Black Nate
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Everything posted by Black Nate
Oi Tomas! Tanks fer postin a picture o me ship! Me? I'm jus a crazy Irishman. . . . Jus tink o Stephen from Braveheart as a sailor. Haha!!!! that would make me Robert Shaw!
Nate leaned back against the rail and thought fer a time. Soon as Goose set a jar o rum in his hand, Nate drank half o it in one gulp. Lookin ta th capin made a face o concentration before speakin. "Yer wanten ta know wot my busness er plan be? Satyin happily alive fer firstly. . . . Er, kin I have a word wi Roberts there, Ma'am?" Nate picked himself off th deck and put a hand on Red Cats' should n gave a squeeze. "Salright Lass, Need ta figure alla dis out." Nate stood an waited fer th capin ta give orders ta bring Roberts ta bear, all the while rubbin his chest where the pistol ball could have lodged itself.
Nate couldn't hear what Father was sayin wit all the other voices talkin an yellin around him. All of a sudden he took in a deep breath. "Hells bells, a body can't hear imself tink wit all o yous yammerin on!" Everybody around Nate froze. Nate opened his eyes and blinked at the bright sunlight in his face. Puttin up a hand so he could see who was where, Nate noticed Red Cat kneelin at his side. "Wot's th look on yer face for? Someone die?" Nate began ta sit up an as he did so the ships logbook fell outta his jacket an in the corner was a pistol ball. Nate looked at th book and felt all over his chest, grinned his wild grin at everyone as he poked a finger through the new hole in his jacket. "Guess dis means it ain't time fer me ta have a long talk wit da Father. . . ."
One moment Nate was standin on th deck o th Rakehell, the next a shot boomed out an he felt somethin smash inta his chest and all he saw was sky then blackness. Nate's mind swam with images of his past mixed wit sounds of the present. There were hollerin an whispers together. All Nate could think was 'Father, I knows we need ta have a good long talk about wot be an wot ain't. . . . Do it gots ta be now? Tings was jus gettin good!' Nate hped to hear what Father had ta say, but there was so much noise he couldn't understand. All he could see was a bright, bright light.
Nate had grabbed up the ships logbook as he headed aboard the Rakehell and nearly dropped it as Colard slapped him on the back. When the old salt said it would have been better ta leave th Spaniards on the atol, Nate frowned. "Mind your tongue Mister Dysart! Father wouldn't stand fer it! Twould be too cruel a fate ta have left em fer certain death at th hands o those others! Sides, they be a valuable asset, I tink. . . . Jus cause they be Spanish, don't mean they be bad. Father would a not wanted us ta rescue em had they had black hearts n souls." Nate gave Colard a wink an gentle smack on his shoulder before he turned ta head ta see th capin. As Nate were crossin th deck, he spied some of the crew headin towards em, Nate supposed ta give em a welcome back.
As ol' Nate came close, capin Ransom hailed him, to which he called back, "Plan? Ya mean ta say you an th commodore had a plan? Weeeelll. . . . Permission ta have a gam, Capin! We need ta sort out a proper plan o action! Father says we ain't yet done wit th Flodden. Now, He ain't sayin a when er where we'll encounter her again, but we ain't seen th last o her. . . ." Nate steered the sloop closer to the Rakehell, but not so close until permission were granted to bump alomg side.
Ol' Nate steered the sloop alongside the Relentless and snapped off a quick and exaggerated salute to the commodore before smartly turning the quick little ship about, catching the wind on the opposite tack and heading away from her. Nate knew it threw his shipmates for a loop and caused the Spaniards ta duck as the boom swung across the deck as they turned about. All Nate could do is grin wildly as he sailed them closer to the Rakehell.
Jaysus, Mary n Joseph!!!!!!!! Look wot happens when yer away! Lookin.... very different! Upgrading is good, might take a wee time ta get used ta th new surroundings....
Nate kept his eyes on th Flodden an the Spanish aboard the little sloop. Looking like he were warchin s tennis match with all the wippin o his head back n forth. Long as the brig kept to her course in the opposite direction Nate was happy. Red Cat looked ta be calmin too an ol' Nate gave her a wink.
Nate waited some for Tomas ta respond, but before he could he noticed th' Flodden setting sail an' headin' Westerly. "Lookee there! We best set all sail wit our rudder to em, aye? Come on ye lot, shift yer arses an' help make our heading, wot. . . . Due East!" Nate ehaded ta th tiller an pushed off th snubline an pushed it over ta change their heading. As the Spaniards were movin slow, ol Nate hoped ta put some sped in their movements. "Quickly now! Ya don't want that brig ta come up on us an' send us ta th deep do ya? Father won't be happy if ya thwart His plan ta keep ye on this earth a wee bit longer!"
