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Capt Grey

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Posts posted by Capt Grey

  1. Great to hear that Roy Disney is back where he belongs. :D

    So Bess, when can I come up and visit? Maybe I'll bring my older son since he's into drawing.

    And Billy Bones, glad the pub is here for ya, lad. Your reports from location are very welcome. Them actors may get all the recognition but it's the crew what makes things happen. A toast t'ye, mate. ;)

  2. I kin open it up if ye wants, GoF. I just wanted to avoid all the "I'm interested" posts that don't add anything to the class.

    As the instructor, ye can post whatever ye likes afore the class begins.

    EDIT: Okay, I changed the warning to read that anything posted that doesn't directly pertain to the class will be deleted. :o

  3. Aye, Rumba lives not far from me own berth here in Escondido.

    I would love t'bring me crew down t'visit ye, but me cabin boys is sellin' popcorn for the Scouts and I has lightsaber practice tonight with me Star Wars group.

    We'll just catch up with ye at the Escondido Faire. :ph34r:

  4. What be the dates o'the Faire?

    Since I be ported about 5 minutes from t'Park I'll do me darndest t'make it there. Don't know if me cabin boys will join me or not, me oldest gets a mite embarassed when "Captain Grey" be around. :huh:

  5. Of course Stranglehold knows all about that latex stuff!  :lol:

    Hey!!! Oh wait, your right... :lol:

    That's why I'm a Star Fleet Officer for ST and an Imperial Officer in the 501st Stormtrooper Legion. I like to have my face out in the open; no latex or helmets for me. :D

    Unfortunately when I do events the kids never believe me when I tell them that (as an Imperial Officer) I'm in charge of the Stormtroopers. :lol:

  6. I be with Killian, I wish I had someone t'ride up there with - especially with t'price o'fuel these days. <_<

    Ace me lad, me Jedi knight persona be sending healing Force thoughts fer yer mate and me pirate one be cursin' t'powers that be (but also prayin' fer her recovery).

    What the Tales group be doin' is a mighty fine thing an' I wishes I could be there t'contribute (and try t'gets me one o'them Pintel portraits!).

  7. I gave the cafeterialady a copy of my pirate jokes to tell the kids today.

    Q: What's a pirate's favorite fast-food place?

    A: ARRRRRRby's.

    Q: Why do pirates never "walk the plank" in bare feet?

    A: They don't want to get a Long John sliver.

    Q: What do you get when you cross a zucchini with a cutlass-swinging pirate?

    A: A squashbuckler.

    Q: Where do buccaneers store their textbooks and gym clothes?

    A: Davy Jones' locker.

    Q: When would a pirate give his ship a coat of paint?

    A: When its timbers were shivering.

    Q: What is the difference between a pirate flag and a happy baseball player?

    A: One is a Jolly Roger and the other is a jolly Dodger.


  8. A toast t'me favorite pyrate holiday! ;)

    This be the event what sent me t'these waters fer the first time and I be ever so glad that I stayed.

    Last year I "invaded" me cabin boys' school in full pirate garb but this year I didn't have the time. So I gave a list of pirate jokes t'the lunch lady (Captain Debbie she be today) sos she could tell 'em t'the kids. ;)


    Q: What's a pirate's favorite fast-food place?

    A: ARRRRRRRby's

    Q: Why do pirates never "walk the plank" in bare feet?

    A: They don't want to get a Long John sliver.

    Q: What do you get when you cross a zucchini with a cutlass-swinging pirate?

    A: A squashbuckler.

    Q: Where do buccaneers store their textbooks and gym clothes?

    A: Davy Jones's locker.

    Q: When would a pirate give his ship a coat of paint?

    A: When its timbers were shivering.

    Q: What is the difference between a pirate flag and a happy baseball player?

    A: One is a Jolly Roger and the other is a jolly Dodger.

  9. I be warnin'....I mean, tellin' the staff at me cabin boys' school about our upcomin' day o'celebration. The lunch lady is goin' to participate an' I sent her t'the site fer some pirate-speak fer the day.

    I suggested she call herself 'Captain Debbie' (she goes by Miss Debbie) and that she be aboard the SS Cafetieria! B)


  10. Oh I LOVE the Cardiassian! I've never seen anyone do one before.

    Although I haven't been to "Grand Scam" in a few years....

    Dang, now I want to pull out my Admiral's uniform - except it's 100% wool and VERY hot. :rolleyes:

    (Note to self: In all my free time between autistic child in school/San Diego Star Wars Society/Scouting, I must join up with Stranglehold!) :rolleyes:

  11. Thanks for the suggestion, lassie.

    I've never been able to wear "regular" ladies boots. Even men's boots don't fit my calves.

    Another alternative is to take the boots to a leather shop and have a piece put in the back (called a "gusset"). That's what I've done for years.

  12. LOL. You sound like me, Capt Morgan. :P

    Too many costumes, too little time. Especially since the Harry Potter movie-makers have changed all the costumes (again!) for the new film coming out in November. I now have to make a new Professor McGonigal in addition to my son's Harry.

    And then there are the Halloween costumes that my kids want: younger son has settled on Jedi robes (thank goodness, I can do that with my eyes closed) but older son wants an outfit from a video game that is not out yet (Kingdom Hearts II).

    Nah, no pressure... :P

  13. Back to the costumes - do any of you have outfits that are on your "to do" or "wish" list for the future? I'd like to put a Gryffindor costume together (with a little help from Alivans.com), along with any female costume from SW. The storm trooper outfits look so neat, but I'm sure I'd end up claustrophobic in one.

    I've done both movie versions of the Hogwarts school robes, so I'd be happy to answer any questions, Cpt Sophia.

    And which "female" costume are you referring to in Star Wars? There were females in all roles (including some women in Stormtrooper gear in the original trilogy): Jedi, Senators, Royalty, Pilots.

    The problem with armor is that it is difficult to wear for long periods of time and there is some bruising involved where the pieces pinch (aka monkey bites). If you get claustrophobic I don't recommend it because the helmets feel close after a couple of hours.

    Also, armor requires a certain commitment because it comes untrimmed and un-assembled. Even for my Jedi General arm/leg pieces I spent about 40 hours - which may be why I haven't done the torso/abdomen pieces yet.

  14. Aye, the pictures be wonderful.

    And I warned ye I would stick out like a sore thumb amongst you cutthroats! :lol:

    (I'm in the "family photo" in Rumba's album with my First Mate and cabin boys.)

    Lookin' forward t'October Faire in Escondido. Only 3 miles from me home. :o

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