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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Actually Ioan started out in 'Titanic" as the guy yelling for anyone alive (after the ship went down) in the water. But he got his real start by starring in the A & E shows, Horatio Hornblower. Never saw the King Author flick. I hear the movie was pretty bad. I suppose I should rent it... Occassionally I have just some yummy dreams about him...
  2. Listening to my birds squawking. Been trying to teach Gilligan to say "tastes like chicken". He'll say it eventually... Gotta go up to Whittier today to visit with my family and do the Passover thing.
  3. I'm having to go into virtual reality for that, as it doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere else.
  4. Ah one always learns from their sewing mistakes, I'm certianly proof of that. Yup, ye gots ta wash the material before ye use it. The exceptions bein' wool, brocades, leather/suede, chiffons etc. Though I must say, I'm blinded by the white! BTW-You're a great looking guy without the mug in front of your face!
  5. That is a funny picture of the Stranglehold guys with the POTC cereal!
  6. I would NEVER remove those pictures! They are priceless...well to me at least. I now have a new piture to see...I thought your hair was dark brown? Now I have to get a whole new mental image of you when I think of you or when we talk.
  7. Well I know I wasn't seeing things last night. I was walking into my dining area, and just below the cabinets that are on the wall of my place near the floor, I swear up and down, I saw the dark ghostly figure of a small rat run very fast underneath them and then disappear! I saw it with both eyeballs, none of that out of the corner stuff. My cats who were nearby didn't see a thing, but then it has to be in front of their faces... I thought to myself, did I just see that? I looked around, couldn't tell if anything was about, but outloud I said, "Did I miss something?"
  8. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning They were all fine sailing days, but unfortunately they were only ideal for sailing in the wrong direction Another smooth escape designed as a dramatic exit And from the Horatio Hornblower show on A & E, Never judge a ship by its guns, but by the skill of its crew Who wants to volunteer for the nice little job of carrying the explosives? Tis better to earn loyalty then to demand it
  9. Dreamt of anyone famous? You betcha! NO I'm not going to tell the world!
  10. Gee I recognized some o' them pictures! 'Tis a bit hard though tryin' ta turn one's head in strange ways ta see some o' them ones taken at strange angles.
  11. Please recognize this is not another Internet fun group to join. Pyrates of Treasure Cove is an actual group that entertains at events. Yes there is a membership fee, but not until after an 'audition' process. Yes there are some out of state here that have been invited because they have indicated they would like to take part when they can and are allowed to forgo the audition process. If you are interested in participating with the group (even if you live out of state), contact Kent, Cyneful, Leatherneck, or myself. I hope this clears up any further confusion.
  12. Whadda ye mean? He already OWNS the island! Lucky man!
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