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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. Ok, got it. A number of my own pirates are attending as Romans. As a matter of fact you can see some of my lads in the photo you posted (The one in segmented body armor and the other with plumed helmet). I have other lads that will be there as US Civil War (North & South), & Russian WW II. However, this be one that Cantankerous and I be not attending. Fair winds, -Greydog
  2. This doesn't agree with what I have been told. I have been told that the ROGUE PRIVATEERS under Dan McGrew aka Duncan MacGregor are a critical centerpiece of the event, being involved in collecting the "booty" from each camp that is to be used by the charity events latter. Now, I have heard rumor that some priate groups from last year will not be back this year. I have not heard that the event will be sans pirates. Fair winds, -Greydog
  3. Actually it is a 44mm Cannon, that happens to be 1.73 inch and it was complete.
  4. The only problem I have had with customs is when the manufacturer marked my: "Replica year 1720 swivel gun, 1.73 inch, black powder" as "44mm Cannon, complete" By golly that slowed er down in customs fer a bit! Once shipped, I "normally" get shipments from Loyalist in Canada, eh, to So. Cal in 2-3 weeks. -Greydog
  5. Here's a rate of fire video from You Tube The military standards speak to 3 rounds per minute (1700's). This fellow is doing it in 46 seconds, and the last shot is a great example of what can happen if you are concentrating too much on speed and not on weapon function.
  6. I like that letter, very funny. Its from the 2000 election, and not written by John Cleese. Urban Legends Allegedly he does want to be a speech writer for Mr. Obama. Cleese wants to write for Obama- LA Times Blog However, I haven't seen this confirmed.
  7. Wow, ye be havin some rough weather. But, ye be havin a right fine attitude and be aimin fer the horizon. This storm shall pass as ye have already said. I hope ye gets a speedy recovery and back and about soonest. Thank ye so much fer the info on the Argentina lads. Till the morrow. -Greydog
  8. Do the Wild Imports supplier have a website or do you know their E-bay seller name? Thanks!
  9. TY for the info, that be a good endorsement to me. Please don't say YET! We'd like to be keepin ye around, just a bit longer.
  10. Don't worry about that happening again, Wild Imports is no longer around. The website's gone, e-mail get's rejected and land line is answered by a guy that says they're out of business. Does anybody have any feedback about Hern's larger gun tubes (Like the full scale 6 pounder)? They are a very good price, but their website goes to pains to state they are not for firing and you sign off as such to buy one.
  11. I get carded all the time. That AARP card has payed for itself 10 fold.
  12. Quote from the dress code page: Due to the adult theme of this event , the ample availability of alcohol, and the rowdy nature of pirates (just kidding), the venue will not allow weaponry of any kind on premises... Unquote Oh, good point, I only bring real weapons to children themed events!
  13. Thar be a difference?
  14. Tis always a joy it be to get to share time with the Black Hearted Pearl, that it truly be. Nay, I be not tryin to steal yer treasure chest, t'would be an ungentlemanly thing to do, and that be the truth. I just need to be assayin the weight to determin its value, an act recognized for lawful purposes by the King Himself. I be an authorized inspector with a badge of office and duly deputized by Royal Govenor Hefner. Fair winds, -Greydog
  15. The Caribbean Monk Seal is extinct. After five years of futile efforts to find or confirm sightings of any Caribbean monk seals — even just one — the U.S. government on Friday announced that the species is officially extinct and the only seal to vanish due to human causes. "Caribbean monk seals were first discovered during Columbus’s second voyage in 1494, when eight seals were killed for meat," the fisheries service noted. "Following European colonization from the 1700s to 1900s, the seals were exploited intensively for their blubber, and to a lesser extent for food, scientific study and zoological collection. Blubber was processed into oil and used for lubrication, coating the bottom of boats, and as lamp and cooking oil. Seal skins were sought to make trunk linings, articles of clothing, straps and bags." Complete Story on MSN
  16. A grand welcome back it be! I am not knowin ye from the first time around, bein new meself, but sure enough it be time to fix that thar deficiency. Tis wonderful to have ye among us, and now that we be hain a bit of class in the room, I be glad to be havin that thar beer. Fair winds and a grand time to ye, -Greydog
  17. Tomorrow be the day lads, we make land at Big Bear!
  18. Try the book: Pirates on the West Coast of New Spain, 1575-1742 by Peter Gerhard
  19. I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler for the weekends I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler Just sold my 1946 CJ-2a Jeep On land my jeep gets me anywhere I want, road or no road. It makes a fine gun platform as well, just don't go bigger than a six pounder in portee. They be great for boarding actions too, just pop the roof off, drop the windshield and its Boarders Away. Aye, storage can be a might tight, but once ye have boarded that other vehicle, well, ya then got another vehicle to haul the booty don't ya? Hmmm, the jeep kinda sounds like it's a great vehicle for pirates! Just because I got the time to list them and in order they be (not including motorcycles) 1948 CJ-2a Jeep (1970 sold 1974) 1972 Camaro SS (1972 sold 1979) 1974 Ford Courier Pickup (1976 sold 1980) 1979 Olds Cutlass (1979 sold 1984) 1984 Olds Cutlass (1984 sold 1994) 1946 CJ-2a Jeep (1984 sold 2008) 1994 Chevy S-10 Pickup (1994 sold 1996) 1996 Jeep Wrangler (1996 wrecked 2000) 2000 Jeep Wrangler (2000 to present)
  20. The "Green" materials tend to be harder than lead. In a smothbore the bullet is just going down the barrel, so it won't matter much, if at all. If you were firing a rifle-musket or rifle this becomes a different discussion. In shotguns some claim that shot does not fly or pattern as well when its not lead. Regardless steel shot is common these days, as ducks can eat spent steel shot and survive, but if they eat spent lead shot...you got it, their a dead duck. In California to hunt waterfowl you may only use "green" (i.e. non-toxic) shot, which is approved per the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Here's a related article about why "green" shot/bullets are required in some areas: Lead threat to Condors
  21. It's been out a few months. It will play again. A first rate show!
  22. Not names I made up, but rather some real PUB names: The Cock and Bottle Frog And Nightgown The Nobody Inn Nowhere Inn Particular
  23. Tis true. I sat thar with rum in hand and all perplexed as it were lookin at an electronic porthole that be all white with an error message, perplexed I be. So, I had a sip of me rum and waited, then had another sip as it were and time went by. Sure enough come Monday and thar be the pub back a shinin through me porthole. If’n it t’werent fer me rum, I might have wasted the weekend, as it were. -Greydog
  24. Many happy returns to Blackhearted Pearl! And hars to her havin a right fine event up thar at Fawnskin this comin weekend. I hope to be a seein er thar. Fair winds, -Greydog
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