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Black Nate

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Everything posted by Black Nate

  1. Nate slurped up his porridge, hungry for more seeing as his tankard was only one ladle full of the stuff. He wanted to go back and get more, but he wasn't sure he wanted to face the new cook again this morning. Nate also was desperate for coffee. Giving a sour look to the heavens, Nate heaved a sigh and set his shoulders, heading back to the galley. Amidst some shouting and cursing, Nate returned topside with a full tankard of coffee mixed with the dregs of porridge and another knot on his head.
  2. The sound of the Bosun call woke ol' Nate and he rolled out of his hammock, stretched and shook all over. "Aye! Risen shine me boys!" Nate pulled on his jacket and gear and made his way topside and was directed to the galley. Nate stood in line rubbing sleep out of his eyes like many others. He heard loud shrieks in spanish ahead, it sounded like a womans voice. Some crew hustled out of the galley with various amounts of food and drink, some rubbed their heads, others their knuckles. His eyes shot skyward and Nate mumbled to himself. Nate got into the galley and there was a woman, a spanish woman to be sure serving out the meal with a scowl. When it was his turn Nate smiled and waited. She turned to him with a full ladle of porridge. Nate only had a tankard and was looking for the coffee when she dumped the slop into his tankard. "Wot ye doin? I was goin ta put coffee in there!" Up went the ladle and down it came on his head. Nate ducked a second swing and retreated out of the galley.
  3. Back aboard and working th lines and sheets, Nate kept to himself as best he could in the wee hours of the morning. Once the ship was trimmed up well, Nate was given leave to head below and sleep while he had the chance. Back in his hammock, it took no time for him to fall into a deep sleep, hoping he would not suffer any nightmares. He still saw the faces of his crewmates from the Eliza swimming in the darkness once in awhile.
  4. Nate made his way over the side and into the waiting boat. Checking the sweeps and being satisfied in the darkness that they were sound he waited for others to join him in the jolly boat. A shadow loomed over the side and then over the rail and down into the boat. "Smithe is it? Nate Durant. Take up the sweeps wit me so we can get th' anchor, if ye please." Smithe looked at him and grumbled before taking up the sweeps. Both men pulled the jolly boat to the bow and the anchor was lowered and made fast to the boat. Orders given and they pulled out into the harbor until the order was shouted to let her loose. This was repeated many times until they were free of Habana. Nate wondered wot lay ahead on board as well as who or wot might be encountered.
  5. Nate grinned in the darkness, "Not to worry lass, wouldn't mind that we make sail, sooner th better." He glanced to Dillard still standing there before continuing the clean up of the tools and righting the bucket. finally he took hold of the line that had snared him and began pulling out the tangles and knots. Nate shook his head as he undid the mess, wondering if he was mistaken about crew being three sheet to the wind while on duty. Nate had a mind to see after any other line that was in disarray, but in the morning, not now.
  6. Nate cursed to himself as a voice was raised and called out 'who goes there!' He sighed heavily as he ran a hand across his shin, already feeling the lump beginning to swell. He was about to answer when another voice was heard, chastising the woman, Silkie. Nate had a slight feeling of guilt that she was taking grief due to his noise. He was about to stand and reveal himself when it grew lighter and a pistol was heard to cock. Instead of standing quickly Nate just raised his hands. "Careful now, tis only ol' Nate, done tripped on some lubber's ball o line on deck. If I woke ya from yer slumberins I beg fergiveness. Ain't my fault these lines were poorly laid." Seeing the recognition of those staring at him Nate stood and brushed himself off and began collection the scattered gun tools and bucket.
  7. Nate yawned and stretched as he walked aft and heard snoring. He spied a shape on the deck, 'sawing logs' and grinned, barely suppressing a chuckle. One of the after cabin doors creaked open and out came the commodore so Nate made himself scarce, just to stay out of the mans way. He watched as the commodore paced forward and there he met another crewman, who in turn was met by Dillard. Salutes all around and the man wot smoked a pipe left their company. Words were exchanged between the commodore and Dillard before they separated, walking in opposite directions of the deck. Nate sighed and realized these men were different than those of his last ship. The reminder causing a slight pain to his memory. Nate had yet to see any man stumbling drunk while on his duty, of course he hadn't been on this ship for more than so many hours. While he mused on this he heard a door slam below and moments later Red cat appeared and headed aft. Nate watched her go, seeing that she were still in a foul mood it seemed. He crept to the bottom of the stairs to the quarterdeck and watched her for a bit, decided he didn't want to disturb her further and turned quickly to leave, only to tangle his foot in a poorly coiled line on the deck which caused him to fall half on a cannon and scatter the gun bucket and tools. Nate bit back a mouthful of curses and gritted his teeth as he rose slowly in the darkness, hoping he hadn't woken anyone, but knowing those who were awake heard his fall.
