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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. SICK! I've come down with the flu! Going to be in bed for the rest of whatever....
  2. I hope I'm ok by then. I've come down with the flu. Sick as all hell, going from cold to hot, sweating...I'm going to be in bed for the day. yikes!
  3. Trust me, I ignored the person twice prior when she laid into me with her threats of hurt. But the third time, I could not....
  4. So ye'all wanna know what happened at Ojai? Let me tell you. On Sat. without my knowledge, my companion who knows damn well I (and over half of PRP) don't get along with this Blackwitch from the Sea Witch Inn; anyways he had the nerve to ask the heathen daughter-in-law to hold up a sign that said "Sea Witch Inn" during the "Tryal of Anne Bonney and Mary Reade" during someone's stage part. It upset me, so I went over to the heathen and asked her not to do it. She refused me, so I held out my hand for the chalk board and she had, she refused to give it to me and said nastily that my other half had asked her to do it. Then she stalked off. I quickly made my way around to where my 'half' was sitting on the side of the stage and asked what the hell was going on. He said it was meant as a joke and got pissed at me! Mind you, I do the narrating for this play, so I had no idea what was going on, as he didn't tell me. SO, anyways I get back to the PRP camp, and the Blackwitch from Baskerville Sea Witch Inn comes bursting into camp, right through and past the gate guard, and starts screaming at me! I totally lost it (as I had forewarned a few that such a thing would happen should this bitch ever lay into me again), and started screaming back at her! She wanted to really get into a fight with me and it was all I could do to stop myself from decking her. I screamed at her to leave me alone, she screamed back she wouldn't. I screamed for help to get her away from me. Many PRP'rs came to my rescue by that time and I was shoved into the PRP tent, while the bitch was shoved out of camp. I have never been so upset in my life, not so much with the bitchwitch, but with my companion for doing such a thing knowing full well of the consecenses for it! I gathered up my stuff and left camp and went back to my tent. I could hear Deigo and company nearby, but I didn't have the heart to join them. They didn't know I was at my tent and of course I didn't say anything to them about what had happened. My friend Bob came out to console me, as I was so upset, I was in tears. He said even all of PRP couldn't figure out why Boats did what he did. Later Boats came out and apologized, claiming he had a 'brain-fart' and totally forgot. He said he went and took responsibily for the whole thing and apologized the the Blackwitch and her heathen daughter in law and told them I knew nothing about the supposed 'joke' during the play. I put on a brave good face for everyone for the rest of the time there at Ojai, I was so grateful for those in the PRP camp that constantly asked if I was ok. So there you all have it. BTW- the person I speak of as the Blackwitch is infact one. She knows not of the rules of the Wicca and does anything she can to harm those she wants to without thinking of the consecences. She's a member of Black Gryphon and runs the Sea Witch Inn. She is also a member of PRP, but that will be ending after the new year and new Board Members taking place. No I will not say her name publicly, I know better, but some of you do know her. She is dangerous, so be forewarned. Please also know, I will not remove this post because she might read it. So be it, the Truth shall always persist.
  5. None as yet, but came damn close at Ojai with the BitchWitch from the Sea Witch Inn......
  6. Well ye'll have to find me, cuz I'm stuck at the booth. Just remember, regardless of weather that includes rain, the event still goes on. It's not called the Escondido 'rain-faire' for nothing!
  7. Somehow having yer mate smellin' like stinkin' vinegar when yer tryin' ta get cozy, just has a really bad smell about it.....
  8. I went to Disneyland yesterday (Oct. 11) and I hadn't been in almost 20 years! Guess what? It still looks the same. Ok Sleeping Beauty's castle looks horrible with that awful paint job, and the supposed re-done Tomorrow Land doesn't look so re-done. My friend and I did get on Space Mountian (hey having a cane -it folds up- and limping gets you to the Fast Pass and got on the ride within 10 minutes compared to the 45 waiting in the regular line!). We liked the new graphics (compared to the old that looked like flying chocolate chip cookies) and give it a thumbs up. Course on the POTC ride when it came to the part where the women are being auctioned off, I yelled loudly, "We wants the redhead!" This is the first time I went through the Haunted Mansion with the "Night Before Christmas" decor. A lot of work went into changing things, it was cute, but certianly not scary. A lot of the same decor through out, kind of almost boring. I managed to find the pirate anntena balls in the Frontier Land store (there weren't any in the pirate store from POTC ride), which is what I was really after (I bought 4 of them) and a t-shirt with Jack Skeleton on it. I had brought my Jack Skeleton tote bag I had bought upteen years ago when the movie first came out (now it's a collector's item), and not one single person even said anything or noticed it at all. The last time I went to D-land in the early '90's and had used it, I got people all over asking me about it. We had lunch at the restaurant near Splash Mountian -ugh! The driest hamburger I've ever had- yuck! We forgoed any further food at the park. I suspect it will be another 20 years or so before I go back.
  9. Heheeeheeee! The ale area be right 'cross from where I be sellin'. So's I can keep an' eye on all you rabble-rousers!
  10. Ah ye bring back memories Montery Jack. I met a fellow in St. Gregory's Guild, can't remember his name. Ah, we did get into some but it shall remain within the realm of not to be said.... We had some contact a bit afterwards, but alas, he met another. Nice group them Gregory guys.
  11. There's lots o' fine vendors at the Escondido faire that can help ye out. So if'n ye be comin' I'd most definately check 'em out.
  12. Aye all will find me along that ceement walkway; just look for the booth sellin' the fine fresh water pearl necklaces and such, I'll be sort of on the side o' the same booth. I'm the gal with the big smile, blond hair, (not sure what I'm wearin' yet), but ye really can't be missin' my fine feathered hat pins and such.
  13. Trust me, my black box of a brain will never be found.
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