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Black Nate

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Everything posted by Black Nate

  1. Nate held the sword as delicately as possible, not used to such a weapon. Looking at captain Ransom he grinned "Use this ting? I'd be afraid ta break it. Be better ta hang on th bulkhead o' yer cabin, Ma'am." He then looked to the commodore. "Capa Farra? I ah, no. . . . Don't know that. A sharp cutlass, an axe or club, aye. A knife 'r dagger too. Better yet, a musket or guns of a ship." Nate looked at the delicate weapon some more before setting it between his legs.
  2. Nate watched as his captain stood and made plain her position. Watching as she picked up the sword and returned it to it's owner, Nate drummed his fingers on his knee, he had hoped that the weapon would have been left on the table, for himself or another of his companions, if the need for such arose. Nothing to worry about now. He hoped her wishes would be granted, Nate was hoping to finish the meal. He had heard that some wonderful sweets were served for dessert at such affairs as this. Even as his mind wandered to such things, Nate remained focused on the scarred Navarro. Waiting in anticipation.
  3. Nate looked the man in the eyes. His wild grin graced his face. He again held up his goblet "Touche`. . . . Oh, my apologies, that's french..." He sat the goblet down and looked at the others.
  4. Nate looked at the sword on the table in front of him. He looked at the man who laid the weapon down, at Navarro, and at his companions. Nate stood slowly and bowed to the spaniard. "Aye Senor, I am a man o action. However, I am bound to follow orders o me capin. An further more, Yer brother has set such a fine table that I would not be at my best." He patted his belly to accentuate his words. He smiled and bowed to the other Navarro and picked up his goblet to salute their host. Nate sat down and looked at the commodore and captain. He looked to Red Cat and once everyone's eyes were off of him, he whispered to her. "Is this how all th friends o th commodore treat him an his companions? Lordy, I'd hate ta meet his enemies."
  5. Yea Patrick, if yer puss be anything like you be. . . . He's out a-partyin'. . . . Do he drink rhum too? Best check yer liquor cabinet then.
  6. Nate looked at the spanish folk, looked at his companions and nodded his head once. "Aye, Sah." He brought the napkin down to his lap and twisted it about in both hands out of view of their dinner companions. "Prattle. . . . No points ta be made ere. . . . We sit ere damn near unarmed while they be flauntin swords n all. . . . " Nate thought to himself. Looking across the table at the captain with the scar on his face who smiled at them, the smile was not truly friendly. Nate smiled back "Be happy ta wipe tha smile off yer face, I would." He thought to the man. Taking up his goblet he raised it slightly in a toast at the scared captain and took a drink.
  7. Nate tried to keep his concentration on plans of action, but with all these spanish concentrated about them it was difficult. Nate also noted some tension between the two Navarros, One seemed happy with the commodore and the other not. The one was now making eyes at Red Cat, no longer seeming interested in captain Ransom. Nate clenched his jaw as more spanish was spoken in their direction and he didn't know what was said. The two switched positions, as one stood the other took the vacated chair. As Nate took a drink from his goblet he mumbled under his breath to Red Cat, 'Bloody musical chairs.' and took a swallow of spirits. Nate slowly looked about the room, studying who was where, what was where, and how they might make a dramatic exit. He thought to interject a question in the conversation, Nate wanted to know when these windbags would get to the point of why they were here, as did the Almighty. Nate smiled some and again mumbled under his breath as he picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth. 'We'd like ta know if theys got a point ta make, if so, get on wit it.'
  8. There be pyrates about? Oi, Red Cat, I'll take one a dem drinks. An a slice a that meat pie. I likes yer pie.
  9. Nate did his best to put a passive look on his face as he were introduced and bowed his head. Nate watched those who arrived with Navarro for any signs of deeper trouble. Noting that Navarro was well armed, and his party also bore weapons, Nate began to size them up, guessing at weaknesses of each. He listened to conversation around him but continued calculating the possible actions and routes of escape. Some might think it an impossible task, but the Almighty were on his side, so Nate remained confident. If things went bad Nate knew his timing had to be right, for when an oppertunity presented itself he would be there to take it. For now, he looked to his captain and Red Cat.
