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Capt Grey

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Posts posted by Capt Grey

  1. We may be pirates....but we be good people. :lol:

    This joker be askin' fer trouble.

    Just FYI Bess, ye (and the lawyers) can always contact e-Bay directly and ask that he be closed. They be very cooperative in that respect. I have me a friend who is an artist and I help keeps a weather eye out fer folks what steal and sell her work on e-Bay.

  2. Lookin' forward to meetin' you too Capt' !

    I've already met you so I'm runn'n like Hell from high tide when I see you!!! :lol:

    Actually I don't blame ye, lass. I don't call meself the "pesterin' pirate" fer nuthin'. :lol:

    I think all ye scallywags should be runnin' fer cover when I steps aboard. Me signature bar below were custom made fer me. :lol:

  3. Thankee, lass. I knew I were missing a few pieces.

    That's right, because Katzenberg was really pissed off that Eisner wouldn't promote him to Wells's position, or that Eisner didn't take Wells's postion and give Katzenberg his spot (memory be a bit fuzzy here - too much rum). So he left and started Dreamworks with Speilberg and Geffen (?). He is the "K" in SKG. :rolleyes:

  4. I thought them Disney lawyers had folks scouring e-Bay and the net lookin' fer this kind o'stuff.

    I had several promotional items from the original Harry Potter movie that I mistakenly sold on e-Bay. Warner's shut me down completely and my contact said I did a big no-no (promotional items given out by the studio cannot be sold); I made many apologies, offered to give them the money that had been made (I was working for a girl's web site and the money was used to keep it running since the owner wouldn't take advertising dollars), so I know they are keeping track of that stuff.

  5. Ah Steele, ye be bringin' up some o'me favorites when I were a child.

    Especially ZOOM and wonderful show called "The Electric Company" that taught reading and grammer. Actually, me oldest cabin boy watches the new ZOOM and I be reminiscin' to him about the "old days" before e-mail and the internet.

    Being a fan of animation I have to admit that some of the new shows are AWESOME. I love Samurai Jack on Cartoon Network and Jimmy Neutron on Nickelodeon. Since their creators are "my age", there are several references that just crack me up but my kids don't get.

    Disney hit a snag in the 1970s with Walt's son-in-law, Ron Miller, at the helm. By hiring Frank Wells and Michael Eisner in the 1980s, the studio saw a rebirth in classic animation beginning with "The Little Mermaid". Unfortunately Frank Wells died in an accident in 1993 or 1994 (Bess will probably remember) and things have been going downhill from there.

    Eisner was taking all the credit for the hits, but with Wells gone we all found out who the real brains and heart of the operation were. :rolleyes:

  6. Ahoy maties, I be gettin' anxious fer this get-together and I thought I'd bump up this thread.

    It be only a little over a month away now and hopefully I'll have me frock coat done by then. :rolleyes:

    I be lookin' forward t'meetin' me board brethren.

  7. The stockholders of Disney should call to arms and rid Disney of their terrible curse.

    We did. Almost 70% of the votes were against Michael Eisner being re-elected to his posts (Chairman of the Board and President of Disney).

    This was uprecedented in the history of shareholder meetings and Wall Street was very quick to take notice. However, the board of Disney ignored the will of the stockholders and merely asked Eisner to step down as Chairman. He was replaced with one of his cronies, so he still holds power over the board.

    Very sad. And as Bess said, it looks like he's going to run the company into the ground before he leaves in 2006. Evil man. :lol:

  8. (Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH!  :( )

    (Lifting up a small, gooy blob from the deck and lift'n it in yer direction)

    Uh.... this be yer spleen lass?? :(

    Uh, sorry 'bout the mess there, lassie. :(

  9. LOL!  :ph34r:   Why am I not surprised they were at Comic-Con.

    It be hard t'be a closet nerd when yer spotted at that annual geek-fest.

    Oooooooooooooo I'd not call then nerds.

    Not by a LONG shot!! :ph34r:

    Actually I weren't speakin' o'them as "nerds"; although I be a long-standin' one and proud of it. :ph34r:

    I be speakin' o'folks like Jude Law and others who are coming "out" about being comic book/fantasy/sci-fi fans.

  10. I'm a bit behind on this whole deal. Why don't they get rid of him? :ph34r:

    Um, back in March the shareholders voted overwhelmingly to "get rid" of Michael Eisner, but his hand-picked board of cronies will not do that. They would rather run the company into the ground than get rid of him.

    Roy Disney, the last family member working at the company, resigned in protest because of Eisner and his stupid, egotistical decisions.

    Yes the company is losing TONS of money in all things Disney: theme parks, movies, merchandising, you name it. Stockholders are hopping mad at the way the company is being mismanaged but they are being largely ignored (speaking as a stockowner).

    For more information on the Disney-debacle, go to Save Disney

    (Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH! :ph34r: )

  11. **scratches head as she looks at the dates**

    Well mate, I'm not quite sure when yer birthday took place but it seems I be late anyways.

    Hope it were a good one, Captain Gary. Fair winds t'the only REAL captain on the boards. A toast t'ye! :ph34r:

  12. Christine, here is the description from the script (borrowed from SimplyScripts.com, content is copyrighted to the writers and Disney):

    NORRINGTON, a dashing young man, Royal Navy to

    the core, glares sternly at Gibbs. Standing beside him is GOVERNOR

    WEATHERBY SWANN, a man of obvious high station, brass buttons on

    his thick blue jacket. He is Elizabeth's father.

    (Chuckle) You guys...

    I'll see what I can find out next week, okay??


    We're just giving you excuses to go visit the writers, Bess. :ph34r:

  13. I cut out the pieces tonight and the frock coat definitely has some width at the bottom. I am so excited about this.

    I even found some fantastic grey tapestry/upholstery fabric for my coat! B)

    Fortunately this will give me an opportunity to screw up my coat before I try to make one for someone else. I will never claim to be a seamstress, just a hack. B)

  14. Ah lassie, you be makin' me old heart swell with affection fer ye.

    Ye didn't have t'tell us nuthin' and we would not have asked because of what happened earlier. But ye be a right staunch friend o'the pub fer sharin' with us.

    I tips me hat t'ye. When we next gets together, the drinks are on me! B)

  15. Aye Lady B, I just picked this pattern up whilst I were on me trip last week. It be a right nice reproduction fer a commercial pattern. I too, noticed the historically accurate breeches. :D

    I bought it at Wal-Mart where all patterns are 1/2 price all the time (so $8 instead of $16). Me first mate wants t'be Jack but I wants me a Captain Hook fancy-coat.

    Upholstery Fabric Outlet here I come!

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