  8. Nate was far from being asleep when the man Dillard came grumbling in. He spoke with another fellow named Smithe. Nate knew the cat they spoke of was not a small furry creature, but none other than the woman whom he had just had words with. He was going to get up and see about finding her, might be too obvious, so he lay there for a time. Once the other had settled in and were quiet Nate sat up and lowered himself to the deck, shrugged on his jacket and tried to quietly make his way out. Just as he reached the ladder Nate felt eyes on him. He turned to see Dillard with a look on his face. Nate pointed up through the hatchway and to his temple. "Goin' ta th' head, sah." Nate saw Dillard shake his head and lay back down. Grinning, Nate climbed onto the deck and went to the head, just to prove he weren't giving the lie. After he headed aft, wondering just what had gone one between The Red Cat and Dillard.
  9. Nate was about to retire from his duties aboard yet another ship. He headed down the forward hatch and just as he set foot on the lower deck the sound of a ruckus from aft made its way to Nate's ears. He knew the voice well, as it was one of the first of this lot he had heard. He yawned and stretched, stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it about hoping to clear it so he might make out the shouted words better. No luck. Nate looked at the other crew there and grinned at them. He crept towards the sounds of the ruckus, but it ended before he got closer, so it seemed. Nate shrugged and returned to his hammock, stowed his tools and weapons before rolling is jacket up for a pillow and settling himself to sleep.
  10. "Aye, sah! I'll be turnin in soon as I finish up m duties." Nate continued to flake out the line and heard the man ask if Red Cat was staying aboard. He stopped in mid swing waiting for her to answer. Nate almost spoke out of turn, saying there was room in the forward berth, but held his tongue.
  11. Nate watched the Red Cat look for the Rakehell and make her exclamations and question him. "I weren't left b hind, capin ordered me aboard this here ship, ol' Nate delivered that message too." He looked around the darkened ship and saw a figure come up on deck. Nate spoke in a low tone. "We're set ta cut th cables, so ta speak, at first light. I think that's th commodore's wishes, as is mine." nate jerked his head towards the approaching figure. "We gots compny." Nate picked up the nearest line and began laying it out nicely, grinning and humming a shanty.
  12. Nate's grin faded. He watched as Red Cat looked around bewildered and then pulled a crumpled parchment straighter and read it. It were th piece he delivered to th commodore. Nate shrugged one shoulder. "Capin Ransom sent ol' Nate cross ta th commodore's ship an tol me ta stay. She up-anchored an was off. Can't say much more n tha. That be wot she gave me ta gie ta th commodore, but I ain't been one ta read it." Listening to his words the shock wore off of Red Cat Jenny and a slight fire was seen in her eyes. Nate hadn't crossed her so he knew it weren't directed at him, so his grin returned. "Wot be yer pleasure, Miss Jenny? Wot can ol' Nate do ya fer?"
  13. Nate had been laying out the lines on the Relentless, learning this ship just as he had learned the Rakehell. His mind was working, still wondering if Dillard was serious when the voice of Red Cat Jenny called his name. Nate wasn't sure if she were on this ship, but now he knew and grinned at her as he approached. "Aye Red Cat, ol' Nate's at yer service. Wot be yer wish? Tis my command." Nate wasn't sure why he said what he did, but he didn't care, he had an ally aboard that would surely back him up if the captain had thought to throw him back to the sea.
  14. "Aye. . . ." Nate said and squinted one eye shut, the other half way and watched the man head to the hatch. Nate was still not sure if he should take Dillard seriously, but had no choice in the matter. He picked up his belongings and weapons and followed below.
  15. Nate turned to Dillard, "Wot ya mean? Did he actually do that?" Nate glanced at his small pile of possessions he had brought aboard the Relentless and wondered if he was going to be thrown back into the sea. He looked skyward, "Father, wot are ya doin to me?" He paused for a time and began to smile as he brought his eyes back to earth. He stood taller and even hummed quietly. He hoped the crew aboard were handy, as this were a larger ship than the Rakehell, hopefully just as fast or faster. Nate began looking over all he could see in the low light, trying to get a feel for the ship as best he could. He hoped the commodore would welcome him into the folds of his crew and they would be leaving port soon. Nate was itching for some good honest work.
  16. Ol' Nate was forward trying to get the snarls out of the lines that some of the drunken crew had managed to do, after all the laying out of the lines He and Dysart had done. He jumped when Africa let loose with a threat to the men in their cups and chuckled some with the threat by the captain. "Not to worry ol' son, yer not ta be counted wit thems that's crooked." He heard a laugh come from the quarterdeck and found it to be the captain, but what she laughed about he knew not. Nate continued his work, humming another shanty as he did so. One of the crew picked up the humming, so Nate burst into the shanty in a loud voice, startling the man. "Oh Sally she'n the gal that I love dearly! Way, sing Sally oh". He stopped and looked at the men about him. "Well lads, ye know th verses, aye? Raise yer voices an move yer hands or ye get no rum fer a fortnight!" He picked up the shanty where he stopped and others joined in, being sobered some at the words he repeated from the captain. Ge grinned his wild grin and continued singing loudly as he worked.
  17. Nate felt like he were the only man with his sealegs aboard the ships as all the drunken crew stumbled and swayed about the deck doing their best to help ready the ship for sailing. For the most part they ended up undoing all the fine work he and the old salt had done while they were plying themselves with liquor. Nate heard Colard singing softly and began humming the tune along with him, as it kept his mind focused in a way.