  10. Nate barely nodded to Red Cat when she spoke to him low. He was aware of all around them in the hall. Nate watched her as she peered into her goblet, as if the answer was there. This produced his wild grin again and he took up his goblet as well. The main hall doors opened with much noise and spanish words, drawing Nate's attention there. "Must be the man o honor arrived." Nate said low to Red Cat while nudging her with his elbow.
  11. Nate watched as captain Ransom, hand to chest looked skyward. He deigned to look up at what she might see there and saw nothing out of the odrinary. Nate then noticed her breathing. His first reaction was to ask if she needed assistance, but since he had just been rebuked, he did not stir but looked to Red Cat with pleading eyes. He then shut his eyes and pleaded silently. Father, what would ya ave me do? Give ol' Nate a sign, aye? Opening his eyes Nate remaned passive, yet his whole body was tight as a bowstring, ready to spring into action, given the chance.
  12. Nate was no longer grinning. He straightened and knuckled his brow. "Aye sah, ma'am. Beggin yer pardon, I ave no doubt ya can protect yerself capin. I know my place in th ranks, very low. I protect my capin wit m'life." Nate pushed back in his chair, giving Ramson some space. "or ta be thrown back ta th sea so it seems. Ol' Nate's sorry if he did offend yer, Sah, Ma'am." Nate sat passively yet at attention, waiting to see if he were to remain on shore, on ship or in the ocean.
  13. Nate knew something was wrong, something had happened between the captain and commodore and it was not good. He gave Red Cat a questioning look and smiled at Ransom when her eyes looked his way. The captain looked slightly ashen and trembled a bit. Nate may have been new to the Rakehell and captain Ransom's command, but she was his captain now. "Summin amiss capin? Summin ol' Nate can do ta help? I be sure Miss Red Cat an I got yer back what havoc may come. Told ye, th Almighty says we gonna be fine." She looked at him and he grinned his grin, but it had a mean look to it this time, as his eyes looked at other round the table.
  14. Nate watched Red Cat set back against the wall and his hands came down to his sides. He stepped closer to her and grinned. She were telling him what he believed was true. The Rakehell and Relentless were indeed pirate ships. He decided she was trustworthy enough to divulge a secret. "Aye, they ain't all bad. Ta be honest, we dun some smugglin o goods now an agin. Th 'Liza ad a special place in er hold. . . . Ah, well. . . ." Nate's enthusiasm of his story dropped off a bit and his eyes were cast down. A moment later they met Red Cat's eyes. His wild grin appeared again. "Aye, Miss Cat, you dun some smugglin o goods yerself, or ye done worse I suspect." Nate relaxed as he spoke and again stepped closer for privacy. "Ol' Nate thought ya was a man, th way ya handled yerself back on shore were th' Almighty put me in yer path. Dressed as ya were din't help none neither."
  15. Nate slowly smiled. He took the hand offered, upturned pinky and all. As he did so he stood and bowed deeply. "Aye, R - ahhh... Miss Red Cat, I'd fancy a walk wit ye. Where would ye wish ta be off to?" Red Cat stood, slightly mocking the upper class as she curtsied to ol' Nate. "Oh, we c'n walk there abouts, or o'er there." She pointed daintily to another balcony, then to a spot closer to the exit. "As ya wish, m'lady." Again Nate bowed low, turned to be at here side and they walked slowly from the table. Red Cat looked at Nate with that mischievious smile. "So. . . . ye say ye had a run in wit pirates did ya? Do tell." Nate gave her a sideways look and that grin of his returned. "Aye, I done had a run in wit pirates. Seems more that once now." The look on his face dared her to answer his almost question of a statement. All Nate could do was wait, and hope some clarification would be had from the Red Cat.
