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Everything posted by BluePuppy

  1. This is such a fantastic project! Do you know when you'll be starting another one? I wish I'd been here in time to join this one :)
  2. my boyfriend goes to school in Scarborough, and the first time i went to see him, i think i was there just after the little thing they still have to commemorate the actual fair i wish i could've gone, just to say i had =p anyway, thanks for the history on this song :) Scarborough is a lovely town, it's quiet and full of old people, but it's really nice. The ocean, of course, lots of trees =p http://www.scarborough.co.uk/ if you want to see the town as it is today, there's its website :)
  3. that's the picture i took after i got my halloween thingie together. i was going to be a dead prom queen last year but it was too muddy and i didnt want to ruin my dress =p so i figured i'd wear that since i had it around =p aaaany thanks again for the welcomes :) p.s. i've dropped the wig, since i only really needed it for warmth =p
  4. very useful info, i'll also look for those books.
  5. i play clarinet and saxophone, and sing primaaarily and i also tinker around with a violin, piano, a guitar, and a celtic lap harp after the move, when i've got more money free, and there are more opportunities for music study, i'm really hoping to get into the others, particularly the harp and i'm also planning on taking up the flute i'm a huge fan of celtic music so i'd really like to get into those instruments as well.
  6. I've just joined this forum because I'm interested in getting into more historically accurate pirate activities. :) (And yes, I've liked pirates since before the POTC movies =p) I'm moving to Baltimore soon and I've been reading about the interesting history in that area so it's all very exciting. I'm currently in Kansas, so there hasn't been much (anything) to do. I've got a pirate-ish get-up that I wear around sometimes, but it's made out of a cheap bustier/corset, a dress of mine, a skirt, any one of my random peasant-like shirts, and boot covers. And while it looks neato, I'd like to keep pushing it into something more faire worthy. ANYWAY, sorry for all the rambling, thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to hanging out here. :)
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