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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I still have my cold, it's taking a long time to go away. It has lessened quite a bit. Boats is really sick now. We both tried taking the Zicam (the chewable cinnamon ones), and it worked for a bit on me, but I was so far into the cold by the time I started taking it, it was rather a mute point to do so. Usually a cold will do me in for about two weeks solid. Funny thing, this is the first really major cold I've had in a couple of years now.
  2. And I'm sure the ratings will be very high for this show when it airs. :)
  3. I finally got to see what the rest of you are talking about. Interesting. What's even better, I now have HIGH-SPEED INTERNET, so I can now watch all these videos and goodies that people post!
  4. Yup, I'd know Patrick's ass anywhere....
  5. Rumba mumbles....You're a sorry lot Jack if'n ye think chocolate chips cookies will get you more treasures....
  6. Note: Regarding registering my license plate: I received the official papers from Guinness World Records, filled them out, took pictures as requested and mailed it off to London, England. It will remain to be seen what happens. Personally I think it would be really cool to have that recognition. I've found notes over the years, tucked around areas of my vehicle(s) the plate has had the honor of being on from people who just wanted to say they loved my plate.
  7. I saw it on TV and thought it was very good. I suppose if I had the money, I'd buy it.
  8. I'm really going to worry if I see SpongeBob Squarepants show up....
  9. It's the reproduction of dinosaurs that bother me....
  10. Missed the show last night, but read it in the paper this morning. Proves that pirates are the best!
  11. The main reason I've never bought the POTC figures from Zizzle are because of the poor paint jobs. Well actually I don't have any figures from the movie in my home...the really good ones are just too expensive for me to spend cash on when there are more important things to buy....like food.
  12. The desk came with the handles that had been taken off and thrown into one of the drawers. The drawers themselves are dovetailed, but I know it's a reproduction. The little fish tank, holds my Beta....
  13. well walking the plank into alligator infested waters would be interesting....
  14. Well you asked for it. Here's the computer desk in the living room/dining area. Here's my little desk in the bedroom where all my sewing and craft projects take place. BTW- the desk was unfinished and was being thrown out by someone here in the complex about 6 years ago. I got it and refinished it.
  15. I get this picture of ye painted blue an' wearin' a pirate hat. Have ye been standin' in the cold that long? Well come on in an' warm yerself up!
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