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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Last year 1200 plus pirates showed up. It was the biggest pirate event ever on the west coast. I'm betting it's even bigger this year! Whooo-hooooo and YO HO HO!
  2. Going in for the kill. I'm going to bury the Pub hacker!
  3. If you are using Mozilla Firefox as your browser (and if you're not you should be!) this is what you need to know and do, thanks to Mad Jack. The hacker is using a back-door patch and is going through people's names here at the Pub. I wish to thank Mad Jack on bended knee for this wonderful information! From Mad Jack: I just found a trojan on my system called Backdoor.Redghost. It allows a remote user to take over your system. The info on it and the removal steps are here. Spy I installed an extension to my FireFox browser (under Tools -> Extensions, click "Get more extensions") called NoScript. It blocks the execution of web-based scripts unless you explicitly allow them. That'll gum up the boy's plans! Here's a free line of defense that will help. Go to LavaSoft and download Ad-Aware Personal Edition. Damned good anti-spyware protection. Next, go download Crap Cleaner, one of the best tools available for ridding yourself of all the junk web browsers leave on your system. This includes all manner of scripts that can hide malicious code. This one's free, as well. The Lavasoft website is at http://www.lavasoft.de, and Crap Cleaner is at http://www.ccleaner.com. Thank you again to my friend Mad Jack Rumba Rue
  4. Well I had my MRI today. First time I've ever been actually put into the 'tube'. Sort of strange and really caustrophobic, and very noisy. I was given ear plugs to use, helped minorly. So now all I do now is wait for a doctor to be found for my situation. Arrrgggghhhh!
  5. I had never heard of it before. Thanks for the link, maybe next year.
  6. vitamin defincinty (or however its spelled)
  7. Oh that's terrific! course I shouldn't talk, I can be negative a lot of time....
  8. LOL! I lost track of how many times I saw Jerry Reyes and Louie Lambie on both sides.
  9. Still feeling ill due to the hot weather and the party I was at this past Sat. No I wasn't drinking. Just the heat was horrible. But, feeling better especially now and Mad Jack knows why.
  10. Well I watched it, saw LOTS of people I know in it. But sadly I felt it was lacking badly when it came to 'true'. Kinda perturbed to see the same people playing pirate one minute and then on the opposition side the next. Also seeing the same ships, and sorry none of them was a Man o' War at all. Bad hair and make up on Blackbeard and others. Geesh talk about low-budget...
  11. I strongly suggest you contact Jamiaca Rose at No Quarter Given for answers. NQG
  12. Jamica Rose does not own this site anymore, it belongs to Graysail. You cannot copy any header or Pub logo for your own. Any saying Jamica gets onto her buttons are from other's ideas or her own. None are copywrited. If so, I would have asked for quite a few bucks from her for sayings I given her.
  13. People come, people go, that's the way it is everywhere. BTW- we get up to 5 per week joining as opposed to leaving. I think that speaks volumes about how good a site this is!
  14. ho ho ho! Yikes and I still haven't seen it yet!
  15. Silent, there's lots of vendors selling those 'shiny' things you don't like, but many do, otherwise I wouldn't see them on most people. I think the price is right. Unfortunately I don't need it.
  16. Ok I have recently learned the why's and why not's, so let me explain and I'd like to hear what you all have to say. Most pirate type groups out there do not have any insurance. They usually have some kind of barrier around their camps to keep the public out. When you have weapons displayed and personal belongings, you don't want the public to access that. There's lots of stupid people out there. But with Pirates of Treasure Cove, we have insurance. The reason why is because we have an open camp, no barriers. We invite people to come in. We do have weapons about and we do our darndest to keep people from pulling swords out of the scabbards. Instead, a member will do it and show it to them carefully and explain carefully about it. I have seen some other groups see what we've been doing and like it and they have decided a no barrier rule either. But their weapons are open many with no scabards and available to the public. As with a group that was next to us at the Escondido event in the spring, they had no barrier, but they had shoved many their sharp pointy objects into a hay bale up front. I saw a number of kids whisking their fingers across the blades. Anyone of them could have been seriously cut. So who should be at fault? The faire or the group? Every event makes you sign a waiver that you a participant knows the rules. However, the public doesn't sign waivers when they attend. I personally like idea of open camps, but I also am quite aware of the dangers present to the public. In the case of PRP, there is an area outside of the barrier with tables for the public to come sit, chat, or play games. So I'm curious as to what you all think of this kind of thing. Lets try and not get into a 'flame-game' here and keep responses resonable.
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