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Everything posted by blackbonie

  1. well i know black inks used up until the 1980s did turn bluish after a few years. newer ones have been reformulated not to do that. maybe something similar occured there?
  2. id like to say i would go back hundreds of years, but as a woman i know that wouldnt be fun. i would go back to the 50s where women were also pretty free, life was simpler,styles were cute,music was good,the earth wasnt overpopulated. no i havent been there but i know people who have. lol if i were a man i would go back to ancient rome.
  3. i dont believe that. ive been dressing as a "fantasy pirate" for 10 years. im sure many others have too. i think the movies got more people intrested because it put the pirate thing out there. i used to have a hard time finding pirate stuff but now its everywhere.its a good thing,not a bad thing. as far as the elizabethan sea dogs thing,if you could get it out into the general public where people see it,who knows.
  4. agreed.i admit to knowing less about history than most of you,but i do know that alot of history that is documented is actually hear-say.it might have been hear-say hundreds of years ago,but it is hear-say. practically folklore at some times ,theres a fine line . documentation seems to be proof to some of you,what about all the documentation about mermaids and sea serpents? do they exist then?
  5. silkie i love thaT! its beautiful! and Dorian i love that sea-horse/creature,its very unique. heres a couple of mine- i have 27 in all, so far. all of them have special meaning to me.
  6. where was the line crossed? i just want to know so that i dont accidently cross it.imnot being sarcastic here either, im serious
  7. youre the first person here ive seen wear bracers.i have several pairs myself but im also into medieval/fantasy costumes.i havent dared wear my bracers in pirate costume becuase i know i would be made fun of. i like the look tho oh what does LARP mean?
  8. that was the one thing i wanted to hear all along.its what i was trying to say from the beginning. my original statement: "tho there isnt any evidence stating they did have tats,i also dont believe we know that they didnt.i think its totally possible depending where one traveled.
  9. thats the easiest part- the design would depend on where they got the tattoo,geographically. tattoos werent done then like they are now- just finding pictures on the wall or somebodys name
  10. speaking for myself and my friends who go for fun,as paying customers, we dont go to get a history lesson,or to be judged in a fashion show,we just go to have fun and see everyones costumes,watch jousting,etc,buy swords,axes,etc, and just not care what anyone thinks.its kindof annoying to know that when im there people are looking down their nose at me for not being just like them. does anyone else here go just for fun and not work there?
  11. just scrolling thru all the pages of the members in their garb (the one on the rabblerousing board) is very inspiring. i have to admit i have saved a few of the pics to my pc just for ideas on future projects- not to copy,just for inspiration
  12. why not? if theyre only in it for fun? i really dont understand the problem here.
  13. ive been hand embroidering for years and never had colors run. maybe the type of floss? i use DMC mostly
  14. im SO glad scientists throughout the centuries didnt think that way.
  15. not wierd, unless she specialized in pirate costumes. otherwise she probably just covered too wide variety to concentrate much on one.
  16. well since i only go to renaisasance fairs for fun i dont care if i im out of place- its no different than people wearing 21st century clothing at the ren fair right? and its the one place i can wear pirate costumes without being totally wierd (only a little). well at disneyland too
  17. omg like the original daffy duck, chasing people around with axes and throwing knives at them.i miss those
  18. ok im back. tho i technically left the site i did keep an eye on this discussion and was surprised to see how much thought people put into it.i fully expected to be flamed and the topic dropped.tattoos seemed to be a very unpopular thing here (on the other boards as well). i do know how the boards work, i just see alot of up-turned noses at non-historically accurate stuff on all the boards. so i will just watch and learn about stuff but keep my cotton/rayon blend machine-sewn costumes to myself and i guess not everyone here is so intolerant. some need to learn to take things less seriously tho. not getting a tattoo because of historical accuracy is just wierd.and tho i have 27 mostly large tattoos i still keep them covered when im in garb.its easy
  19. i wasnt implying that.i was simply stating a point- that being authentic is cool but you have to draw the line somewhere and admit that you arent really an 18th century pirate,no one is. this forum claims to cater to historical AND fantasy, but everyone here seems very intolerant of anything not historically correct.if someone joins here and just does this as a hobby,and has a life in the 21st century,they are not taken seriously.so im not gonna bother posting on this forum anymore because i do know its pretend. ill still browse and look at pictures and get info but thats it. you should just change the site heading to state that this is for serious reenactors only and not for fun.
  20. im probably alittle late in this reply,but i love this Blackbeard movie,and i really liked the guy who played blackbeard (didnt like maynard tho)
  21. i just read a small one called 101 things to know about irish history.its pretty informed recap of all of irelands history fromthe days of prehistory to now. im about to start "the expressions of emotions in man and animals" from darwin.
  22. i like that one with the black heart
  23. Take it from the lady who has made a CAREER going NUTS over details and making PERIOD CORRECT patterns when the piles of others weren't QUITE accurate enough. If SHE says its going a BIT to far, it probably is. Don't me Kass. And STOP TRYING TO LOOK UP MY KILT AND PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!! this all made me think of something else too. do you guys just not shower for months before anevent? and not brush your teeth? cause that would be"period" wouldnt it? lol. no being 100% accurate is cool as long as you know reality exists too (unfortunately)
  24. non-religious people get cross tattoos because they see one that looks cool and copy that person. i often ask the customer the reason for their tattoo and i very often hear "i saw this person with it and it looked awesome",or some variation of that same reply.i dont think that is a good reason to choose a tattoo,but its a very common one.
  25. i guess what i really mean to say is if you want tattoos get them,and dont worry if they are period.this isnt the 18th century and no amount of pretending will make it so,no matter how fun it is.dressing as a pirate is something you do,tattoos are who you are and yes you should know the meanings of things before getting them inked,but if you have loved a particular design for months and have wanted it,get it. you only live once you guys know history,but i know tattoos.
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