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Captain Pogue

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Everything posted by Captain Pogue

  1. Has anybody had any luck on finding some cool buckles. I've tried the net but it was mostly SCA buckles. A few interesting ones, but nothing worth noting for GAoP. Isn't their someone out there casting large buckles that could pass for GAoP, even as a long shot?
  2. There are a couple interesting ones here. I'm still looking for some myself. Sure I can get the Jack Sparrow ones... But I've limited myself to one Sparrow item or else become a Sparrow clone. I'd rather have clones of me than be someone else's clone... http://www.coghlinandupton.com/
  3. Wow. That is way too cool. That's all I can say as I turn green.
  4. Here's an updated picture of my outfit. Still looking for some fun funky period fabric for a waistcoat, anybody?
  5. I've got to agree with Pirate Petee. I like "pirate myth." Here is my most recent. Still need to get a waistcoat.
  6. More like three or four. I always like to keep momentos from past relationships...
  7. That was so cool. Shame it's just the one short.
  8. Thanks all. I'm really happy with how they turned out. They are based off of a pair of breeches I bought from C & D Jarnagin Company. The hard part was getting the breeches to fit better than my first pair. I could have stuffed a basketball down the front of the original pair. A guy likes some room and all but that was too much. The buttons are pretty cool too, see link below. I'm sure the they wouldn't pass the Pirate Inspectors, but I think they are pretty cool. Kudos to my seamstress. Cute as a button - Double Eagle
  9. He's a scallywag Pinching your purse that is his bag.
  10. Going off what Foxe said. I've always wondered what that many layers of clothing would be like in tropical climates. It always looked a bit uncomfortable. Then I saw the History channel show on the little ice age, global warming and all that. It eventually lead to wondering if the reason they could survive wearing the layers of clothing that they did was because the temperature was bit lower than today. Just my ponderings on it. I just can't see putting more clothes while I'm still in Texas, even a waistcoat seems crazy. Either that or the decrease in pirates really doe relate directly to the rising global temperatures.
  11. Well played Mad Cap! A true thespian.
  12. Here, here on the hemp linen. My new pants are way better than the cotton canvas old ones. Nothing like a fine breeze on the ol' block and tackle.
  13. demographics?
  14. Hey all! I've come across a couple sites with period fabric, but I'm still looking for some good waistcoat fabric. Something fun and funky! Any help? Thanks, Newly panted Pogue
  15. Thanks. I had a seamstress do the pants. I can do the leather items, just not the clothes... I had some mail order pants, but they just don't fit like custom pants. I'm very happy with them. Love your office, putting the fun back in funeral.
  16. I finally got my new pants and they fit like a dream. Feel comfy too. They were made with the hemp linen from RH. I'll be getting some pics of the whole getup on here after this weekend. Oh, yeah I finished my scabbard too. I wanted it to be PC with it but with a flare. Not sure how well I pulled it off. Newly panted Pogue
  17. What? No love for Texas? How can that be?
  18. Lady Barbossa, I like where your coming from. Does anybody know a good site to find period fabrics with patterns. I really want to keep the basic clothes PC . Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
  19. Patrick, Gotcha on the red waistcoat. Not so much garrish being a problem, just the red and black being commonly worn. Yeah, I'm trying to carefully piece everything together. I'm not really taking my hair or complexion in to account, my wife probably is when she gives me feed back. But I'm approaching my outfit along the same lines as Mary Diamond, placing importance on looking good instead of just cobbling it together. As they really did... Not to say that your kit doesn't look good... Still waiting for the Queer eye pirate episode for my kit... Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. I'll take a closer look at the Slops Contract to pull some other colors out. I'd love to have a red waistcoat though, just not with my black pants... just a too stereotypical... Mary, Thanks for the pattern suggestion. Yeah, I don't want anything too bulky since I will be wearing my belts over it. My wife likes the green suggestion too. MrSnailGrave, Thanks I made the holster, glad you like it. Thanks all!
  20. I'd love to do red, but that is a bit over done. I like the green idea, I can't think of any other green I'm planning for the outfit... Yet Blue is one of my favorite colors. What shades of Blue were PC? Thanks, I'm planning on a new holster in the future. It'll have more of a saddle holster look to make it a bit more period mixed with a bit of Cossack cartridge holder for a flair of the exotic, yet period. Depending if I can get some silver caps for the tops of the cartridges...
  21. I tried to sneak this in under My Garb to keep from starting a new thread. Mr. Grave generously kicked in his 2 pence, but I was hoping to get some more opinions. I'm starting to look at waistcoats. I've decided to go with a Reconstructing History pattern, 30 Helens agree RH has some of the best patterns. Yeah, quite a few pubbers...(oh hell you know what I mean) agree too. But the question is which one would go with what I have so far, I'm not sure where I fit in GAOP. I've tried to stay closer to the late GAOP period... (Now imagine a bunch of pirates wearing khakis swing dancing and GAOP appears on the screen at the end) Alright I miscounted, there is another question. That question is; what color would work best? I've got black pants. I've got to be careful what color I choose because I don't want to cheapen the color by combining it with black pants... and I don't want to go for the Amish Pirate look... Brown is probably out of the question, because I'll be wearing belts that I want to stand out. I'm trying to keep the basic clothing as PC as possible. Any and all opinions are welcome. Some maybe laughed at or mocked, but it'll only be done in the privacy of my home Thanks everyone, don't forget to eat your limes! This is what is on my right leg. And these are my new bootstraps. I read somewhere that the Amish are actually one group you can openly make fun of on the internet.
  22. I'll give you that they're probably cooler than breeches. Looking good is it's own reward...
  23. Lady Barbosa, I've thought about going the route of world traveller pirate or pirate but from asia. Everything I come up with looks like a pirate with a katana, which is Patrick Hand's gig, or a big blonde guy dressed like a japanese person. The last one always seems a bit odd and difficult to explain... I'm slowly trying to breakout out of the typical pirate look with some of my accessories, like my 1717 tactical holster. It's not really visible in the pic, it's the big thing strapped to my right leg. I'd have to agree with you, adding some fantasy is great. We're dressing up like people in a past era not hinered by their level of technology and blessed with centuries more experience. Why shouldn't we bring some of that into it. I've never been keen on dressing up like a common sailor. I've worked too hard in my life to stand out and get ahead to be common in my dress up Just don't want to look like a peacock, blasted birds... Still hoping for some more input on the waistcoat. I want to go with an RH pattern that seems to fit the time period of my look. Not sure if I'm early or late... Also, any color suggestions to go with black pants. Thanks for the suggestion Mr Snail Grave, I definitely want to go with a longer waistcoat. Yours is coming along nicely, I like how you've got your hat better in that last picture. Just on a garb sidenote. I love breeches, can't stand slops. Maybe it's my body shape. Anyone else feel the same way. Breeches over slops, accuracy be damned!
  24. October 20th and 21st is the Pirate Weekend for the Texas Ren Fest. Will anyone from the pub be going?
  25. I've got my new pants coming soon and I'm starting to think about a waistcoat. I'm hoping I can get some input on a RH waistcoat pattern, fabric, and maybe some colors. I pretty much have the basics; pants, shirt, cravat. I'm including my outfit as of May this year since I don't have any more recent pics, just the little stuff has changed anyway. I appreciate any advice. (still pantless but not for much longer) Pogue
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