  18. Nate went to salute the captain and almost dropped Goose, so instead he bowed his head. "Aye-aye Ma'am, sah!" He helped Goose below and sat him down with a cup of coffee before heading back on deck to pull, push and heave other crew down to the galley and plied each of them with coffee. "Drink up, sober up you lot! We got work ta do! Capin wants ta make sail th sooner th better!" Nate made sure to yell in the galley to prick up their drunken ears. He grinned his wild grin and headed topside. He spied Colard still doing a fine job of coiling the lines. "Oi Colard, fine work there. Come help me rig the moorin lines ta ready fer makin sail, then lets hope th rest o th crew are sober enough ta help raise sail we can leave this port, none too soon." As Nate headed to work the mooring lines, he looked over to the Relentless, wondering what all had happened and where the Red Cat might be. Another hand aboard would make the work go faster.
  19. Nate coiled the lines along wit the new man who sang a shanty in time. Nate did not join in, but did hum along at times, more keeping his attention on the work and the deck. He watched as captain Ransom made her way on deck and had a talk with the big moore before heading forward to where he and Colard worked. She needed Nate to help her round up the rest of the crew ashore, saying they might be leaving port in a hurry. Nate saluted the captain and just before following her turned back to the old salt. "See? we'll be leavin port in a hurry. Keep up th good work an we'll be shovin off right quick!" Nate stepped lively to catch up to Ransom who told Nate to head into one of the taverns, muttering something about how they would set sail when the men were probably so into their cups they couldn't walk a straight line.
  20. Nate thought a moment before answering the old salt, not sure what all he should say about the ships coming to Havana. He'd heard scuttlebutt from the crew about a mutiny on the Relentless. And they did have an interesting dinner with that Spanish lord. Nate decided to sidestep the question in a way. "Trade goods don't know anything about enemies or allies, an when ya got trade goods, ya go where th market is fer em." As they made their way to the bow of the schooner, Nate pointed to an open spot on the deck. "If yer so afraid o bein spotted, just set yerself there, no one gonna see ya on shore." Nate picked up a bundle of lines and dropped one in front of Colard. "Coil that smartly and th day will go quickly, maybe we'll be leavin this port soon."
  21. Nate was starting to understand the moore and his moods he thought. He didn't take offense to his gruff tone and did no more than acknowledge what he said with an "Aye, Sah." and headed back to the new man. "Well, I ain't sure where he gone off to, so yer shave is gonna have to wait. I guess yer gonna be stuck wit me til th capin assigns ya to yer own duties. Come forward wit me for a spell, well sort out the lines an coil em."
  22. Nate nodded as the old salt told his tale of life at sea and how he ended up here. Looking about for the captain, Nate wanted to be sure if it was a good time to engage whomever it was that did the business of barber surgeon aboard. He was about to muster the courage to ask Africa when he spotted her on the deck of the Relentless. Her posture spoke of annoyance with what looked to be the commodore standing there. Nate also noticed Red Cat was just off to the side of the two captains, but he couldn't tell if she was a spectator in whatever was happening or not. An uneasy feeling passed over Nate and he turned to Colard. "Yer shave might need ta wait a bit, somethin ain't right between th capin n commodore yonder. Might need ta make a quick run outta th harbor. Here, have a dip o water an hold fast where ya stand." Nate handed the dipper to the old salt and walked over to Africa. He too must have had a bad feeling because he was touching the thing that dangled about his neck as he looked to the Relentless. Nate cleared his throat. "Africa, sah, beggin yer pardon, tell me I be wrong but I gots a bad feelin."
  23. Nate put a hand to his chin and scratched while he though of what to say to the new man. "I were surprised when I came aboard that th capin were a woman. I been on many a ship under many different capins, an so far she be high on my list." Nate wasn't about to let this man know he hadn't been aboard for very long. Nate motioned for the man to follow him back topside and as they cleared the deck he asked Colard his own questions. "How many ships ya been on 'ol' salty'? An' how is it yer makin an escape from these here spanish?"
  24. Nate gave a quick salute to captain Ransom. "Aye-aye, capin! I'll show im b low." Nate released the man and held out his arm to show the way. "This a way, ya look needy o new togs, maybe we can see wot be in th slop chest." As they walked Nate hung back a step and whispered to another crewman. "Oi, where be th slop chest? This feller gonna need ta better imself and got not but hi but his person." The crewman told him were to look and Nate caught up to Colard, heading below. They found the chest of old clothes and soon had the grizzled soul looking better with a new to him shirt and slops. They were patched and worn, but better than his rags. "Aye, the Almighty thinks ya look better, but in need of a shave. Lets see if we can find th barber aboard."
  25. Nate kept an eye on the grizzled soul, the wharf, and the bay. Not an easy task and one he was taken from when he not only heard the captain but this raggedy man refer to him as Young Nate. he thought to himself "Ya hear that ol' Nate? Seems yer now th younger! Young Nate, why I'll be." He very slightly shook his head and grinned his wild grin. "Iffn me capin orders it, ol' young Nate'll do just that, aye." Nate looked to his captain for a concurrence or to have the man put back on the wharf.
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