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1stMate Matt

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Posts posted by 1stMate Matt

  1. As stated above...Swords were most often ships property. Rarely did every person have claim to one. Swords broke very often. Thats why you see so many large knives.

    If I had to state a blade that every pirate would of or should have had would be a small blade that would have been more for rope cutting then anything else.

    On that note...why dont we extend this questions a little. What do you think the cutlass to sheath ratio was. Officers almost always had sheaths but beyond that I cant say.

  2. Tony Swatton of Sword and Stone flew in to Blatimore this past weekend to spend 3 days with me at my sword making event. We talked about POTC 4 a bit. Seems there is going to be a ton of sword play. Penelope Cruz is siad to be a duel weilding dagger fight I believe. Said to play the nemisis of Capt jack in a sort...

    From everything he told me it seemed like it was going to be fun.

    If he gets overloaded with orders for the movie he is going to try to hire me for a time to help him in the shop...Cross your fingers on that one for me!

  3. IMO the vendors of been lacking in the past. I assume there will be more there this time as the event has grown so much in the last 365 days.

    Is there a thread anywhere about the camp area or living history? I didnt know if it was crowded or not but I would love to put up our little A frame just to have a place to hang out if some of our crew wanted too. Let me know.

  4. Klaus from Pirates Magazine will be there. He is trying to get me to join but my sword making event was last weekend and I am buisy making swords and preping for Fells Point so I doubt I will make the long trip with him this year. Sounds like a great event. Klaus may have some of my blades with him for sale. We will see.

  5. I'd say that the first one that Cal posted would be what I would go with if I was trying to get something under 100. Simple design that works well with almost everything. I have seen a few reviews on that sword that lead me to say that it is decent and wont fall apart.

    It depends on what your going to do with said sword too. If it is just hanging on your hip and nothing else then your options are many. If you are fighting with it then your options are few.

    I personaly cant stand that shiney brass pieces like what Cal posted 2nd. Looks cheap to me. If you go with that then I would suggest dulling the shine down a bit.

    I personaly would never buy a sword without knowing what the tang looks like and the material of the blade.

  6. Anyone catch the treasure chest episode? Had a hole shot in it. Wow that was awesome. I will own one like that one day. For sure!

    I also saw a neat episode of "Mail Call" where they did the hostory of the shotgun. Neat episode.

    I have a pirate buddy in Vegas that I called and he is going to make a trip and take pics next week to see the real story on that place.

  7. I think I can put together something that will work. Maybe a short sword or a long knife :) Maybe we could get it done eary and have it up on the site to help generate interest before the event.

    Also, give some thought as to how I could help you promote this event. I have quite a good bit of tools to get the word out. Right away I would say get a flyer put together so I can post it on the Pirates Magazine Myspace and such. Im open to ideas there.

  8. This sounds like too much fun and something that the public will fall in love with.

    I would love to help promote this as much as I can. I am also interested in donating something. Do you think a sword would fetch enough to cover its value or should I try a knife or something small like a knife?

  9. Also an FYI. The Antique Arms Show is that weekend here. It is the #1 place to see some out of the world objects. Most of this stuff belongs in a museum and its right in front of you for sale. It's the most amazing thing to go to each year. If you can make it...you should!

  10. "We will miss his straightforward honesty, wicked sense of humor and enormous heart,"

    I have sold a few swords to fans of that show for no other reason then they were fans. I owe you a few drinks in heaven Mate! Thanks for being a good fellow and entertaining us all!

  11. I am a wee bit out of the loop this year. I attended a few meetings last year, but work has not allowed me to invest as much time this year. I will get that info out ASAP. This is just the plan so far for what Pirates Magazine is putting together. More will be added as it confirmed.

    I am trying to push this for a weekend event as most dont want to travel for a one day event.

  12. The original plan was to wait 'till Fells Point to announce the 12. Beacause of travel issues and what not we decided to let everyone know a little ahead of time. Don't forget that the 13th is chosen at Fells Point.

    Congrats to ye Mates! I can't say that I wasn't pullin for some of ya.

  13. Snow snow snow. About 30 inches over the weekend. Shoveled my driveway 7 times during it and still woke up to 14" on sunday morning.

    Now it's snowing again and has been all night. I would say somewhere around 7-10 inches and it still coming.

    I think I will get kitted up and take some classic pictures when the sun comes up.

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