  16. Nate was just a bit concerned with the heated words passing between the captain and commodore. He finished the spanish wine and before a servant could fill it, Nate covered the glass and picked up his goblet, passing it off to the servant to get him more rhum. The second course was eaten slower than the first, and Nate looked to Red Cat. "Them two always like iss at a fancy table? Act like they tied th knot an are tryin ta untie it now." It was getting stuffy and hot in the dining hall here and all ol' Nate wanted to do was go out into the fresh air. Pushing his chair back from the table, he looked to captain Ransom. "Capin, ya think there be a problem if I were ta stretch me legs? I'll take Miss Red Cat ere wit me, if she'd care ta join me. On me honor I won't cause trouble on me own, Ma'am, Sah." Nate gave the captain a serious and solemn look to say he was truly serious, and gave Red Cat a hopeful look, that she might join him in a walk.
  17. Nate watched the ladies eat with their fancy forks. He had set his goblet down and was going to have a servant get him more, but instead his dinner glass was filled with wine. Nate shrugged his shoulders and took up the glass and had a taste. Finding it tasty he smiled and picked up a fork and dug in to his chicken with gusto. Nate did not tear it apart, but ate with relish. The food was very good. He thought the meals he had on the RakeHell were wonderful after his time spent shipwrecked, but this far surpassed them. Nate finished his plate before everyone else. Sitting back he drank the Madeira in small sips, as it was not as good as the rhum. He hoped another course would be served soon.
  18. Nate looked at captain Ransom and blinked slowly several times. It would be a long night alright. He slowly reached up and touched his chest, feeling his St. Brendan's pendant through his shirt. Nate's grin returned. He leaned closer to her and spoke in a hoarse whisper. "Aye capin ma'am, a long night it'll be. Don't yer be worryin bout me now, I'll be fine, you'll be fine, Red Cat here will be fine. . . . Th commodore, I can't say." As he leaned away, Nate's eyes roller heavenward and back to look Ransom in the eye. Without another word he took up his rhum and finished it off.
  19. Nate sat holding the spoon and his brow furrowed. Had he just heard captain Ransom say what she said? All of a sudden, ol' Nate put two and two together. He visibly paled for a moment. Theys all a bunch o pyrates! Father?!?! Wot are ya doin ta me?!?!? he thought. His color returned and he sat up in his chair. Nate's eyes searched the room for some way out of there. Maybe he could ask to use the privy and escape that way. No luck, every door had two guards, even the one to what he believed was the kitchen. Nate became very stoic. He set down the spoon and took up his goblet and took a long drink.
  20. Nate clamped his jaw tightly shut as he heard what was said about the commodore being in cahoots with the spanish. His hands made slowly for weapons not there and watched the body language of those around the table. nate felt the air thicken with tension and this caused him to tense up a bit. The guards at the doors seemed more at attention than before. Nate looked at the ceiling and mumbled to himself. A moment later he relaxed some and smiled a little smile. He looked around the table at the spanish, and at those he was with. His eyes stopped on the commodore. Nate shook his head the slightest bit and only Red Cat and Ransom heard him click his tongue as he did so. Well ol' Nate, a fine situation ya been put in. . . . at yer ease lad, He told ya He can get ya out o this. . . . Not sure about th commodore, but you, aye. Nate thought to himself as he picked up a spoon and breathed on it before shining it against his sleeve and grinning at the spanish.
