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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I get this picture of 'my boots are made for walking' with a pirate.... Welcome!
  2. Welcome, while ye be sayin' hi to everybody else, just give me your booty. Nice website ye got there.
  3. Well according to Iron Bess, that first picture of Depp in Asian costume is fake. Will remain to be seen what really is truth and what isn't.
  4. Yes I've thought about that, but so far as I know (and I checked The Guinness Site about it), no one else has come forward with such a claim. :) I went ahead and submitted it. What have I got to loose? Nothing.
  5. I actually have considered contacting the Guiness World Book of Records and offer myself up as the only person in the whole USA with the most recognized license plate: STAR WRS. Boats said I shouldn't , because then someone might steal it (it's already been done once). My reply is, first they have to get past the special bolts holding it on to my truck...course then my truck might be stolen...
  6. My list is as follows: 1. Capt. Jack Sparrow 2. Pintel (Lee Arenburg) 3. Tia Dalma 4. Scarlett
  7. The picture says it all. Luna(tic)
  8. I admit I'm very flattered at all of the responses here. All I can say is thank you, you all are the reasons that make me feel good about myself.
  9. Iron Bess, you're office is a pirates' worst nightmare........... Rumba runs away laughing, then runs into the door that was closed....to be continued in the Twilight Zone...
  10. Some pictures aren't coming up. Did you load them properly from a photosite and not your computer?
  11. Rumba's response to seeing Blackjack Robert's picture...
  12. Well as I bring this year to a close with a nasty cold which will follow me into the New Year, there's things that have happened this year here at the Pub and in my personal life that I have labeled as a transitory year of regaining myself. Being forced out of a pirate group of which I had been a member of for 13 or 14 odd years due to someone's jealousy caused me to look within myself and come out of it a better person. I'm now in a real non-profit group...yes the rules are very stringent, but the people are great (Pirates of Treasure Cove). I've been here at the Pub for now going on 5 years (basically just a couple weeks after it premiered here on the Internet), I think three or 4 of which I have been a Moderator. I've taken a huge cue from Iron Bess and have tried very hard to remain diligent as a Moderator, yet let people have their way...unless of course there's a problem and I had to step in. The problems here at the Pub are not unlike many other sites I travel to, but I admit the spamming is totally out of control. I know the Administrators have tried to stop it, but have failed. More drastic measures will have to be taken in order to stop it...that remains to be seen. The old argument of the purists of historical costuming vs. the people who just want to have fun, has reared it's ugly head periodically through this year, and just recently. I for one, would like to end it. Let people be and let them do what they want (remember these Ren-faires and pirate events never happened in real life of the time periods . If people want to do it correctly fine, if they don't they shouldn't be put down and vice-versa. In my personal life, my longtime companion of 12 years going on 13, gave me a beautiful marquis diamond ring on my birthday to lead somewhere in the future to a wedded bliss. Sadly though in my personal life, my physical body has changed and is in the process of be broken down. I haven't mentioned what's happened to me publicly and only Iron Bess and Mad Jack have been privy to what's happened, simply because I didn't want people feeling sorry for me. The fact that I am now having to use a scooter to get around because I can no longer stand or walk for long periods of time, tells only part of the story. I have been diagnosed with a collapsed vertebrae in my back and severe osteoporosis and arthritis in my low back and hips. It remains to be seen if the vertebrae situation can be fixed. I have also had three bouts of collapsing within the last couple of months for seemingly no apparent reason and feeling very ill. A host of blood tests on me only came back with my cholesterol is high - that wouldn't cause me to collapse. So I went cold turkey on all medications I take for depression. As it turns out that is in fact where the problem lies as far as I can tell, I was just over-medicated. I can tell when my attitude goes downhill, and it's happened now, so I've started back on one particular medication in hopes that it will even me out. In the meantime I've done a huge amount of work for Pub members (thankfully with the help of Gentleman of Fortune- Greg, who has been in the wings to guide me to the right words to use) to get the Secret Santa idea up and running and now the Pen-pal thing for members. To Mad Jack, who has become a true and honest friend for life, you have helped me in more ways than one, and I hope someday to meet you and your lovely wife, Janelle. To the rest of you, you have become my 'family' and inspire me to be here virtually almost every day, I thank you for putting up with my mistakes, blunders, and Blue Ribbon moments of foot-in-mouth awards. Proving I'm not perfect, and guess what? I don't want to be! So here's to 2007, may it be better!
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