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Bully MacGraw

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Posts posted by Bully MacGraw

  1. Capt. Gary has done what none of us would or could do. He took his personel fortune and purchased a reproduction vessel. Now that the vessel is underwater, the problems are coming. If he is in salt water, the diesel engine is ruined along with the wiring.

    The cost of repairing the vessel can easly be $100,000!

    God bless Capt. Gary, the hands and the good ship Royaliste. I am proud to have served on board!

    If every member of this forum could send just $10 I think we could help this true pyrate and this fyne ship!

    Ed McGrath

  2. Atlanta Cuttlery has a D ring short sword that they call a bowie. It does not have a clip point. The knife has nothing to do with a Bowie and it would work for you.


  3. I hate them! THey are the Danny Boy of our time. Get great music and take all the soul and folk out of it! I am greatly disapointed in the music. Celtic/Irish music is enjoying a rebirth. The producers of Celtic Women are going after the pop market.

    The fiddler is hotter than hell and a proven master!

  4. My dear Jacky Tarr. Please re- read my post. Single stick is a training weapon for back sword and cutlass. I am talking Western Marshal Arts. My personal favorite is the small sword.

    Red Cat. That is an excellent link. The instructors are noted fencing masters. I do believe that they have given this seminar on the East Coast and once last year. The fellows and Ladies of Tales of the Sea participated and had a grand time and offer their recommendation,

  5. Period Fencing and Single Stick

    As the use of the sword was such an important part of daily life in our period, I propose that we in this form use our hobby to further the fine art of defense. The small sword was part of the education of every gentleman and single stick was a common competition.

    What can we do to promote the art? In my own area there are Nautical Fencing Seminars and it does seem that our own Black John and his lads are practicing the art on the East Coast.

    Now I am not talking about modern fencing with all the “right of Way rules” Nor am I talking about the SCA convention of losing your limbs and bouncing about like Monte Python's Black Knight. I am talking about the marshal art.

    Now to start my quest, I, without the least bit of humility step forward with grand vanity, and claim to be the finest Swordsman on the South Sea (Pacific Coast). Having proven myself with small sword and fighting in the Neapolitan Style. I challenge every and all to prove my claim to be false!

    Who are the finest swordsman on the forum. Let us have tournament at our gatherings. The populous enjoys the sport. And I, as a 50 year retired soldier do enjoy educating the young bucks at the end of my weapon.

    Good Day to all. I stand ready and willing to be disproven

    Your Most humble and obedient servant

    Bully MacGraw AKA Baptiste

  6. Good job on this and the other articles about reenacting in the GaoP! I do hope that you can get the word out to those who really want to look at this hobby as more than a fancy dress Victorian Ball. I look back at my early reenactment and Renaissance Fair clothing and I am quite embarrassed, but at the time, we had limited resources. You are saving people a lot of money and time! You, Mr. Hand, Mr. Fox and Black John are elevating this hobby!

    Regarding the article about Seaman's skills. I am a Captain and I know so many skills could be learned from a book! Pick up some line and one of the many marline spike books and go at it. Lean a dozen knots and use them regularly. Those with the skills want to share them and pass them on to the next generation. Look at Capt Gary on the Royalist. He WANTS to share his skills and entire boat!

    Thanks Again!

    Bully MacGraw

  7. Now my dear fellows. Does not the auther refer to "Tricornes, long weskits"

    I am not an SCA member. I believe their period ends at 1600(?) So GOofP is not in their period.



  8. It does seem like all the fairs have been taken over by lawyer fearing corportation folk!

    Now were you folks dressed in GOlden Age Pyracy clothing? I have seen alot of tricorns on ren fair pyrates.

    Bully MacGraw

  9. Good day lads and lassies, I am just hopping into this here conversation. I am a real Captain, a historian and a traditional sailor. Regarding bucket top boots.....They were worn by EVERY PYRATE!!...Why do I know this, because I have seen Capt. Blood, all the Earl Flynn movies and every pirate movie made in Hollywood. I have also seen Victorian paintings. Last but not least, I have been to numerous Ren Fairs were I have seen Pyrates in tricorns , percussion lock pistols,Victorian Dirks and Bucket Boots! I have also seen men in kilts wearing bucket boots. Therefore EVERY sottish pirate wore a kilt and bucket boots!

    O.K. Back to reality. There are those who get there inspiration from Hollywood and the Victorians. Presenting logic and historical evidence will not change there mind.

    Cheers from California


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