Black Nate
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Everything posted by Black Nate
Nate n' Phonse had made their way through the trees, but not without Phonse spendin more time pickin hisself up off of the ground than on his feet. It were as if the roots and branches actually reached out an grabbed at his feet and clothes. All Nate could do was hiss at him ta be silent quite often as they went. Nate even relieved Phonse of anything that might make noise when, not if, the spaniard fell again. Up and around a ways they went, and now Phonse was panting from the heat and so much exertion. Nate decided ta give the man a rest an found a good spot wit a large fallen timber ta sit upon. "C'mere an set a spell before ya fall down, agin." Phonse couldn't say much fer panting so much an just lumbered over ta th log an sat heavily on it, trying ta catch his breath. Nate rummaged in the satchel an pulled out a bottle o' water an tossed it lightly ta Phonse, who almost caught it. He fumbled it up into the air twice and dove to the ground, catching it just before it hit. Nate just mopped his face wit his hand and rolled his eyes ta heaven. Phonse remained on the ground to drink the bottle dry o water, panting even more. Nate pulled some rum from the satchel an was about to take a snort when a sound caught his attention. Instead he rammed the cork home and set the bottle an satchel by the log, motioned for Phonse to be quiet before sneaking towards the sounds with his musket at the ready. Easing some brush awya for a better view, Nate saw a group o men struggling with a large box or chest. Lucky fer Phonse they made more noise than he had, crashing through the foliage. Nate eased back when they came to a stop, leaving his musket pointed in their direction. "Not sure wot we got here, an I dun know where th others are. . . . Think ye can be ready wit yer musket witout pissin yerself? Or accidentally shootin afore ye need ta?" Phonse's checks flushed some, but he screwed up his mouth and shook his hear that he was able. Nate winked at him and nodded his head for him ta go get his weapons. Turning back ta the noisy men, he saw they were tryin ta get the chest movin again, but with no luck. Nate chuckled ta hisself. "looks like a bunch a monkeys tryin' ta fek a -" Nate didn't finish his thought as he heard Phonse crash to the ground in a heap behind him. Luckily, the men with the chest did not hear the noise as they were now arguing amongst themselves in another language, most likely about what to do with the chest.
Nate thought a moment longer an took up a bottle, takin a swig afore sayin anything. "Seems a fine plan. . . . cept I tink we'll make a change. Red Cat, you go wit Roberto an Phonse come wit me. Cat handles a spyglass better, and a pistol as well. Nate squinted at Tomas an the rest of those standin about, waitin ta see if anyone begged ta differ. Cocking his head ta th side an lookin ta heaven fer a moment, Nate began ta slowly nod. "Aye Father. . . . Aye. . . ." Nate picked his musket up an held it in a commanding position, checked the prime again and again gave a look to his comrades. Nate raised his eyebrows when all he got back from them were similar stares. "We gonna do this er jus stare at each other til dark er til th' Flodden finds us? Move yer arse afore my foot finds it!" Nate gave a crooked grin an shifted his weight as everyone started movin'.
Nate looked ta were smoke was sighted. "Waall Father. . . . Ye be deliverin us from evil, er to evil?" Nate grabbed up his musket an seabag an walked further up th beach a dry sand. Stickin his hand in his bag he pulled out his two pistols, rummaged around more an pulled out a shotbox an powder horn wit loose shot. Nate checked the shotbox an found it ta be dry. "Smilin on me this time, eh?" Nate said as he undid his belt an slid th shotbox onto it, picked up each pistol an checked it, then loaded it from the horn an loose shot. Pickin up his musket ta do th same he looked at everyone else just standin there. "Ye best check yer arms afore we be headin ta see wot will greet us over yonder, I ain't no marine wit a crack shot an I can't load lightenin fast neither." Nate leaned on his musket an dropped a hand onto his cutlass hilt. "I grabbed all I could from th rack on the ship, There be at least three more muskets an a handfull o' pistols in th sternsheets. Arm yerselves ya vermin!" Nate said the last an his wild grin crossed his face and th wildnes crept inta his eyes.
