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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I like "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" Just don't ever call me for answers!
  2. Man do I know that one! Yep that last one is the best! Been there done that. Funny funny funny! I'd like to add to that: Horse horrors: Let me show you what a fraidy cat I am and then see how fast I run laughing all the way Let me show you how bumpy I can make your ride in the show ring Let me pull all my alfalfa out of the feeder and throw it in the mud demanding better quality Let me see you eat one of those hard little alfalfa bricks that are called cubes Let me blow myself up when you're saddling me so you can't tighten the cinch. And if you kick me in the side, I'll make your life a living hell.
  3. Still haven't seen it. The video place by me that carries Adult stuff doesn't have it. Would like to see it at least once....
  4. Well the reasoning for keeping the 'big stuff' away from the crew unless needed would be so the Captian could still retian his leadership of the ship without being killed. Of course a simple working knife could slit anybody's throat. So I think it would depend on the leadership of the ship as to what and where larger weapons would be kept. Maybe not necessarily locked up, but certianly out of the elements. I have a hard time imagining a guy working up in the rigging with the sails fully armed with guns and swords. I think a reality check here is needed.
  5. Well as an unregistered guest, how can we add someone we don't know?
  6. It's my understanding that you have to be invited to join the Yahoo group. So with that in mind, those of you who are still interested in joining the group contact Arthur Richards from Kent or Cyneful.
  7. Aye 'tis a glorious day in S. Calif.! Perfect weather, sunshine, everything is starting to bloom. Ah yes, Spring!
  8. LOL! Well since you didn't specify what manner of out of pirate garb that would only mean...well at least to me, that one would be in regular clothes.
  9. And I get the 'do you work here' bit all the time, and no I don't work there! I've had it happen so many times, (even places like Home Depot), I've lost track. Boats is just amazed at how many people have come up to me and asked.
  10. Well according to what I've found out courtsey of the sailors of the tall ships at Dana Pt. in Calif. is that most of the sailors would carry a 'working' knife on them. The rest such as swords and firearms would be put into a long box, usually somewhere out of the sea salt air, and locked. Only when going into some kind of battle would the weapons be handy. Hope this answers some questions
  11. Hahaaahaaaaaaa! Gawd I had so much fun! Members of Stranglehold you are the best!
  12. Uh, nothin' like my backside in a photo!
  13. Trying to smooth the bridge over troubled waters
  14. You think the cost of gas in your states is expensive, take a look at San Diego area: $2.63-69 for regular, 2.70-2.99, for medium grade, and a whopping 3.15 for high grade. Last year, we even saw it go as high as $4.00 and even 5.00 a gallon! So I don't want to hear any complaints from anyone else in other states and I have a truck! And plus I live on money less than minium wage! Oh and Christine, go to the Thrifty station on Escondido Blvd. near 2nd, they so far are the cheapest I've found. Occassionally the Exxon station just before it can get low, but not recently. Also once in a while, the 7-11 on Washington near Broadway can get low.
  15. Why thank you! I try to take pictures that show the best of what people are doing at events. I wish our camp hadn't been so squished (the group next to us took more room than they should have), and in the future, we MUST fight for our space! When getting early to a site for set-up, it may be necessary to move the wooden markers in order to achieve it. Done it plenty of times when I was in PRP.
  16. Oooooh la la, Capt. Pete Straw I ne'er knew ye looked soooooo goooood! Excellant pictures and the one in the fancy frock is just scrumptious!
  17. What a grand time it t'was! I got ta tell ye, I've been drunk many o' times, but ne'er in my life 'ave I been laid out! Gee I only 'ad 'bout half a mug full o' that famous elxiar o' the Master, an' let me tell ye, I t'was laid out flat on the floor for quite some time! Ah, but me crownin' glory came on Sunday, when Stranglehold t'was sleepin' on the job. Well ye see, their guy who t'was suppose ta be watchin' the camp, fell asleep. Well there t'was this ship's wheel jest lyin' in the grass there, so I jest rightly ducked under their barrier and scooped it up. It then got tied ta me belayin' pin behind me back, then I went an' strutted right in front o' their guard at the gate. He didn't seem ta care! So I paraded about the faire with the wheel attached ta me stern- jest like it should be... So's I get back ta camp, an' now there's this ratty chair within reach an' their guy nearby is still sleepin', so I jest nicely reached o'er an' dragged the chair ta our camp and promptly sat down in it with the wheel. Well eventually Stranglehold finds out what happened, an' their Capt. Syn decides this is not right. So he sends two o' his biggest men o'er to us, an' they picked me up, chair an' all an' took me back to their camp where upon they sat me down. Well I t'was laughin' so hard I t'was cryin' so it really looks good in the pictures! Yup, jest leave it ta me ta stir up some fun! So here be the link ta see all me pictures I took: Escondido Spring Faire 2006
  18. Good gawd King's Pyrate, you could blind someone with all that whiteness! And Capt. Bo, you're two guys, it seems ye been starving the skinny one and the other one must be eatin' his share!
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