  21. Nate bowed a shallow bow to the people they were introduced to. He almost grinned, but didn't because of an expression on several faces. He was not dressed in such finery as they and he perceived they looked down upon him for it. Nate wore a more stoic face as they were seated at a finely set table. His mood brightened as he was seated between the two ladies of the ships. He finished his goblet of rum and signaled a servant over. "Ol' Nate an' th ladies here would like more rhum, aye." The servant gave a questioning look to Nate, so he tried the lingo. "Dos Rhums, por favour. Fer th seƱora an me." The servant finally caught the meaning and took their empty goblets on his serving tray and bowed before walking out of the hall. Nate looked at Red Cat and the corner of his mouth smiled a bit and he winked at her again. Looking around the table, Nate saw more guests had been seated. He smiled politely and nodded to them, looking at the captain and commodore, hoping he hadn't offended them or anyone else. As the servant returned with Red Cat and his rhum, it dawned on him that he might have asked if they wanted anything. "Ah, capin, ma'am, commodore? would ye like this here servant ta get yer a drink from th' bar afore we eat?"
  22. Red Cat and Nate wandered up to the captain and commodore and Nate held up his goblet in a salute. "Commodore, capin, Ma'am. Now wots we gonna do? when are we ta dine wit alla these high-born ladies n lords?" Ol' Nate was much more relaxed, not so much from the rhum, but it didn't hurt. He looked at Red Cat and again gave a small grin and winked. He was pretty sure she were in a mood. Nate felt a little fun could be had here. Just had to wait for an opportune moment, and the blessings of the Almighty.
  23. Nate had his goblet half drained when Red Cat gestured to where the commodore and captain were heading off to. He looked at the bottle from which the rum was poured and was tempted to grab it up, but decided against it. Nate offered his arm to the Cat again and with a much more relaxed nature they strolled over to the others.
  24. Nate let Red Cat tug him along towards the other end of the hall, leaving Ransom and Jacky behind. As they approached the bar, the servant there looked curiously at them for an instant before assuming an aire of supremacy. On the table were many bottles of spirits. Nate ran his fingers across his freshly shaved chin and looked at Red Cat. "Ah, wot yer think? Think theys gots some Irish whiskey?" Red Cat shot him a look of uncertainty. "Guess I should jus stick ta rum then, aye?" Cat gave him the slightest of nods. "An wot is it ya be wantin ta drink?" Red Cat looked at all the bottles and casks. "Rum, a good choice, I'll ave th same." Nate grinned at her and his eyes danced. "Aye, Rum it is then." He looked the man behind the table straight in the eye and gave him a steeley look. "Dos Rums, Por favour." The servant's eyebrows went up for a moment and back down before he moved. He found a bottle of very dark liquid and two crystal goblets, filled them and set them on the far edge of the table infront of Red Cat and Nate. "Gracias." The wayward sailor picked up one goblet and presented it to Red Cat and picked up the other for himself. Nate bumped his goblet against hers and mumbled something in another language that was lost in the surrounding noise. he winked at her and took a drink of the spirits. His eyes slowly closed and he breathed in deeply. "Oh, at's fine, very fine, aye."
  25. Nate was not happy to give up his arms. As he handed over the weapons he had a passing feeling he would not see them again. His only comfort was the knife at his side. It wasn't much, but it was something. He watched the man walk away with the weapons and barely heard others in his party talking. Nate heard something about food and drink and suddenly found himself very hungry. "Aye capin, somethin ta eat n' drink would be welcome, ma'am, sir." Nate looked to Red Cat and smiled nicely, not his usual grin. "Wot yer think thay be servin ta drink? Fancy spanish wine I'll wager. I'd be happy wit rum, or ol' Nate'd be happy wit beer." He followed the commodore and captain further into the realm of the Spanish, trying to remain calm as he noticed others around him still armed well. There were guards standing in pairs at some of the doorways with pole-axes and frills. Nate cleared his throat nervously and walked on. He found he had grabbed Red Cat's arm tighter, and only realized it when she peeled his fingers from her arm. He grinned at her and offered an apology, cleared his throat again and tried to remain calm. Looking heavenwards, "Father, why do ye put me in harms way?" A moment later he smiled. "Thank ya Father." He seemed to relax and walked with a bit more confidence.
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