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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. My suggestions are: Instead of going with a black background, go red. Leave out the star and moon and just have the main figure.
  2. Glad to have you back fine Lady!
  3. I have quite a list from the time my parents gave me my first car. 1965 Mustang -from my parents and my first husband put glasspacks on it and totally ruined it. 1969 Ford Econoline van that my first husband dropped a 351 Hemi engine into. Sadly it was stolen and burned out. 1969 Toyota small truck 1971 Volkswagen Squareback 1971 Duster (with a 351 Hemi engine) in lime green that I once got up to a hundred miles per hour one time. Sold the car to a guy who took it to Texas to race and blew the engine up. 1973 Toyota Corolla 1973 Dodge Van with tuck and roll interior 1989 Dodge Caravan 2004 Toyota Tundra 2007 Toyota Sienna Of all the cars I've ever owned, the Toyota's are the one's that never had any problems. I stand by Toyota's as the car that needs virtually no work, I swear they run forever!
  4. Hamish? Do you expect him to be a real ham later in life? Callenish, just proves the man ain't old yet! Congrats to both of you!
  5. How about: Siren's Call The Hold The Rum Barrel Bucket Boot Bar Cannonball and Thunder The Crow's Nest The Cutlass and Blood Bar The Captain's Daughter
  6. Uh, that's what Boat's has and it clogged up his gun very badly, which is why he was looking for better stuff. Unfortunately he doesn't need 10 pounds of the stuff, be he located a place in El Cajon here in San Diego that sells black powder, and I think he will be going there this Saturday to check it out.
  7. Not going, but wonder who is running it?
  8. Keep on wishing.................................I have for the last 3 years that this site would update.............................
  9. I've heard nothing about this, nor could I find it on their webpage.
  10. Looks to be a little too kinky for me.....
  11. Pretend I'm a parrot.
  12. No gila monster, but I'll be happy to sit on your lap.
  13. My other half Boats, bought a gun kit from Dixie Gun Works and put it together himself. Though I suspect some of the others already mentioned might be better. I think it will depend on how much you really want to spend.
  14. There's a LOT of them. If you would like to read about what I did/saw let me know and I'll send it to you via email. Arizona Colorado New Mexico Texas The Quarter House in New Orleans *Note: I have the background history on the Quarter House if anyone would like to read it I can send it to you. Louisiana and New Orleans
  15. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  16. ...now if this was in that other forum, my response would certainly be different... buck teeth
  17. I discovered first thing Saturday morning the Pub was off-line...whatever...I was kind of hoping maybe it was being worked on....well we can only hope.... I went to the movies and get home to a message from Oderlesseye asking me what's going, in a bit of a panicky voice. Ya sure, like I'm gonna know..... I know nothing and you can't get it out of me. Pub withdrawl, do we need to start a support group?
  18. To a fine friend may you have a wonderful day!
  19. To a great gal with a big heart,
  20. I just came across this elsewhere: Pirate booby pins Dang Merrydeath, I sure am hoping everything turns out alright. I have several friends who have gone through it and survived just fine now. Sending you my best prayers.
  21. In the same context of that idea and the other context that it was a 'temple' to the elements, seasons or equinoxes, perhaps it is both. by that I mean guiding the dead in some way in either receiving light, following, or giving something back to the living. Well it makes sense to me, don't know about anyone else...
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