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Everything posted by RustyNell

  1. Quick and painless aye Silkie??!!
  2. WOW how cool. I'd love to get in on this.. is it all sketches or do people put other art in there ie poetry stories etc.?? and how do you get in?
  3. I am kind of bummed there are a LOT of you missing from this photo. Next year we have to make sure we all know ahead of time when Tony wants to do it so no one will miss it. who am I kidding like any of us have any idea what time it is when we're there...
  4. Callenish and Mary...much agreed!! I think people get so disconnected from their own past that they loose any point of reference. Its why I think, not just remembering history, but exploring historical perspective is so important!! I think thats why we do this. I know its why I do! Even though I consider it theater in may ways, I still approach this whole thing as a learning experience, isn't that what arts supposed to do, provoke us to THINK??!! Whats more, re-enacting provokes us to examine who we were, who we are now and who we might become should we learn or choose not to learn our lessons from the past.
  5. There's always the chance that the singing could be just so bad, they might just pay us to STOP or else keel over dead and save us the trouble all together.
  6. you mean she ASKS??? You've got it a whole lot better than Chrispy does
  7. well ya need to whip the singer to do it at the right rhythm.. I'll give it a good a try. i know one things for certain you have to get the rowers in their rhythm BEFORE you start the song. I used to be on a competitive rowing team when i was in the Navy, in Newfoundland rowing through snow and ice no less. We didn't SING songs for cadence when we rowed in a race we called strokes...but we did sing on LONG, cold practice days --- I can't row anymore - rotator cuff tear - but I can call cadence and I can sing! I can only imagine what it was like with someone pushing the row though, especially if your not used to it... i'm surprised people didn't knock each other out with the oars..LOL
  8. yeah your going to be tied up, right???
  9. oh wait a minute WHAT am i thinking???? "tell Robbie to tell......ANYTHING" God only knows what i could end up with. Forget I said ANYTHING!
  10. The pulls aren't always to the down beat. I think thats where people mess up. Sometimes the pulls are only once in the whole 12 bars. And regarding singing and working at the same time... thats its also why there were shanty men. They did most of the singing. Often the working men might sing a word or sound on the line. I agree though..... often people sing the work songs WAY too fast. Still some of the shanties people sing were Foc'sle songs, or for entertainment and not work. Stan Hugills book Shanties from the Seven Seas is a great resource for understanding the songs better, and how they were used and where the pulls were placed. Thought I'd give an example:: everyones familiar with Blow the Man Down, it's a halyard shanty or a stamp and go, capstan song ---well the only pull would have been done on the word DOWN. that gives you a LOT of time to catch your breath, reposition your grip for the next pull.
  11. OK I can't top that one! That's fantastic Silkie!! great word play!!
  12. ... tell Robbie to tell his new boss I could use a helmet, elbow pads, shin guards, gloves and oh yeah knee pads....I fall down go boom a lot!...something I'm sure Robbie can understand.
  13. How do you even begin to argue with someone like this? Sounds like he's on a crusade of his own. I guess we shouldn't remind people of their ugly past.... it makes them mad. I find the people most angered by their past are the ones who've never faced it. wow - look forward to reading your response Harry.
  14. Where do I start... this has been a slow process and the list it just get longer doesn't it! make PC clothes for me including at lease one set of stays (argh!) make PC clothes for Chris sew, sew, sew, sew, sew, sew, sew! find an affordable REAL tent so I don't have to sleep soaking wet, ever again!..:cough: :hack: :cough:...water proofing junk is that JUNK!
  15. are you referring to Don Brown from Pirates Choice?? or the real Billy Bones... if thats the case you've had ENOUGH rum darlin'!
  16. found this on the words origins... looks like it is as old as 1573 it was used as a hoisting cry... makes sense to me the exhale on the pull (like you would do when lifting weights)... it seems to me it looks like it could have easily started with sailors, and then spread to mean a cheer. It makes sense to me that group vocalization was quite common in the sea fairing culture, as well sailors were hard drinking on land and might use some of the same group cheers used at sea on land... it may be the whole reason we use it as a "cheers" of sorts. Oh another note regarding Huzza and "raising" a cheer... as huzzah may have been used for raising a heavy sail, it may be why we consider a cheer to "raise" someones spirits or why we "raise" a cheerie holding our glasses high...to lift the spirit of the crowd.... just a thought! Glad you started this thread ..... I LOVE language!
  17. wow gorgeous place...I could totally live there, the hubby would freak out about the cold though. Beautiful photos on the sight. I lived on the island coast of Canada for a bit. Was stationed in Newfoundland for a couple of years when i was in the Navy.
  18. LOL ...loved these. the last two of course are my favorites.
  19. I gave Harry an cheap one someone gave me...he learned on it for a while but it eventually broke, he's been doing some research and might be able to share some of what he's found. I'll forward this to him for you.
  20. OMG is it THAT soon!! Wow time is flying.... YEAH!
  21. I wanna see the picture .... LOL ... sorry I'm a glutton for punishment.
  22. iPod -- last song was Beth Hart - Delicious Surprise Ray LaMontagne - "How Come" playing now Kalai King Nowhere to be found is next in line
  23. OOoo OOOooo i wanna play! Can I play?? I really do love this aesthetic... uh oh......... that means more and more costumes ......LOL soon I won't have room for real clothes anymore. Who needs boring clothes anyway...I'll have really cool clothes instead, plus if I do it right I can do Victoria era too. Oooo Patrick!! I REALLY love the idea of being part of an Airship crew at BurningMan. I lived in Los Angeles for 20 years and never went. Going as an airship pirate would be..... well extra amazing.... and WAY cool! Oh......... I love the idea of a crew without a visible captain (looks around to see if Spike heard that) - now I have to figure out what my job would be... and a name and a persona, and the whole bit. by the way... I LOVE the BAND you listed in all your SteamPunk links. their website is amazing and the photos!!! not to mention the music its like Industrial/Classical/Folk/Tribal/Pop - don't know how else to describe them ---- OH yeah Steam Punk. So exciting for me to find a whole new arts movement - well new to me at least. Thanks Patrick! does your steampunk character have a different name?
  24. Ok here's mine. Fort Myers, FLA now if you like baseball, which i do the fact that the Red Sox and the Twins train here is cool so in the spring we get major league games for next to nothing, the beaches are cool but other than that, to be honest with you, the young people have a slogan all their own for Fort Myers .... "Home of the Newly Wed and the Nearly Dead" There are a lot of young families and elderly here so we're not a cultural mecca. Having come from Los Angeles I'm asking a lot !! Anyway, we'll be moving soon, we hope, if the market changes and we can sell this darn house!! ... Key West here we come! KEY WEST!
  25. I saw the movie several times.... and regarding Florida Sunshine... your welcome at our house anytime!!
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