Nate looked ta Red Cat wit a knowin look. "Oh aye. . . . a faster course ta Port Royal. . . . I sees it plainly now." Nate cocked his head to th side as if he were listenin ta someone above him, which he was. Nate nodded and brought his head level. "I tink ye were lookin fer somthin more than a better passage ta nother port. . . . Somthin a bit more, substantial. . . . Not that I blame yer. Finders keepers , aye?" Nate grinned at the spaniards and at Red Cat, givin her a wink.
Nate saw th look on Tomas' face and also heard The Almighty chastize him. "My pologies Senor Guerrero, o corse ye know wot be aboard. Please, send one o yer men b low an bring up some vittles ta comfort yer bellies. Mind ye, we gots alla th weapons secured, understand? Keep where I can sees ya through the gratings, aye? Oh, yer other men speak english?" Nate tried to be a good host, tried to make Tomas and his men understand that they weren't in danger as long as they didn't try anything shifty. "An I have ta ask as it's got me wonderin, honestly, wot were ya doin out here in that wreck o a ship fore twas blowed to the four winds?"
Nate gave the man who called himself Tomas a half grin and raised eyebrows, looked at Red Cat a second then grabbed hold o the man's wrist and pumped it up n down. "Nate Durant. . . . That be Red Cat. . . ." Nate nodded towards the Cat as he said her name before lettin go o the mans wrist. "So Senor Guerrero, wot brings ye ta this barren spot in th middle o th seas? We're just ta try n get this here boat back. Please, take some ease an sit! Yer men too! We's sailin fine an true an soon ta be headed back ta our other ships. There be some fine vittles aboard if ye care ta imbibe, or take a turn at th scuttlebuckett, water be fresh too." Nate smiled kindly at Tomas an his weary men, but didn't let his guard down. Father told him there was naught ta faer from these men, but Nate decided not ta take a chance just yet.
Nate grinned and looked ta Red Cat and back ta the Spaniard and gave a short laugh. "Oh, Ya mean ta say this Was yer boat? Fine ship she be. . . . Now if ye wanna survive this day, wade on out quick like!" The Spaniard who did the talkin gave Nate a look but hurried the other men with him into the water and waded out to the sloop. Red Cat stood back and kept a hand on her pistol while Nate helped em aboard. Once they was on deck, Nate prodded em ta man th sweeps ta get the sloop back in deeper water as he reset th sails. in no time they were tight hauled and headin' away from the other ships. "Welcome aboard Our ship Seniors. . . . Have a sit down on th hatch there an keep yer hands in yer lap. Father tells me yer not ta be left ta th likes o those aboard th Flodden there. Lucky fer you I was about. Look like ye might need a drink, aye?" Nate an Red Cat looked at their 'guests' and awaited a reply, Nate wit his wild grin keepin an eye open ta see wot th other ships might be doin, hopin they wasn't gonna give chase ta th swift little sloop.
Nate n Cat sailed the little sloop to the far side of the wee atoll and put her nose in the wind once they got the ship as close to the beach as they could without running aground. Nate broke out the sweeps and set them in place if they needed to use them. Nat n Cat now waited to see if them spaniards were curious enough ta come see wot they was all about. "Wall Cat, they be perty dr- ah, they be soaked through, can't have a lick o dry powder amongst em an I would hope they'll jus be happy ta have their skins saved from th Flodden." Cat fingered her pistol an bobbed her head before turnin her sights toward the beach. All Nate n Cat could do was wait ta see.
Nate an Red Cat watched all th goin's on tween the brigs and the schooner. Nate looked at them with the spyglass and saw the animated gesticulations of the captain of the Flodden, the commodore and the captain of the Rakehell. Lowering the glass a devious grin slowly spread across his face. "Aye. . . . Aye Father, it would be too cruel a fate." Nate turned to the Cat who wore a fitting look of curiosity on her face. Nate turned and put a hand on her shoulder, leaned in and whispered into her ear. Cat almost puled away, but the more Nate whispered into her ear, the more she listened until a slight grin tugged at her mouth. Nate leaned back and looked her in the eyes. "Aye?" Cat pursed her lips a little and half closed one eye, chuckled and nodded. "Aye Nate, aye." Nate nodded sharply and his wild grin appeared. Soon they had the sloop running a slow course in a wide arc, around the spit of land the spaniards were stranded on.
Nate's eyes went wide as the ship blew up. "Jaysus, Mary n Joseph! Look out!" Nate Grabbed Red CAt an brought her down on the deck of their ship, covering her over. The explosion rocked everything in the area and some small bits of debris bounced onto the deck and plopped into th water all around. Nate raised his head ta see if things was alright when more explosions were heard. Nate realized they were now hearin th great guns o the Scottish ship firin again. He raised is head an looked at the Cat. "Ye alright lass?"
