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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Take a look at this! Kracken
  2. Mozilla Firefox has been great and no problems.
  3. ROTFLMAF!!!!!! I want a cannon for my car!!!!
  4. Apparently this bit was recently written by Steve Kimball of Pyrates Way. He's received a good deal of flak over it as it rather insulting to New Orleans and quite a few have let him know they aren't happy with him. Here is the entire message that he printed: As you watch the flooding in the Midwest? Have you noticed that there are no farmers running around with stolen plasma TVs or holding stolen liquor over their heads. There's no looting or yelling 'Where's Bush?', 'Where's FEMA?, Where's my check?', or 'Why isn't the Gov't out here saving me and my farm?' Likewise, I've also noticed there are no reports of any other country coming to help or sending aid. And this Where are all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowaand helping the folks affected by the floods? Where is all the media asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved the problem? Asking where the FEMA trucks (and trailers) are? Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels in Chicago? When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines? Where are Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks? Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big screen television sets? When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a 'vanilla' Iowa, because that's the way God wants it? Where are all of the gangs taking law into their own hands? Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of cannibalism? Where are the people (read liberals, progressives and other way out left wingers) declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people? Where are the debit cards for Iowans? How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again? Because these people are responsible and will take care of themselves . . . like others need to learn to do. These are the Americans who understand that help begins at home. God bless them and let's help them. They are true Americans! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am not going to say anything about what I think about this situation, I think there are plenty of others who have already stated their views to him.
  5. LOL! On our news channels here, everyone of them kept saying, "All of Cedar Rapids is under water, all of Iowa is under water." I have to admit I've had kind of funny odd thoughts of like carp swimming around in someone's basement, or like on the news, frogs everywhere - can't you just see opening up a soggy cabinet and a bunch of frogs leap out? I've seen pictures of creeks/rivers that have gone over pavement and catfish flopping around. Sadly, any house that's been flooded will probably have to be torn down - unless it's cement. Mold will flourish and cause more problems. Ya, where are those FEMA trailers (can't find a dry patch of land?)? Money vouchers for the displaced people? Our current leader of this land is as dumb as they come, someone ought to make him live in a FEMA trailer....
  6. Mary D. I believe may not have any more buttons at this time, as I and a couple of others bought the last she had.
  7. Whoa, all those Cancers together, make for a lot of crab cakes. Eat, drink, and be merry!
  8. Welcome! What port do you hail from? How old are you? (I'd hate to make the mistake of taking you for a kid if you're an adult...) Besides POTC, have you ever done any historical reading on the subject? If not, check out the Capt. Twill forum (and past pages) for some interesting tidbits like separating fact from fiction.
  9. To one fine knee-slapping talk like a pirate,
  10. A bit much for me, but I really like the towels.
  11. Yikes, a $685.00 vet bill for my parrot Corky. He was climbing on the outside of Gilligan's cage and Gilligan bit one of his right toes and virtually severed it. It was just hanging on by some skin. Immediately put stiptick stuff on to stop the bleeding. Ewwwuuuuueeeeee.....I could see the poor bird's bone sticking out.... Got the bird to the bird vet and he cut off the toe and suetured up the wound. Been giving Corky antibiotics and pain meds via shots (no needles) that go down his throat. Thankfully he hasn't bitten me yet..... The bird is doing fine, us however it puts another major cost onto the money we are trying to save to put down on a home. Very trying times which also means no events for awhile.....
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