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Everything posted by BluePuppy

  1. dear lord... i think i died and came back to life...
  2. I really want to do historically accurate costumes, I just think they're so interesting I just have a certain way that i want to do things that may not be accurate? i dunno it's just my character =p i dunno if pirate wenches are accurate either, you see so many of them :) are stays somewhat hard to make? (oh and to the person who posted Shira's circle skirt instructions, those are so great :) i made my first skirt for bellydance with that, before i had my sewing machine. pain in the neck to hand sew but it's such a great pattern)
  3. my biology professor went to great pains to make sure we all hated liver. and tomatoes. i still like tomatoes though.
  4. are you only using wood, or using other things? is plastic allowed? =p i remember in my physics class ages ago, our teacher challenged us to build functional boats out of cardboard. my group's was the only one that made it across, which was pretty awesome. this has nothing to do with rafts, i just really want to build another cardboard boat...
  5. i also have to say, misstress lilly's corset is pretty spectacular. it's a gorgeous red, and i don't generally even LIKE red. and covering the grommets with thread is such a great idea. i wish that more people did it or atleast offered it as an option. sometimes the bright silver dots distract...
  6. that is awesome.
  7. that's a fantastic sword :) I like that it's simple, but still ridiculously lovely to look at. the design is very nice if i had to choose betweens yours and your wife's, i'd pick that one ANYWAY, you made the scabbard for your wife's sword?! i agree with iron bess that you ought to take orders :) reeeaally fantastic
  8. don't have much interest in the "hot" pirate babes, but the rest of it sounds like ridiculous good fun
  9. ahhh great explanations on the skirt hikes! :) thanks very much everyone Honor Bright, are those ties then on the inside of the skirt? so when it's on you dont see the rings? or on the outside? i like the ring thing cause you can adjust the hike. i also like Lady Alyx's suspender idea, too! those would be very easy to use! thanks for the link to the book by the way :) thanks much again :) and on the subject of bodies, i saw someone asking about boned ones? any recommendations on those?
  10. haha *thumbs up* to this i have fabric left over from a huge project like 4 years ago i just can't get rid of it *it's so nice, though...* i'm hoping we'll get a new fabric store in town, now that walmart no longer sells it... *hope hope hope!*
  11. i'm so sorry to hear about your cat it's never easy letting go of your friends, and the longer they've been with you, the harder it gets... right now i'm planning out a large drawing. don't do many of those...
  12. office supplies... cripes man... staples, paper clips, pens, sticky pads, notebooks... dunno what it is, but i love them and art supplies... i buy sets of pencils i dont need just because i loooove pencils... and different kinds of paper and any other kind of snazzy pen if i've got spare money, that's usually where it goes OH and staff paper!! when i see it, my brain just starts coming up with all kinds of little tunes to justify the purchase =p and... i've got a compulsion to move turtles out of the road. if i have a clear road, i can't go any further without getting out and moving the little guy. and if a stray comes to my house, i can't chase it away. currently working on my "pirate room" is my MAIN one though... there are several things really =p
  13. I saw AWE the day after it came out, and I really enjoyed it, as did my mom. We went and saw it again after we realised we forgot the hidden scene at the end. =p But yes, I agree with what others have said about the plot being a little messy, I think maybe if they'd lenthened it, and maybe made part of it into a fourth, then they'd have had more time to make more sense. Weren't they running a bit behind schedule during production? I'm also hoping that an extended cut is released to DVD. I very much enjoyed the Locker scenes :) The stone crabs were fantastic, and the detail that went into them is just insane. Like when the little dudes get the Black Pearl back into sea, and some of them fly out in the spray of the waves -- there are lots of people who wouldn't have thought to add that little snippet. At first when I thought Elisabeth Swann WAS going to be the embodiment of Calypso, i was a little annoyed just cause that's ALWAYS how it goes. The pretty rich girl ends up being a goddess =p I thought Naomi Harris was playing a slightly different Tia Dalma in AWE vs. DMC, but she was still awesome =p whoo hoo for voodoo 'n such. Aaaaaanyway, I dunno, I was still sad to see Davy Jones die, even though he is technically a villain. He's an "understandable villain." I also didn't really like Will replacing him, just cause Will always seems so... "blah." I dunno, he's the uber-hero =p But really I think it bothered me more because I was just sad that he ended up being stuck in that position. He FINALLY marries Elisabeth and now he can only go on land once every 10 years =p The little scene at the very end makes up for it a little though, of course the next time he sees his kid, he wont be a kid anymore, which is, again, really sad. =p But yeah, all in all, I liked it quite a bit, and now I'm waaaaaiting for it to come out on DVD!
  14. that's a gorgeous fabric, honor bright :) by the way, what did you use to hitch up the front of your skirt? was it made that way or did you have hikes? and if soooo where did you get them? i looped some brown strings through the garter holes on my corset to try toget the same effect, but they kept moving together and losing the look so i just used pins =p i was looking at the baldrics at ravenwood a couple of days ago :) i'm trying to figure out how to make one =p but perhaps i should leave that to professionals...
  15. that's a great site! thanks for sharing it, i really love their chests and boxes and i want one of those water guns
  16. my thoughts exactly and i'll keep my eyes open for sea lions
  17. this is mine in the space in the back i put a picture of my bf =p i was thinking about making it double sided, getting another one and soldering them together, but i dunno if that would leave space to fit a movement. ifound reeeally great instructions on making a custom spool for a movement with music wire and sculpey, so i'd love to try doing that
  18. nope, the MR one does not open not sure why there hasn't been a functional one made, considering that i'm sure they know it would sell better than the non-functional one =p but oh well
  19. on amazon.com ridiculously lovely :)
  20. i really ought to be asleep, since i've got work tomorrow, but oh well that's what full throttle's for, i guess =p
  21. thanks very much :)
  22. can't afford the stays, buuuut i caaan afford the pattern and so shall it be =p well, we'll see when i get paid...
  23. is the one at claire's the master replicas one or a different one? if it had been a functional locket, it would've been fantastic, but i'm interested in learning to make jewelry anyway, so i'd like to learn to convert it into one :) do you have a picture of your crossbones cameo? cameos are some of my faaaaavorite things =p
  24. the corset on that festive attyre page is lovely... i've got quite an affinity for corsets... anyway thanks for the tips! :) i was looking at the reconstructing history website last night
  25. that's a fantastic hat, the trim definitely sets it off :) but i also like the one without trim... i'm looking to make my own hat (the one i currently have is a reeeeaaally cheap one from a halloween place =p) and these are fantastic instructions to the sticky idea
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