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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I'm against it because number 1, it causes hard feelings for those who weren't nominated, and number 2, it causes favoritism. It just seems that all I see are those who have history knowledge. There's a whole bunch of other areas that weren't even discussed. This sort of thing has been done on another site I go to and trust me when I say people get hurt feelings when they aren't nominated even though they've put in lots of input.
  2. Welcome! So how about tellin' us what port ye hail from and are ye single or married (fer those who might be more than just interested). Be sure and keep yer arms and legs about ye at all times, jest hand over the booty to me, savvy?
  3. Yup seen you around places. Yup I know about the clothes...or lack there of. Welcome to the Pub
  4. Because it wasn't pertaining to anything in the forum or having to do with the forum.
  5. Thanks Lady Seahawke. I'm taking zinc and the Cold Ease cough drops, among Tylenol and a host of other things I have I to take. I use Nyquil or equilant as in the current purchase at night to help me sleep. It's that alcohol in it.
  6. Just as I was beginning to feel better...I come down sick with a major cold. I'm just going to write off the month of December as a lost cause.
  7. My feelings on this after reading what's here so far, is I'm against it.
  8. Ooooooh I just love getting my back scratched.... Welcome!
  9. Well I figured in your 'search' , I moved this topic to this forum, so now you have something to search for. BTW- how much have you had to drink?
  10. Welcome to the looney bin.... oops I mean the Pub. Tis been a strange week in a strange mind....
  11. OMG! I may be dead by then! Perhaps this needs to be re-thinked.....
  12. Aye, I'm in the same 'boat', we know the date, but not the year on which it will fall again on a Saturday. So if anyone out there knows the year next time May 18th falls on a Saturday, please let me know. Thanks. :)
  14. Booty! I got booty! How many calendars .... let's see, a bird one, tall ships, state parks, and the 'tour de force' a Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest with the most YUMMY pictures of Johnny Depp and other cast members. I'm never going to throw it out! Also a gift card to Jo Ann's, Barnes and Noble and a free trial at the local exercise gym (ya right Bob, like I don't exercise- clean my home for me... ), passes to the San Diego Wild Animal Park about 20 odd minutes away from me. Also a huge umbrella done in colors of black, red, and white...perfect thing to turn into a pirate umbrella for my scooter and a couple of Christmas kitty placemats for us humans. On the other hand, I received an unusual gift from Mad Jack and his wifey, Janelle...crochet cat toys sort of looking like mice filled with catnip, bells and little kitty kibble bits of food. One of my kitties has taken to piling them up by the patio door...an offering? I sort of already got my Christmas gift(s) from Boats. We now have a brand new futon couch (full size) with a good mattress cover (coil and foam) so when people come to visit us for whatever, they won't have to sleep on the floor. We also have a new oak round pedestal table and 4 chairs from a really good consignment shop along with a dark honey oak slim cabinet that fits into a corner area very well. New furniture here has been a long time coming.... Also a POTC Monopoly game, too bad it doesn't have the new square with Iron Bess's forthcoming name of *Black Sam's Spit*.
  15. You bring up a good point Kass; layering. I would think being as it's darn cold in the English Isles and western European countries in the winter, that layering would have to be done. It constantly amazes me when I see so-called shows of the time period with so minimal clothing on the people in in the snow.... However here in the USA, i.e. the west and the southern states, we know all about heat! Ugh, trying to do correct period, especially the Court Ladies and Gents of the Ren-faires in their heavy velvets and such (been there, done that) in anything over triple-digit heat, is extremely hard to do. I give big kudos to those who do it!
  16. someone after me own heart...wait a minute......... that didn't come out right..
  17. My own personal thoughts- OMG on Christmas.... I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. These are great all! I'm gathering them up; if you didn't write it, please let me know who did (if you know). I'd like to compile enough of them to have them printed for sale and the proceeds go to a good cause like breast cancer or similar. It of course will be awhile before this happens, so don't rush. I'd prefer to have ones that Pub members have made up. Hope this is ok with everyone.
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