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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. This morning we had a bit of a surprise here in Escondido. We don't get thunder and lightning very often, so keep that in mind. I woke up just before 5 this morning, so I decided to go and sit out on my patio. As I opened the door there were a brillant flash of lightening about a half a mile away in front of me. So I sat down in a chair to enjoy the show, then I saw the clouds coming down very low, I mean LOW around the apartment complex and then this whopping flash of lightening just a tad over-head and right in front of my face! It was so close I could feel the electricity from the forks. Well I quickly decided to exit stage left and as I was entering the living room this enormus crack of thunder went off, enough to make me jump as I quickly closed the door. The cats just ran under the bed, but that crack of thunder shook the whole building! There was another flash of lightning and another roll of thunder as I sat on the couch realizing how close I had come to being electricuted a less than a minute ago. Whoa! That was all the thunder and lightning we had. I've been back in the mid-west in thunder and lightning and it feels like the whole friggin' house was coming down. Geesh....
  2. Absolutely wonderful! I looked at every plate in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here's some stand outs incase you don't want to look at all: The woman's riding habit in the 17th century on pg. 5, in blue and gold, just terrific! And for those who are getting into the Buccaneer living check out the 18th century, pages 44- top, and pg. 67 bottom. Also I found what I was looking for, since practically all us women wear just bodices to faires (well most are Renaissance events), I checked to see if such clothing existed, yes it does. Even though some camisoles arm lengths came to just the elbow, I found many that did come down to the wrist. So us women are not out of 'period' per say. Thank you so much GoF for putting the link up!
  3. By George he's got it! Good for you Capt. Bo, hey yer doin' better than me, I still have problems re-sizing the dang pics!
  4. The news says it wasn't an earthquake, but no one is fessing up to what it was! Hey, it sure felt like one! Everyone is wondering what it was. I've heard a lot of sonic booms, but nothing like this!
  5. It was rather eye-opening, as I am sitting here on the computer. Approximately 8:47 AM. Not big, but enough to make you go oooh.... Felt a small aftershock. Will have to watch the news later to see where it was and how big...
  6. Welcome and do enjoy your stay!
  7. Oh geeze! That's hysterical! Except it's on a loop and just keeps replaying! Arrrgghhhhh!
  8. My body hurts like hell from just one day at the Escondido event, but I feel on top of the world!
  9. I GOT IT! I GOT IT! WHOO-HOO! As soon as the Escondido faire is over, I'm going to be a sewing my heart out!
  10. Well it may not have been 'historically correct' but I enjoyed it anyways!
  11. Sorry to hear that Christine, take care for yourself. As for Escondido Faire, apparently on Sat. it rained like hell where I am, yet apparently it barely sprinkled at the faire. Go figure... Anyways, Sunday the weather was perfect! Stranglehold has a great new front entrance (I'm jealous), and it was great seeing so many I know from that group there and those that are members here at the Pub. Even though Pirates of Treasure Cove kind of got squished due to the group to the right of us taking more room than they deserved...we had a great time. For me, it was very relaxing, great to meet new people and have a good laugh over life and share food and drink. I had some of that special elixar that Kent makes, and yes as he says it tastes like a great milkshake until it sneaks up on you. OMG! I had about what equals to 4 good shot glass sizes, and I was fine, until I started walking...Boats says I was doing a good drunken image. But hey I felt fine! I got to meet Kent's new lady friend, what a sweetheart that Cyneful is! I also recieved a beautiful 'amber' (it wasn't real amber, but it sure looks it!) pendant from Kent: he had also given one to his new love and her daughter. Awesome, just awesome! Looking forward to next weekend for sure!
  12. Yes one and all, she's our new help and by God she's terrific! Good sense of humor too! Ah, no more tip-toeing through the rum bottles anymore Booty!
  13. Just for the record Bilgemunky and others, since she didn't really want to be known, Booty IS our new Administrator. Bloody Buckets needed help and handed this site over to her. So the cat's out of the bag now Booty- I did warn you to introduce yourself... :)
  14. Well I suspect that many of the powder monkeys/young ones were most likely molested and buggered quite often.
  15. Unfortunately for me, I could not make it out today (Sat). I had not been feeling well Thursday night and all day yesterday only a little better. My tummy's been upset and I've had some terrible sinus headaches. I will try again tomorrow and hope I'm in much better shape. P.S. It's raining like hell here so probably just as well I didn't go.
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