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Everything posted by blackbonie

  1. more often than not i see bigger guys with thinner women,and thin men with bigger women.i dont think a persons preference has anything to do with their own size.
  2. lol. and its the very skinny girls that wouldve been considered ugly in almost every century but this one (well and the last one too,lol)
  3. i searched for the famous thread about tattoos on here but never found it so i started one. didnt get much response and disappeared. tattoos are my LIFE (im a tattoo artist by profession and huge collector). tho there isnt any evidence stating they did have tats,i also dont believe we know that they didnt.i think its totally possible depending where one traveled.
  4. i dont get it
  5. i was just trying to get a pic to make a sig and came out with a couple neat (but all too blurry) ones.the first one just has a cool effect of oil lamp or candlelight (totally unplanned) and the second is just plain scary! id jump ship if i saw me coming aboard! lol (a camera flash just doesnt suit me) . all i had available to make my sig is Paint. so does it look ok? is it too big,etc?
  6. lol.i could see that happening! i have been hand sewing costumes (and some machine sewing) for about 20 years now.i just never did anything historically accurate. and i agree about the people that complain about others costumes at events.i just like looking at everyones and remarking on the parts i do like.
  7. i have a detailed poster of it from the movie guidebook.its bigger than my scanner screen but i could do it in pieces,if you still need it
  8. i like that idea.ive been meaning to make a sig anyway (even tho i know i wont be nominated its still a good shove) ive always liked lady barbosa's sig
  9. im so glad to hear someone else say that.i was beginning to think i was the only here not obsessed with historical details. my frock coat is almost done and is completely hand sewn accept for the main trim around the hem(seams dont show). everything else is by hand.
  10. Stupid? not at all! I spent way too much time reenacting the 50's (in a James Dean kind of way) lol.i think thats why im still single- i havent found a guy like James dean yet.
  11. wow i cant wait to see it.
  12. these buttons sound great. cant wait to get them
  13. how so? ive said nothing stupid
  14. i always wanted to find a group to reenact the 50s and early 60s.i love the whole greaser thing
  15. thanks ill try that.the head is the only thing that seems off to me. animals and people too usually are my specialty,but the rules for drawing tattoos is slightly different tha nother artwork.
  16. well i actually did copy the pose from one of those in a book i have.lol.i guess i have to give her a name befitting a war plane now.
  17. so you think i need help? im a professional artist and i always thought i was good. its not ink its pencil heres a better pic.i only had my cheap color pencils with me.my prismacolors were at home.
  18. unfortunately alot of people are.loo at the number of people viewed the threads like "britney spears naked".i just mean to say that they are getting alot of exposure (no pun inteded)
  19. oh how id love to see tim curry as a pirate! i can only imagine how well it suits him.but i cant justify $67!
  20. what if you could make it harder/take longer to join? not difficult really,but maybe having to wait 24 hours,or having to send a reply email of why you want to join.maybe that would deter spammers? i dont know.
  21. the pencil drawn one WILL be a tattoo.i like it better with no tats tho. in the contest it has to be done in exactly 2 hours,leaving me little time for extra details. the judges will choose the best overall tattoo done in that 2 hour time period.ill be lucky to finish all the details already on it.
  22. these are just a couple things i drew at work.just id share with people who might them (might not). the second has a too-big head.ill fix it later.im gonna be tattooing it on someone for a contest im entering. . they didnt scan very well,the first has very nice color and the second was shaded very smoothly
  23. thanks :) lol.i despise tribal,old english,and now nautical stars.i love doing cletic,animals,and cartoon.this link should bring to my gallery,if youre interested. http://www.tattooartists.com/tattoos/showg...500/ppuser/1819
  24. those are very cool.something to think about.i just dont like the shape of the heel. they would be good for faires tho.
  25. if you have some sewing experience i would just alter the pattern of a smaller one,like 2x i think is the largest normally.usually they just need some altering on the more vertical edges.hard to explain tho.i used to do it for me ex- now i have costumes that are way too big for me.lol
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