As the brig fired upon the spaniard, Nate put the little ship in irons ta keep from crowding the Rakehell. "Jaysus! Wot is it wit this spot o water!? Jaysus, Mary n Joseph, alla these great guns blazin away!" Nate took up the glass and tried to make out th stern o th brig before the powder smoke obscured things too much. " Prioff. . . . Lod, London? Nay, Pride o Flod. . . . Flodden? Flodden, Flodden. . . . I knows at name. Aye! Flodden! Not but a lick south o Edinburg! She's a bloody Scottish ship!" Nate was about ta say more, but another burst o gun fire come from the brig and it were lost to the noise. Red Cat just shrugged an watched wot was ta become o that spanish ship under th guns o the Pride of Flodden.
Nate weren't sure if wot Red Cat suggested would work and said so. "Ain't say I ever saw it done, but I can't say it'd work r not. Wouldn't wanna stun r kill a body accidentally, give th sharks an easier time." Nate n Cat upped th anchor an got sails set, running the sloop in closer ta see wot could be done ta help. Nate spied a man slapping th water wit an oar, either ta attract th sharks to him, or he were defending himself from one. Nate also saw the man called Roberts on deck o th Rakehell wit a pistol in his hand and thought back ta when he left him behind ta go find th Red Cat. A grin crossed Nate's face for a moment. Oh he's a fergivin sort, won't bare a grudge a wot he done did, aye Father? Nate thought to himself as he pulled the tiller an tried ta get them close, but not too close as to avoid runnin inta one o th other ships. "Wot's going on there? Wot can ya see, Cat?"
Nate put a hand ta th back o his neck and rubbed. "Aye, trouble. . . . Wot ye tink? head fer th capin er fer th commodore ta see wot trouble we c'n help wit? Er mebee jus stay clear a wee bit longer?" Nate shot a glance heavenward and shook his head. The Cat kept lookin through th glass ta see wot might be wot, so until she said wot th plan might be, Nate continued ta eat his bergoo. Might as well have a full stomach b fer headin into wotever mess we gots ahead o us. Nate though to himself as he spooned more bergoo in his mouth.
Nate jus shook his head slowly. "I ain't got any idea wot is ta be said. Father ain't tellin me a ting. If it comes down ta it, we still got th swivels loaded an can run circles round who all comes round." Nate took a spoon full o bergoo and quickly swallowed it down. Using his spoon ta point. "Here come capin Ransom, hope she ain't as gun-happy as th commodore an attract more unwanted folks. Mebee we should change tack an close in, see wot might be. . . . Wot sez ye, Red?" Nate looked to the Cat who was quite enjoying th bergoo an pulled a bottle from his jacket pocket an offered it to her.
Nate continued ta stir his bergoo in silence, waitin fer Cat ta ask her questions when they heard yellin from back where the Rakehell n Relentless were. Nate sighed, "Wonder wot alla that's about. I guess we best get topside ta see wot be at hand, but not wit out some o this." Nate grabbed two bowls an doled out th bergoo, stuck a wooden spoon in each an' offered one ta the Cat wit a grin an a wink. "It'll git yer strength back up, luv. Father ain't tellin me wot we gots fer us next." Nate took a spoonfull o bergoo an stuck it in his mouth. "Aye, come out perty good. . . . Quite tasty iffn I does say so me self." Nate headed topside an took a look round. Not far off was yet another ship. "Jaysus! Alla them firins a great guns done attracted th natives! Ye'd tink this here were a thrivin seaport! More company Red Cat!" Nate looked heavenward, "I hope ye don't tink this' funny now. Every time I tink I might have a wee rest, ye go n put me in harm's way. Wall, I ain't laughing."
Nate put a look o mock surprise and mildly hurt expression on his face. "Wot?! Ye tink it won't be good? Why, ol' Nate's hurt by ye tinkin wot he made ain't good. Had ta fend fer mself fer many year. I ain't no fancy fru-fru cook but I make a tasty bergoo. A course I'll be happy ta share wit ye luv, share n share alike." Nate stepped close ta the Cat so he might check on his cookin. Bein so close Nate spoke quietly. "Aye. . . . Share n share alike. Wot yer wantin ta know bout ol' Nate, ye curious Cat ye."
Nate n Red Cat had worked up a bit o an appetite earlier an were now makin sumthin ta fill their bellies when the Cat asked pointed question. "Ya wanna know a bit more about me do ye? Wall. . . . " Nate took th offered bottle an had a swig. "Guess that depends on wot yer wantin ta know, exactly. I been a-sailin most o me life, usually on a fine ship, sometime not, but I makes th best o it." Nate went back ta stirrin wot he'd put in his pot an waited fer th Red Cat ta ask a bit more. Stoppin a second he shot her a side-long glance. "I get ta ask wot about you too fer wot ya wanna know bout me, aye luv?" Red Cat raised an eyebrow an Nate went back ta cookin with a wee grin on his face.
A'right, this PC nonsense has gone too far. Not ta worry tho! Thems in the USN an USCG sing all them songs properly! An will continue ta do so til th end o time! HUZZAH!!!!