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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. A squirrel with a thumb? Are ye sure it wasn't the finger? Rumba Rue **Wicked mind working again**
  2. Nope, no one said a word about yer whereabouts. There was too much goin' on at the meetin'. But I do think ye said somethin' to the tune o' ye were with yer mother, so that's what I figured. I'll send ye a PM and tell ye what happened at the meeting. Rumba Rue ** :) **
  3. Ah the Iron Bess of all 'powers that be'. I sure missed seein' ye at the PRP meeting. I've got somethin' for ye so I guess I'll jest have ta call ye and come an' see ye at the studio so I can give it to ye. Perhaps Capt. Grey and I can come together since we live pretty close to each other. Rumba Rue ** **
  4. Naw Ded Bob ain't a parrot. Well almost had ye one o'er the weekend. Dang that Roger the Red, he t'was tryin' ta take Philistina's little parrot out o' the cage an' he did let the door drop down on the bird's neck. He could 'ave decapited poor Mr. Smee. Are ye sure ye don't want a human skeleton? I'm sure when I get done with ol' Roger he'll be wantin' to be dead. Now where did I put that feather teaser.... Rumba Rue ** **
  5. Well the rain has finally stopped and the sun is out. I've been trying my darndest to come up with what I want to write about how I'm feeling right now. Perhaps a bit sad that there are some people that feel I'm way overboard with an anchor tied to my feet. I never ever claimed to be perfect, nor do I want to be. Life is a learning experiance that never ends. All I can really say is, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." Rumba Rue ** **
  6. African Grey Parrots are probably the smartest and have the largest vocabulary of any bird that speaks. My companion's daughter has one and he's quite a talker and virtually understands way too much. My little Senegal on the other hand is highly amusing, speaks lots of pirate language and I am so thankful I have him in my life. He has made me laugh daily, which sometimes is just what I needed. Rumba Rue ** :) **
  7. Congradulations! That's wonderful! I love the fact you did a fantastic replica of the picture! Rumba Rue ** **
  8. raw going in circles Rumba Rue **I swear we're going backwards**
  9. Curious question Jack, have you thought about cutting the tops down to a more appropriate length, and then using the extra you cut off to make a large cuff sewn on the top of the boot? Rumba Rue **Always got ideas**
  10. This reminds me of when I was still working Southern Faire and taking those dang workshops. I had a knife that had an interesting curve to it. The twit doing the class said I wouldn't be able to make a sheath for it. Well I showed him! Made a wonderful sheath and made him speechless. I have a friend in Las Vegas who did a fantastic sheath for a knife I had, complete with Celtic embossing. I've got two more that need sheaths, so I'll just draw an outline of the knife, (as Roylist said) and I'll send the drawings off to my friend to make them. I can't do that kind of work as my hands can't handle it anymore. Rumba Rue ** **
  11. Cute. There's another style under Novelty. Rumba Rue ** **
  12. >monkey business< Aztec coin Rumba Rue ** **
  13. Well if you're really creative, you could wire up a chicken bone skeleton. (easily done, just buy a whole chicken at the store) Whenever I have chicken for dinner I always tell my parrrot, "This could be you! Now be quiet!". Rumba Rue ** **
  14. Well I'm watching the rain come down so hard it's actually flooding my balcony because the water can't drain out of the drain hole fast enough. Pretty nifty...well I hope it doesn't actually fill up and come into my apartment. Other than that I'm feeling fine. Got all my sewing projects that I'm going to do for now out of the way. Now I'm going to work on my feather hat pins to sell at the Escondido faire. Wow this rain is really coming down hard! Well I'm impressed! I seemed to have missed being seriously sick. My companion came down sick three weeks ago with Bronchitis and he's pretty much over it, except for some nasty coughing. I learned that as soon as someone around me gets sick I run for the Echinacea and Zinc. Seems to do the trick for me. Course getting a flu shot last year in Sept. seems to help too. I hate shots, but for the last 4 years I've gotten them and I haven't been sick at all. I use to get at least 2 nasty colds a year that would have me down for a good 2 weeks solid. Now, no more. I hope the rest of you feel better soon. Well must go now. Rumba Rue **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar** :)
  15. Here's the website for the information: S.Renfaire Rumba Rue ** **
  16. Curious, were any of the table reads people from PRP? Rumba Rue ** **
  17. Here's some more information from some people who went and checked out the site. *********************************************************** Okay so we pick up the paper and see in the Press Enterprise that a new site has been revealed unto the masses. That afternoon we went up to Irwindale to check out the Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area. For those of you with Thomas Guides, the site is at the upper left hand side of pg. 598. and on the south of 568. For the rest of you, it is the green(?) patch southeast of the intersection of the 605 and 210 freeways. If you're somewhat familiar with the area, it's just south of the Miller Brewery. (Let's see, two miles of food grade 1" stainless steel pipe...... Oh four miles, there's Miller Lite. That'll make the customers happy at least.) I found an address of 200 Peckham, Irwindale CA for the site. It is a flood control basin surrounded by a 40+ foot high river rock dam that you drive over to get to the park. In appearance it is not unlike Sunset Park in Las Vegas, and has a lot of the same features, but it's a lot flatter, a LOT greener, and sports a lot more trees; not just cottonwoods (achoo!!) but oaks and elms. And no jets landing. There is a lake that allows swimming and has county lifeguards during the summer. Yes, the southwest corner of the place is flooded as of this posting, but that just keeps it greener and cooler. The San Gabriel River does run through it, although it isn't a year round stream. This year, who knows? Bring your OFF and Cutter's, we do have West Nile about. Where exactly in the park the faire will be is hard to determine at this point. Parking looks like a challenge unless there is a lot somewhere we couldn't see. Irwindale Raceway is right across the 605 from the site, so shuttle busses for the overflow are a possibility. Participant parking should be available in, oh, say Pasadena? Just kidding. From the 605, the exit coming from the south is Live Oak and turn right, and from the north, use the Arrow Highway exit. From the 210 take Irwindale south and turn right on Arrow Hwy. Access is off of Arrow Highway, which runs along the south side of the park. The entrance is somewhat easy to miss now, but that will no doubt change for Faire. While we were there we observed several Faire looking folk also checking it out. We didn't stop for a consensus, but I think this place could be a winner. At least it is centrally located and equally inconvenient to LA, OC, and IE faire folk. It gets the edge of the Catalina Eddy June Gloom overcast in the late spring. There are several colleges within fifteen minutes, notably Azusa Pacific, Cal Poly Pomona, and CSU Fullerton. The Clairmont complex is pretty close too. The area around the site is all industrial and warehouses, and there are a few fast food places and local spots very near. There are a few more places along Foothill at the north end of Irwindale that might bear examining, and there is some lodgings in Azusa northeast of the park for out of town folk. Well, that's my two cents. I send this knowing fully well that the next posting will be an REC press release saying that Southern will be in the blimp hangers in OC this year. But at least you'll know how to get there and something of what to expect should this be our new home. Hope to see you all there; or somewhere anyway. ********************************************************* Rumba Rue
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