Nate knew not why but fer wotever reason they was not able ta row away from wotever shore they was near. The boat had cleared the reef mostly an were now headin straight through th breakers fer shore. Nate knew they had ta do this just right or they were all gonna be arse over teakettle in th surf. Nate started hollerin orders when they got inta th rollers. "Steady now! Here's wot we gots ta do! Firstly, dowse th sail! When I say pull, ye pull on them sweeps as if yer life depended on it, well, cause it does! When a roller comes astern, wait til the bow lifts an starts ta drop, then pull! Everyone understand? It would be better if we had another sweep ta take place o th rudder, works better that way but we'll make due wit wot we gots! Here we go! Be ready fer it!" The boat was in the swells closer an closer ta wotever shore was there. The crash o th waves gettin louder. A heavy swell lifted th stern and then was amidships an finally th bow rose an dropped. "PULL!" Nate yelled loudly and dug his sweeps inta th water an the others followed. They did this over an overas each swell came under them. They almost lost it twice when th boat started ta swing sideways, but somehow Nate worked his sweeps like a man possessed an righted th boat. The worst came when they was in the first wave that crested an as they pulled for their worth, they was just not able ta stay clear an the top o the wave crashed over th stern floodin th bottom of th boat an soaked them all that was aft o th mast. Three more an th bow dug into sand. Phonse an Roberto jumped into the surf an started ta drag th boat further inshore, a wave helping them along.
Nate were stll lookin ta heaven when Red Cat called out ta him. Nate looked her way and shook his hand at her. "I know! I know!!! All I hears from th' Father is a bit o laughin! It ain't right I tells ye!" Nate stood up an flapped th sheet, sat down a second an stood again. Nate mumbled some under his breath an scratched his head fer a time. Nate noticed them on the sweeps were gettin tired. "Tomas, Red Cat, switch round so as ta give a rest ta thems, Robert, take th tiller." Nate took up the sweeps as Robert vacated th bench an started pullin.
"You there, pull fer chri-sakes! Pull wit all ye gots!" Nate yelled at the men on the oars as he grabbed the tiller an shoved it hard ta port. There were no waves drivin them ta th reef, so there shouldn't be a cause fer them ta not be able ta row away from gettin stuck on wot was just below th water. Thems on th oars pulled as commanded an it looked as if they was makin way, the rudder havin effect. Crazy thing was, it wasn't as much as it should be and they still were headin towards th reef. "Jay-sus, this ain't right. . . . Now we ain't big enough fer ta be wrecked on th reef, but we cn get stuck fast!" Nate handled the sheet hoping maybe a breeze would fill it and help them out, but none came. If there had been more than three banks of oars, Nate would have taken up a set and put his back into it as well if it would help. Lookin at th compass, they had changed direction some, and Nate hoped it would keep going. Nate didn't much like th idea o spendin days in an open boat or on a raft again, but he liked th idea o being marooned even less. He looked to the heavens through the fog with a look of consternation.
Nate looked at Tomas through th haze. "Downday vaymoose, ye sez?" nate had ta think a minute ta remember wot little spanish he knew. "Ah! where we gonna run to, eh? Not fer certain maself. . . . As we seem ta be outta harms way fer now - Thank ye Father - I suppose we should figger out were away we go next." Nate scratched his chin, took off his battered hat an scratched his head. No one said a word fer a minute so Nate shrugged an reached down inta on o th sacks that had been tossed into the bottom o th longboat an brough out two bottles o rum. Faces brightened as they saw th bottles. "Weeeeellll, until this peasoup lifts, I ain't sure o where we be at particularly. Be it a good thing mayhaps we find capin Ransom n Tar? Not sure how far an away any port be from here, not a grand trip in an open boat wi little provisions. So, we gots a bit o time ta tink on it. Nate uncorked the bottles, took a gulp from one while offerin th other to wotever might take it.
Happy Day a Birth ta that Red Cat! ! ! ! An many more ta come to ya Lass! ! ! !
Nate kept a stern look on his face as long as he could before finally doubling over in laughter. After a minute had passed Nate was able ta give the command ta pull on the oars an get them out o harms way. ”Pull away lads, we don’t wanna be anywhere near th’ Flodden when this fog lifts.” Nate took up th compass he’d taken from th ship an got some kinda bearing, directing Cat where to steer. Nate then made quick work o righting the small mast on the longboat and hoped th slight breeze that stirred would give them better speed. Nate set th sail and sat in the stern a moment and laughed. Odd looks were again shot at him, so Nate shrugged. ”I were a capin o a fine little ship there fer some two days. . . . Th Lord giveth, th Lord taketh away. . . . Father always gets me outta some fine scrapes.” Nate suddenly cocked his right ear to heaven and a startled look crossed his face and just as suddenly was replaced with a grave look. ”Summin wrong Nate?” Red Cat enquired to the look on Nate’s face. Nate slowly shook his head. ”Father just reminded me of all that. . . . Says I gonna be fine when all this be done. . . . The rest o ye tho, yer all fekked!” Everyone looked at Nate in shock until his wild grin and crazy laugh erupted from him.
