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Capt Grey

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Posts posted by Capt Grey

  1. There needs to be a "Not authentic at all" selection. :lol:

    Which, of course, would be me. Modern fabrics, machine sewn, FrayCheck on the edges of the trim, and fusible webbing to hold it on. Oh, the buttons ARE hand-sewn.

    But I'm having fun, so that's what's important to me. :lol:

  2. This be the Plunder section, HarborMaster. We allows folks t'advertise their wares here because other members be lookin' fer swag. And Atala Syrcuse has participated in other threads in this topic.

    Rabble Rousing and Beyond Pyracy be t'place fer carousin' matey! :ph34r:

  3. I just been catching up on this thread and wanted t'let me mates know how proud I be o'their efforts.

    I had a chance to arrange a Make-A-Wish project for a little boy who wanted to be Anakin Skywalker. I could not believe how people rose up to volunteer whatever they could. I even secured a studio with greenscreen and a professional director, producer, and crew. The producer is a friend of Mark Hamill's (Luke) and asked Mark to drop by for a while (which he did!). It was an AWESOME experience.


    I, too, am going to be editing the footage for a while. :ph34r:

    Isn't it amazing the wonderful things we can do when we work together? :)

  4. I has a 15 year old Singer that me sister gave t'me about 7 years ago. It be fine fer me Jedi costumes and such (lots of straight seams!). It won't touch dense fabrics or leather and I has the same problem as Rumba with fancy threads breakin' or ballin' up.

    And a new machine be low on me priority list as well...

    So just call me a wussie! <_<

  5. The photo needs to be on a server to be viewed here. It can't be directly uploaded from your own computer.

    Try to copy the address of the page the photo is on, then come to the forum and click on the Reply button. When the reply page comes up, click on the IMG button at the top, paste in the address and click OK. That should make the picture appear in the post.

    Just a note, make sure the picture isn't HUGE or else it will make everything stretch to the right.

  6. Matey, it weren't a waste if the lad enjoyed himself. I just don't know what gets into folks. :huh:

    And get yer pictures up sos we kin sees them. :huh:

    Me own cabin boys dress as Hogwarts students, but then we also go to the movie openings in costume as well as conventions; so they get a lot of use out o'their costumes.

    Me youngest cabin boy were Ash from the Pokemon series this Halloween and I made his jacket. But it were only intended fer trick or treatin' anyway.

  7. Yer a generous fellow, mate. But I be out of work and raising a family on one income. As beautiful as she is, I cain't offer her a home (especially since you're across the country from me).

    Have ye tried e-Bay motors? There be plenty o'collecters there.

  8. When the kids first started watchin' Sponge Bob I hated it, but after awhile I began to like it. Can't wait ta take the youngin's! :huh:

    We still do limit viewing time though, but Sponge Bob sure beats Fairly Odd Parents! :ph34r:

    Oh but Fairly Oddparents is so over-the-top it's funny. But then I like bad puns and other silliness.

    Their first "extended feature" had so many Star Wars references in the first five minutes I was howling with laughter! :huh:

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