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Everything posted by BluePuppy

  1. Why do you think that? After all, she's as changeable and untameable as the sea. I think that's exactly what Jack meant by 'I thought I knew you', as in, 'the Biblical sense'. Just because she loves Davy Jones 'truly', it doesn't mean she's chaste. And wasn't she the fourth person who tried to kill Jack? to which she said, "don't tell me you didn't enjoy it at the time." yeah exactly i'm pretty sure that's what they were both getting at, especially since tia follows it by "not as well as i had hoped" =p aaaaaaand she makes similar hints at will with "what service may i do you?" =p it's all in the body language and tone of voice she's such a gnarly character =p
  2. it's an event called Day of the Dragon (?) I think, it's listed in the "Raids" section I was wanting to go but I dunno if I'll be able to it's pretty gross down here, we've got a fertilizer plant/refinery in town, and when our levee broke, it flooded it. there are 46,000 gallons of oil in the water, not to mention backed up sewers. people's houses are all under water, one of my friends' houses was built by hand by his grandfather and it's all gone the guy who was here from CNN was talking about how you couldn't pay him enough to step into the water because it's so gross =p bleeehhh atleast the smell's gone
  3. they're left lying around at my new temp job =p I'm going to use some to raise my bed up a little, but I'm sure there are more things that can be done with them.
  4. eeeeeeegadds that looks spectacular
  5. oi, what part of kansas are you from? are you going to the thing in osawatomie? not sure if they're going to be able to have that now, though, what with the flooding... it's like our own little (DISGUSTING) ocean =p
  6. book-making is a lot of fun, i'm 'thinking of making my journals instead of buying them
  7. welcome to the pub :)
  8. looks like i'd better just get started =p
  9. ahhh that's awesome :) i'd love to make one of these (this flood has given me plenty of time to try ... stuff...)
  10. well, just because of history, i always end up as a servant or something, or having to play dumb, uneducated roles =p because back in "those days" that's how it was and i choose not to re-enact that history etc etc but i could be a pirate or some sort of sea-farer, if i wanted to =p blah blah blah, etc etc but there are lots of restated themes in the movies for instance, in DMC, when Jack is made king of that tribe of people, they believed him to be a god in human form and they wanted to release him from his body just like tia dalma is a goddess in human form and the brethren court wants to release her from her body (except they dont have to eat her =p)
  11. you know what would be fun? if anyone's ever done any book-making, making our own books of sea shantys :) i think i might do that...
  12. three wishes... well, it sounds horrendously childish, but I'd love to be able to talk to animals. =p i would like to see what they'd have to say about us, and their versions of the history of the world. if you think about it, i imagine they would have VERY colorful spoken tradition, since in the wild they learn everything from their parents and other adults. =p anyway, i'd also like... to have enough money so that I didn't have to think about it anymore. i was going to say something else, but money would really allow me to accomplish anything. =p I've always wanted to build my mom her dream house, or build an animal shelter on a chunk of land my family owns, or to be more involved with horses, or to live by the sea and have a REAL ship of my own, or do more travelling and see more of the world besides kansas (and visit my boyfriend more than once a year ), and money would make more of that possible... then thirdly... well... i dunno. i'll add that later i guess
  13. After some rambling in Pirate Pop, I thought I'd make this post to ask anyone who's in Baltimore if there are any events where historical accuracy isn't as much of an issue. Because, while I intend to eventually devlop an accurate costume, with my money issues the way they are (college kills!) I probably won't be able to do that for a while, but I'd still like to participate in functions and not wind up on someone's "look how innaccurate her costume was!" website =p (i ran into a few of those before i stumbled into this forum) anyway, thanks for any information you might have