"Ah right Father, I sees wot we gots goin on here." Nate rolled his eyes ta heaven an threw the loop onto the tiller. "Cat, we best gather our gear, you too Robert! Gonna hafta trust Toe-mas ere, tis an unholy grip that come upon this fine ship!" Nate hurried about an grabbed up all the weapons n gear he'd brought aboard, plus a couple things that would come in handy if needed. Nate dumped all he had in his arms into the longboat an stood waiting for everyone else ta get aboard. "Come now! Capin's th last ta step off his ship, put some fire in yer arses!" Nate looked about an spied th Flodden gettin closer an squinted his eyes. "Ohhhh Father. . . . this gonna be close. . . . a close one sure as I'm a green-eyed bugger of an Irishman. . . ."
"Already dead? Wot?!" Nate gagged as the smell hit him again and he laughed a crazy, ragged laugh. "Oh Lordy! Father! Must ye do this ta poor ol' Nate!? Give these men their rest eternal!" Nate gagged again then dry-heaved. He'd had enough of the stench and backed towards the open hatch where fresh air drifted in. He looked up through the hatch to see Red Cat there and gave a weak smile. "Aye Lass, stay topside, Just be best that way, trust ol' Nate now. . . ." Nate watched Tomas and whoever or whatever shambled about in the shadows in the hold.
Nate tilted his head ta th side a degree er two an his eyes just barely squinted as he thought a moment about wot Tomas had said. Nate chuckled. "Wot ye be tryin ere, Tomas? Ain't been but hours since I were b low an all was well an good!" Nate looked ta Red Cat an wiggled his eyebrows and stepped forward, leavin her ta mind th tiller. "Say we two head b low an see, aye? Lest he there pissed n' such in th water an on th rice, All them stores er good fer a month wi proper care. If ya got a mind ta be put ta shore, just say, none o this bally-cock nonsense." Nate was in th waist now, an put his hand up onta th main boom while restin his other on his cutlass hilt, waitin ta see wot Tomas might have ta say.
Nate watched Red Cat step towards him while he thought about th best way ta clean up th Spaniard. "I think ya might just do as I were first thinkin. . . . Haul a bucket er three o water onboard and sluice im down til he don't smell so bad." With th presence o sharks, even if th man stunk ta high heaven, Nate didn't favor th idea o putting im in th water. As Cat stepped beside ol' Nate, she wore a serious look. Nate wiped his brow an gave a curious look to th lass.
Nate gave Tomas a crooked smile. "Well then. . . . Orders would be ta get yer gear, weapons an all, er, an get him cleaned up sos we cn be ready as a crew might be." Nate looked at Roberts and past him to Red Cat seein wot she might be thinkin o all this. "An you Roberts, ye been right quiet. You think I be spirit n not flesh? Look at the mark ye left on me chest ere. Hurts too. If Red Cat agrees, we'll get ye some arms ta use as well. Hah, we'll swing by th Rakehell an see about yer bag an all too, but not jus yet." Nate creased his brow as he thought about what capin Ransom said, that she gave th order ta shoot ol' Nate. Further, he wondered why Father hadn't warned him about that.
Nate sailed the sloop the opposte way they had last seen their most recent antagonist, and out of range of the guns of the Rakehell and Relentless before throwin her nose inta th wind, puttin th wee boat in irons. "Aright you lot! Lay aft sos we cn suss out wot sort o accord is to be had ere." Nate put th lashing on th tiller an walk forward some so as ta meet th others. Red Cat hung back some, keepin a hand near her pistol. The others, Roberts included made little effort ta lay aft an moved slowly. Nate gritted his teeth an pounded a fist on th rail. "Move yer arses! Jaysus, Mary n Joseph! Are ya all thick? Don't you see? Senor Gurrero, you an your men might a jus become shark bait fer wot th commodore an capin there has a mind to do, wotever that may be. Thems on her ship, an I's thinkin on th commodore's ship has no affection fer you Spanish! We gots ta work tagether! Father tells me I cn trust you, if ye get some daft idears outta yer head. An Roberts, will ye accept my apology fer leavin ye bhind ta find Red Cat? It weren't worth two o us off th ship there. But now I sees how tings can be. She truly gave orders fer ta shoot me if I made it back ta th ship?" Nate looked at em all there, tryin hard ta make this work. They needed ta be a crew an he was willin ta hear out wot any of em had ta say. Only Ransom had called him capin, an if that were ta change, so be it.
