes/dyes/index.html
  13. Thanks Mission! And trust me I know about artist choosing paints due to harmony and costs. I spent 3 years in grad school for painting and it was the most expensive thing I have ever done! I will look into the color Whortleberry produces, and keep the thread current when I learn anything.
  14. well i am still paying the monthly taxes, but i haven't had one moment to play.
  15. i make cuts in our food budget and going out on weekends on top of working as a project manager/print designer/event planner/ training developer/ instructional designer/ classroom facilitator for an airline training department where flying for free and staying at hotels for a discounted rate helps facilitate our trips for various islands, running away from daily life and going to pirate activities.
  16. Thank you Capitan Sterling and Cheeky. The hotel budget can't afford Williamsburg but the food budget certainly can get a meal at the place you mentioned. Maybe 2 meals. Between the peanut soup and some of their other items, I can't wait!
  17. I am about 50% done with my first pair of stays. I started them in Jan and i work on them a couple of hours a week when I have time. They are not hard to make, but they are complicated and time consuming. I used the patten from Reconstructing History and spoke to Kass about things whenever I have problems.
  18. We watched the first 2 eps last Sunday and did enjoy it? Anyone else watching?
  19. we'll be flying in too. pending on open seats for standby we will be getting in sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. We are planning on going to Williamsburg since J has never been and I haven't been since I was about 3.5 feet tall. Any suggestions on places to stay and eat near Williamsburg?
  20. I'll preface with, I bought MANY yards of unbleached linen last month thinking I would be dying it and sewing the mantra before the end of May. My work schedule exploded, and there is no way I will be able to handle the process let alone not having a place to dye fabric in my apartment. Here's where you come in! I have dug through most of Capitan Twill posts and have not found a reference to correct color linen. I know blues, and browns would be safe bets but I would really like my mantua in the color of eggplant. Is eggplant an acceptable color for GAoP? (not sure how correct the scan color is) If eggplant was not a correct color of GAoP, are there any darker hues of purple that would be? An even better question, is there a link or post with a lot of fabric color info on it, I know I came across it at some time in the last year but I fail to find it this week.
  21. so did I! It was when my step dad proposed to my mom how about your incident?
  22. Anemia. The cure was worse than the disease. Not far from the truth now either.
  23. If you haven't seen this, it is cute and funny. Maybe it it only funny because i work for an airline,. http://www.seabeaver.net/pirateair.htm maybe I can go work for them now
  24. Actually, I had to change a lot of the patten to fit my short stature... so on the first cardboard attempt (i wish I took pictures) the cardboard was more than flush to my underarm and 4 inches of space were between my body and the strap. Just shortening it didn't work either so I had to make a lot of adjustments to the curve and height of neckline, after which I encountered issues with not having enough under arm coverage or front side coverage for me. At that point I had to add cardboard to fit, and adjust the under arms. There were a bunch more other adjustments that I had to do and a 2nd and 3rd mock up. Hopefully they are still close to accurate in cut, but even if they aren't- it will be the most personal fit garment I will ever own!
  25. that was my first thought , thats for the clarification!
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