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Capt Grey

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Posts posted by Capt Grey

  1. And fer the lasses, Captain Hook be a hot and sexy beast! :P


    Ooooh, this captain be feelin' all hot n' bothered now. 'Scuse me whiles I takes a swim in t'cold ocean.... :blink:

  2. Highly recommended. A much better telling of the tale.

    Actually I loved the faries in this film (or torturing thereof - see signature below). Tinkerbell had real attitude - would have made a great pirate.

    Mr. Isaacs' "behind-the-scenes" video was hilarious. :(

  3. I been watchin' (and watchin' and watchin') the new Peter Pan on DVD. I saw it in the theaters and were rootin' fer the pirates the whole time.

    Now that I've seen it several times on DVD, I realize there are a TON of references to budding sexuality. And Jason Isaacs as Hook makes me drool all over the place. :ph34r:


  4. Aye, it were a good show. But all them fuzzy, slow-motion video shots hurt me head; and it didn't let me see them actors proper.

    I, too, spotted Scupper in the courtroom scene. Good on ye, mates! A toast t'a job well-done. :huh:

  5. Now afore some o'ye lads and lassies what knows this Disney movie gets yer undergarments in a bunch, this is related to piracy.

    In the books by Russell Thorndike, Dr. Syn were a pirate fer a time by the name of Captain Clegg. Sos it be a fine pirate movie in me own opinion. Plus the fact that it ain't been available on video since the mid-1980s.

    The release date fer the DVD be in August. I will definitely be pre-ordering it since Patrick McGoohan be one o'me favorite actors and I LOVE this movie. :unsure:

  6. I'll hafta pass on the opportunity, I fear.

    I be up t'me eyeballs in projects and volunteer work. I be Team Captain for the upcoming Autism Walk (National Alliance for Autism Research) and also working with Children's Hospital here in San Diego for a big charity line next year for the opening of the last Star Wars movie.

    But thank'ee fer lettin' us know about the show, Bess. I be lookin' fer it on the idiot box. :unsure:

  7. Hmmmm, the only "hand-to-hand" combat I knows is cuttin' em off with me lightsaber! :o

    Do they needs any background folk just walkin' around? I kin probably gussie up me cabin boys right quick fer background stuff - although I'm sure there are PLENTY of others much closer who can as well.

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