Nate was no longer leanin on th tiller. Lookin about Nate saw Red Cat was aboard, musta snuck on as this conversation drew off Nate's attention. "Well now! Welcome aboard Mr. Roberts! You! Senor Gererro, get over n cast off th lines! You too Roberts! Time ta put some searoom tween these ships afore more bad judgment passes. . . ." Nate had walked to the side an undid the line from the stern. "Hurry along now, we don't want ta inconvenience anyone, I'll not shoot ye Roberts, an I were already in a fergivin mood fer wot ye did, now that ol' Nate has heard more, I don't blame ye." Moments later the sloop was no longer secured to the schooner and sails were trimmed. She sliced through the water quickly and were soon more than far enough away to maneuver. Nate's mood had changed some and it showed. "You, speak english, aye? Clean yerself up will ye? An Senor Gerarro, no sneakin off. We all need ta talk, see where yer head is an if we can trust one another as I don't want ta hafta have th Father watch me back more than he already does."
Nate cocked an eye back at capin Ransom, n chuckled a might nervously. "Whooosh capin, no need ta get all prickly. . . . I were askin Jimmy a kindness ta fetch a bucket. Don't be mindin me now, Wit Roberts we'll make due, won't put a foot back aboard th Rakehell witout yer permission, capin. Best get all aboard now, Want I ta go see if I can raise th commodore since he don't seem ta wanna have a talkin wit ye? At yer service Ma'am, quicker we find out wot wot th commodore be a wantin, th quicker we set sail fer better waters." Nate took off his battered hat an held out, waitin ta see wot was ta be th next move. seemed ta him even capin Ransom were gettin nervous as th crew. He weren't really sure wot all was rattlin everyone, cept maybe th sharks, but keepin' outta th water kept that problem at bay.
Nate did no more but to nod at Red Cat an try ta hide an amused smile. Nate loked at th men holdin pistols at those on his ship and waved em off. "Tis aright now, lay off there. Ugh. Jimmy? Aye? Would ye do me th kindness an fetch a bucket er two an fill em over th side? That one there gonna need dowsed er some such ta clean im up. Tank ye lad." Nate steped over an slipped over the rail an onto the sloop, gave capin Ransom a grin an salute. "Cat n I gonna need a couple hands more ta keep these men in order an ave a fine sail. As I said ta Cat, if Roberts promises not ta try n shoot ol' Nate agin, We'll take im aboard." Nate rubbed to bruise on his chest again, makin sure it were visible ta those lookin his way. Nate walked to the stern an rested one hand on th tiller an th other on a pistol in his belt.
Nate narrowed his eyes at Red Cat as she seemed in a quandry about summin he weren't understandin. "Oi, lets have a run up topside an see wot we gonna do wit our ship. We gonna keep them spanish as crew and see who else will come aboard? If Roberts promises not ta shoot me agin, I'll make an accord n' take im along this time." Nate grinned some and again gestured to the way on deck. Nate had an itch fer bein back in th open right now an was hopin the Cat would lead th way before he had ta scratch that itch and go up leavin her below.
Nate looked heavenward and cocked an ear. "Aye Father, I knows it." Nate looked at the two in the room wit him and nodded. "Ain't a need ta go runnin off like out tail be on fire now. . . . Cat's right, be better off tgether then separate. A parlay wi th commodore, good plan." Nate made as if to leave, gestured to the door like he were askin if they be headed back on deck ta see about wot might be.
Weird? Who's weird? What's weird? Ain't nothin weird round ere! Already made my thoughts known in th story. Callin us weird. Pot callin th kettle black.
Nate weren't pleased that his want ta talk wit Roberts was denied, but then she were the capin. At her askin o wot plans were ta be had, Nate just slightly narrowed his eyes. "I do have some ideas. . . . Since as ye says yer crew be jumpy as long-tailed cats in a room full o rockin chairs, we make haste an sail outta these here waters. I hear there be fine tings up north round an island named Bermuda. Wot say I, er Red Cat n I take that sloop wit a handfull more crew, an we depart this here place if business is done. Wot sez ye?" Nate took another swig o his rum an waited fer wot any might have ta say. Nate cocked his head an looked up, grinned an refocused on those present, and again rubbed his chest. Pullin open his shirt, Nate saw the purple-blue bruise. "See, I be flesh n blood. Be happy ta show thems that ain't to sure if ye like, capin."
Nate followed the capin below wit th others. When th door ta the cabin were closed Nate spoke up. All I wanted ta say ta Roberts is no ard feelin's I did leave im bhind, an not in a nice way when I went off ta fine the Cat ere. Nate stood against th door an rubbed the bruise formin on his chest from the shot.