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Everything posted by Merrydeath

  1. I like: I am not a vegatartian because I like animals, its because I hate vegetables. Pours Ryann a tankard of Ale fer her.
  2. nods.. I have a few more, but since I am from the landlocked, wind-blown, cow-infested Midwest, I liked it too. thank ya, mate! Offers a drop of virgin daiqueri..
  3. okay.. i did just change it. Its not as beer friendly, but still funny.
  4. I didn't mean a real treasure. I meant a real chest. (_) (_)
  5. A pirate boarded a ship, took it over and demanded everyone aboard it killed. On it were 3 women. The first one offered him a title and power if he would save her and marry her. The second one offered him money and a fabulous villa in Italia if he would save her and marry her. The last one offered love and companionship for ever, if he would save her and marry her. Which one did he pick? The one with the biggest treasure chest!
  6. I have a very nice picture in my profile pic... go look..
  7. I thank ya Jack and Ryann, good luck to everyone. I heard that there are 4 kids dead in CO from the flu, but no idea if its the same one. Drinks a tankard of OJ and rum, just to be sure she don't get it. Or mind if she do!
  8. Short version: Heaven is English Laws, French mistresses, and German cooks. Hell is English cooks, French laws, and German mistresses.
  9. I be in the CR area, as are a few other friends who may be needing a drink about mid December. Lets get a group invasion going, and we can see bare cabin boys on deck. You just missed the POC invasion at BillyJoes Pitcher show, where you can drink and eat at the tables while watching the movies. About 12 of me buddies made it there.
  10. Opens a cask of Rum for all those who serve and can't be home for Thanksgiving. Bows head and wishes them well to whatever power they believe in. Has a big wreath of Mistletoe for Ded Fred to wear.. sent t to the Royaliste with attached note- Love the Ded Fred, had one in my tree for Halloween last year. Thought Fred could use a little TLC, so here is a wreath for him. The wreath is from Johnny Depp. He was named Sexiest man of the Year from People magazine. He won't need it...
  11. takes a bottle of really really bad rum and puts out the fire.. at least the paper one. Bad Capn! You spelled darn wrong!
  12. I would love ta see the tats.. Why not do what I do to keep warm in dem cold Midwest winters wit me leg hairs?? Braid the dem hair and make a rug..while its still on ye!!! :)
  13. Gives Mab a doffing of her hat, and a bottle of rum..with only a little bit of it gone. (just to make sure its a good en )
  14. Make love, not war.- Hell, do both, get married! -Women's restroom, The Filling Station. Bozeman, Montana. If voting could really change things, it would be illegal. -Revolution Books. New York, New York. A Woman's Rule of Thumb: If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it. -Women's restroom, Dick's Last Resort. Dallas, Texas. from a great place for getting Quotes, just cause its Friurking Monday and I wanna! To everyone who wants to hang out... http://www.cyber-systemsinc.com/restroom.htm
  15. That be us.. wit a bit of imaginating .. we be the best wenches!! There be an old saying.. I miss my man, but my aim is getting better! we missed ya, EP, over and over!
  16. Doffs hat and holds it over her heart. My sympathies for losing de cat, even if its still alive. They make good masters, and then we miss em all...
  17. Welcome back mate. ye been missed. Best wishes did you say best wenches? that be us all! Welcome back safe and sound, mate!
  18. wonders if The Capn of the Royalist fell asleep...
  19. LOL OW! grog comes out of Merrydeath's nose over the cat crop circles. haaaaaaaaaaar matey, you got talented peeing cats. And Mad Mad, you be a jenius wit the dagger! There was a sea capn named Briggs, who smelled like a ship load of pigs, he said with a smile, you get used ta it after a while and it helps if you don't wash your wig.
  20. Old Jac was a knarly old salt, who had a bad case of gout, He used to eat beans and stew, and drink a horrible brew, Until he blew a hole in the grout.
  21. Tired of cleaning your own cove? Have no bed warmer to call your own? Are your ashes hanging over your capris? Then dial 1-800- Rent -A-Rogue. the rest I deleted cause I was pissed over a dorey-carrying male specimen of stoopid. sorry mates..
  22. did you say Yaks or Yanks? Cause Yanks in kilts is good for me! and Darkmalkin is right, its sad to think of poor little hoofs trying to knit.. I don't like aminal testing either... they get all confused and end up failing. Pirata got a new avatar!! Looking good fer a low black-hearted pirate. HA!
  23. There was a rare pirate named Claire, who was bonny and quite Fair, she Rhymed and Wrote, working on a poem about a 'Yote, she was found drinking rum and pulling her hair. There was a pirate named Stynk, who had enough coins to clink, He gave every one some rum, an played a tune on a drum, then joined is all in the drink. (apologies ta any who read this while eatin')
  24. several fine women are traveling aboard ship when a small cove is found. They decide to wait until all aboard are gone, then disrobe and enter the cove to swim and frolic. As they skinny-dip in the surf, a sailor of old comes upon them. They scold the tar, saying they won't leave tim he does! The old grizzled gob looks at the women in their birthday suits, and tells them.. " you ladies have no fear of me! I am just here to feed shark tank!"
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