  14. I think i'm in the same camp as you are, what initially dragged me into the pirates thing is the lore and the fantasy. of course i am interested in the historical accuracy part too, i'd like to participate in some faires and maybe even re-enactments, but i find that a person of my "type" doesn't generally fit into history in a very good place except with pirates with pirates, i could be whatever the heck i wanted, which was one thing i always loved about them but anyway, that's why i agree with Patrick Hand "we all can play pyrate however we want to" I like reading captain twill already, because there's so much information to absorb and you really don't find scholarly talk about ANYTHING much anymore =p which is sad... and i've always been in love with authentic period clothing and speech *swoon* but i'm also hoping to find some things to do when i move where it won't matter quite so much that my costume in it's current state is not accurate at all, because i plan to bring it up to speed, but i don't want to sit on the sidelines until i do =p AAAANYWAY, when i saw the end of the movie, i settled in my brain that, when he muttered "Calypso" before he died, she would've heard, knowing that despite everything, he'd loved her to the end (which is something pretty much any chick will swoon over, even if she IS a heathen goddess) and took him with her. Since there's really no way they could've been together with things the way they were anyway. He was "claimed by the sea," as it were =p Davy Jones is one of those villains that it's hard to not like =p Because I'm sure if it was possible to grow tentacles from our faces, there would be TONS of people walking around just like him, full of spite over a betrayal by a lover. =p And even though he'd become "The Devil," it's very hard not to identify with him, because what made him change was something very human. [/ramble]
  15. i foudn our old exercise bike in the garage the other day, so i've been doing that twice a day for 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of weights and ab junk... so far i've lost 1 pound, so that's good =p hahaha
  16. haha, nicely done on the message, shipwreck john :) and to red cat jenny! as far as my name goes, it's just a username i use alternately with another one. I've yet to come up with a moniker for my "pirate character" but i might use that as a base, now that i think of it... are we allowed to have different display names on this forum? i hadn't checked. in case i DO make up a suitable name, i'd like to change without re-registering =p
  17. i spent a week on sandbridge beach in virginia about two weeks ago, and i took loooaaads of pictures. can't wait until i'm living closer to the sea again... Her on a more angry day: and the early morning, approx. 5 a.m.: and a flock of her attendants for good measure: and this is from the last day of our stay at the beach:
  18. agreed :)
  19. Calypso is the heathen Goddess of the Sea. She could pretty much shapeshift to _any_ shape right up to the moment the Pirate Court bound her into the shape of Tia Dalma. She maintained a small amount of her power, but shapeshifting wasn't a power she kept. She actually said that very clearly to Davey Jones when she was locked up. How hard it was for her to be bound to just one shape. When she was released, she regained all her powers, including that to shift in whatever form she wishes. indeed i'm one of the ones who wished Davy Jones had remained in some form, rather than being replaced by Will Turner =p And to whoever warned against leaving your heart with Elizabeth, "indeed," to that too =p
  20. That, my friend, was absolutely hilarious I'd like to see another POTC movie, but who knows... they left the door open so that they COULD make one if they felt like it, or were ever strapped for cash and needed to make a few bucks real quick =p but who knows i'm just waiting around for the third one to come out on DVD, since i got the other two for my birthday and ... yeah... p.s. that cartoon jack IS appearing everywhere, and i can't say i'm too fond of him. urgh. if they HAVE to make more "stuff" for people to buy, i'd like... more stuff with davy jones =p
  21. I was reading Captain Twill and I'd love to find some of those books everyone's talking about. I'm sure it'll be easy once I move. :) I was reading the boot vs. shoe debate, as well =p I'm not sure I can give up wearing boots =p haha but yes, it's a pretty neat sword to be... plastic. my friend's son broke the point off of it, so now i have to fix that... it would probably be better to just grind it down until it has a new point... (to mad jack, i'd like a bit of irish whisky myself)
  22. I need to get back in gear with my weight loss projects =p I've gained back what I lost, but it took about a year so that's not quite as horrible as if I'd done it in a few months... I was walking very seriously and eating better, but I tend to be an "emotional eater" that AND the rain has made it almost impossible to keep up any outdoor activities unless you want to be up to your armpits in mud AAAAAND... a sneaky lack of resolve... ugh but randomly stepping on the scale today has kicked me back in gear, so i'm hoping to get the weight back off... it's so easy to gain and so hard to get rid of =p
  23. I'd just logged out and saw this in the events listed for the next 60 days Osawatomie's a mere 2 hr drive from where I live in Coffeyville If we've not moved by then, I'd really like to come :) ... though I worry about the inaccuracy of my costume has anyone ever been made fun of over something like that?
  24. nice work on the pants :) i was looking for something like that to add variety to my current costume (it's not faire worthy at the moment, but one day!)
  25. the first, third, and fourth i'm quite fond of... off to the site i go =p edit: oy, this is lovely: they're such amazing animals
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