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Capt Grey

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Posts posted by Capt Grey

  1. I missed "Master and Commander" in the theaters but I picked up the DVD yesterday and watched it. Wonderful film! This is only the second movie I've ever bought the video without seeing it first.

    It was also nice to see "Pippin" in there as well (as the helmsman). :blink:

  2. Aye, laddie. I were partly joshin' with ye. I be a major player in several SW clubs and I gots t'defend me honor.

    If ye wants t'whine about Star Wars then go to the FanForce site. Me own little group gots plenty o' whinin' pups on our board. :huh:

  3. **draws sword and glares around the room**

    The first one who mentions "franchise" in the same breath as Star Wars, I'll have yer guts fer garters. :rolleyes:

    Like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars be a multi-chapter story. The entire story were born in the late '60s, early '70s. Aye, they be makin' lots o'money fer it - but they also be their own production company which takes a lot o' money t'be. Aye there be plenty o'merchandising tie-ins, as there always were since 1977.

    And don't be callin' Star Wars fans "whiney" when ye be whinin' yerselves on this here board.

    **slams sword back into scabbard** And that be my 2-dubloons worth!

  4. Ye still be a young'un, lad. But I doffs me hat and quaffs me run in a toast t'yer birthday. May there be many, many more.


    (And thank'ee Red Maria fer the words t'the Viking Birthday song; been tryin' t'get them fer a while. B) )

  5. I used to have a rather thick neck (of course, post surgery, my neck is two sizes smaller) and that could be why it felt odd.  Unbuttoned, it felt okay.

    Pardon me for asking, but what kind of surgery takes 2 inches off your neck? I have a husband with a thick skull. Can they do this kind of surgery on his head?

    I find a 2x4 very handy, Pearl. :lol:

  6. Well done, Penny! Huzzah! :huh:

    But fer dressin as a man, me friend does Obi-Wan Kenobi - complete with beard which takes over two hours to apply (and people don't know he's a she). :ph34r: And her Indiana Jones takes 4 hours to apply the stubble.

  7. Be ye goin' t'Comic-Con, blackbeards_ghost? Will there be preview copies there?

    I tries t'make it t'all the booths, but it be gettin' harder and harder as the dang convention gets bigger and bigger - plus my time workin' at me own booth. :ph34r:

  8. Arrrrr, a wee bairn t'join the crew! A toast t'yer healthy child and wife, matey. :lol:

    I know me own cabin boy likes Captain Feathersword o'the Wiggles. There be many fine pieces o'treasure fer wee pirates there. Check e-Bay or the Wiggles own web site.

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