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Captain Pogue

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Everything posted by Captain Pogue

  1. Twill, ah. Is there a post somewhere that lists some good books to research for pictures? It has been a while since I had to do historical research, back in the ol'college days. Entirely different culture as well. Some pointers would be tremendously helpful. Other than hitting the local public library and pulling everything on 17th and 18th century.
  2. Kinda off topic... CrazyCholeBlack - What is 'Cries of London' ? Patrick - What is Twill?
  3. Researching over lunch... How correct are these galleries? They are extensive. It looks like the pilgrim hat evolves a bit thru the years, same general shape... If the galleries are correct. 17th Century hats 18th Century hats
  4. I've done some searching and found the exact style I was talking about, the Capotain. It doesn't look like a cocked hat blank would quite cut it though. Any ideas where I could find a hat blank for it? What about making one out of leather? Is there a precendence for a leather hat, besides Jack Sparrows? Also, I'd love to hear more input on the different hat styles that are appropriate. Wiki Capotain Village Hat Shop Gallery
  5. From what I've read about proper GAoP headwear it is pretty much the cocked hat, monmouth(sp?), and thrum(sp). I've seen another hat style, a bit taller than a tricorn, flat on top, and the brim is down. If that is the proper way to put it. Somewhat like a pilgrim hat without the buckle. Right now I'm watching Yellowbeard, not the best source for piratical ideas I know... But, Blind Pew is wearing that style of hat. Is it historically accurate, if so does it have a name? Thanks, Pantless Pogue (still)
  6. After reading all yout input I'm leaning towards hemp canvas. Thank you all again for your help. Keep yer wits about ya, I might be asking some more questions. Reconstructing History - Hemp Canvas Pantless Pogue
  7. Patrick, Where do you get hemp canvas? How does it wear compared to cotton canvas; is it hotter than cotton canvas? Does it need to have a lining? How does twill compare to both? I really don't know the paticulars of the fabrics to make a good decision. I'm currently in Texas looking at moving to Portland, so temperature is an issue. I'm not in any big hurry. I've got a seamstress that is going to go off of my current knee breeches (C&D Jarnagin Co.) , so it'll probably be machine sewn. Thanks for all the input, PP
  8. Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it. Now I gotta track down some fabric and buttons
  9. I was wondering if I could get some help on picking a fabric for my next pair of breeches. I've got a black pair, but I want to go with something lighter, like a dark tan or dark green. I'm looking for something to go with a pair of black boots. Eventually leading to a matching waistcoat... Despite the boots I want to keep the breeches historically accurate. I'm at a loss for historically accurate colors and fabrics. I've hit the internet and I'm torn between doing a wool or cotton canvas. Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks. Pantless Pogue
  10. I finally got pictures of me and mine in our garb from Scarborough.
  11. Thank you. I've been working on it for the past four months. Aye, it is a ramrod holder. Me pistol doesn't have one. It's not a real ramrod, I cobbled it together from a dowel rod and lamp pieces. I call it me 1711 tactical holster. It's carried on a waist belt and has another belt to secure it to me thigh. I'm looking to find just the right primer flask so I can afix some more straps to hold it on.
  12. This seemed like a fitting thread to post this in. I'm curious to what other people think. My wife thinks it is cool, I hope she does. Why marry someone if they don't think some of the things you do are cool? This was my first leather project I completed a couple weeks ago. I tried to keep a period feel to it, as if it could be possible. Thanks, Pogue
  13. Not familiar with the Brotherhood of the Gulf. Just recently came out of the bilge... Does that have the same connotation as coming out of the closet? Anyone else from the Pub be going?
  14. Givin an ahoy out. May 19th and 20th is Pirate Weekend at Scarborough Ren Fair in Texas. It'll be me first fair with me Pirate pants on.
  15. Mega Block has the POTC license. I bought the Black Pearl and it is really cool. I like the guys better than Legos as well. Plus you can use Lego blocks with Mega Blocks. Did I mention they are cheaper than Legos... Pogue
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