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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. i'm reluctant to put shelves in since no two folks have similarly sized gear boxes. If we add custom shelve for specific boxes we get hosed when we add others gear. sigh- this is a real head scratcher. I think we may just add more hitching rings and tie the loads in as we need them. A false floor is going in this weekend to stow poles under the deck.
  2. I moved into college with my backpack. Did two weeks on the Appalachian trail, hooked a left at Peaks of Otter and walked into the college dorm with my pack. My roommate asked if i needed a hand bringing anything in- nope here it is. I left college with the same backpack and a laundry bag. I expanded. Anyhow, the trailer loads lots of people and their gear. I'm just looking to see what other folks have come up with to secure their gear.
  3. *sigh* ummmm downsizing isn't an option. atleast not that the better half is aware of. now i'll admit the air conditioner for the tent is a bit much, but the air mattress sure is nice. Its not a problem packing other folks stuff- heavens knows we all couldnt have made a couple of events with out the trailer, but how do people have theirs packed? I know gunner put a false bottom in his trailer and stores the tent poles there. *edit- BTW its going to be fun watching everyone downsize once luna is floating. one seabag and one small chest or smaller bag. of course the living history is already in place.
  4. hey folks, ok- its time to reorganize the trailer. its a 6x12 box that we keep all our stuff in, and load up with others stuff and more stuff, then some more... so anyhow this weekend, we had to load in the back of a truck which if you have seen us travel know how fun that was. Anyhow it got me thinking. how does everyone move their gear and how do they have their vehicles set up to move it?
  5. yup. if you were there and don't begin your story with "no s$^%, there we were...", you we're obviously safe and warm in a pub or hotel. The encampment in the storm was THE party of the year! *now I'll admit, many camps have been through storm, but how many have had the fury of the Chesapeake Bay breaking whitecaps between the tents where land was dry an hour earlier.
  6. cross, plenty of documentation in smiths journal of natives swimming in our area. diving for oysters, swimming out to meet them, etc...
  7. Eye, Its unfortunate that some deals can't be straightened out or honored. I know of two where a moderator knew the craftsmen and were able to get things worked out. On the other side, Mods and Admin can only do but so much and it it indeed buyer be ware. For a high dollar item I would suggest reference contacts, keep your correspondence- don't count on verbal agreements, and do your homework. It stinks to have to go through all that, but hey money doesn't grow on trees.
  8. thank you mission!
  9. While we all can sympathize with a deal gone bad, generally those particular topics have ended up as flames and ended with more upset people than should be allowed in any one town. Beware this is a small family and lots of folks know each other. Similar situations have occurred with events gone wrong or crew "X" upset crew "Y" and people have become members of the pub to defend themselves or continue adding gas to the fire. If its a trade that occurred through the pub, please try to work it out amongst yourselves, if that fails let a moderator or admin you are comfortable with know about it and they will try to help you through the problem- if it doesn't get resolved we'll let stynk know. Clear as mud-
  10. we are sorry to hear of the loss of your crewmate. please pass respects to the family and crew. check your pm's.
  11. ummm ok. if you were there you saw us. onto 2011- grace is doing a bang up job with the vendors and it looks like the bread bakers are coming back this year. I've seen the tentative menu for us and all i can say is "yummy!"
  12. as a side note to foxe's information. If we look at GAOP protestant new england laws, where many Caribbean pirates are rumored to be from, Massachusetts sumptury laws make issue of cobblers making boots as they are an excess of waste as they take seven times the amount of leather and suit no further gain.
  13. he was fine till he tangled with that "pesky ssspppppaaaanyard!" at MTA
  14. ok, I'm gonna put on the medic hat fort a sec. This is a bit descriptive, so if you are faint of heart you may wish to not read this. The bile you are describing, if you are vomiting it, is going to appear as coffee grounds emisis and suggests an upper gastro intestinal bleed. It smells of feces or rotting flesh depending on where it is in your system. It's also corrosive as all get out, so what ever teeth scurvy has not taken this would. The highlight, in the 18th century, without treatment of the underlying cause, you would suffer from dehydration and internal bleeding and have a short illness. Can I have your short coat?
  15. licorice root was used to relieve constipation. So if we are looking for ways to rid the body of humors, it would fall in line. Cross, I believe greenhower or maybe prentis' in CW sells it. Thats where I got the bit I carry in my rations bag.
  16. well, shortly we'll find out what the coasties have to say about it. I'll keep you posted.
  17. huzzah, what a wonderful thing to do for willoughby!
  18. todays project. a sailmakers bench. 5ft long x 8 inches wide. still need to set holes for fids & tools edit*- made from a scrap shelf and bits around the work shop.
  19. matthew, message sent
  20. ummm, this coming from the man who ran out of camp screaming like a little school girl "they're coming for me, hide me!" and now back to the topic... here is a link to colonial williamsburgs coffee house. while not a tavern, still worth taking a peek at for ideas of the time. http://www.history.org/almanack/places/hb/hbcoffee.cfm edit* correction on the timeline. ok so it has nothing to do with taverns or piracy, still a darned neat link.
  21. wait.... bo, you mean my staunch protestant and quaker Rhode Island and Mass. forefathers were corrupt????? NAY, NEVER! Proof is needed!!!! oh wait, hold on...... yup there it is, whole damned book of corruption in the colonies.... nevermind.
  22. matthew, A good place to start would be in Hampton as it was a seedy town which catered to "wayward sailors". In particular, Bunch of Grapes Tavern which was located in the area of the current carousel. The Hampton Hisotry Museum may be able to provide more info. As a side, if you are in the area- www.colonialseaport.org
  23. Ahoy friends, First, thank you all for your continued support of our project. While we are three years into construction we are indeed making progress- admittedly slower than we would like. Once floating we hope to host as many pubsters as may wish to visit upon Luna's deck! We are very happy to report that we have outgrown our old website, blog, and membership data base! The website address remains the same, but our blog has changed. Without further ado, I present our new online home! www.colonialseaport.org http://www.colonialseaport.org/blog/?p=156 We are still working the kinks out, so please let us know what we can change to make it easier to navigate.
  24. Luna's decking is in!!! check out a couple of pictures on our facebook page- colonial seaport foundation. I'll be working on the blog this weekend as well!

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